Conservatives and Liberals unite!

This is something that EVERYONE...liberals, progressives, democrats, new conservatives, tea party, republicans, libertarians....should be against. Check it out:

Why We Should Oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership
You lost me at the beginning:

"There are always winners and losers in free trade. The winners are the one percent -- the wealthy at the top. The losers are the ninety-nine percent -- the rest of us."

If you want to hook Conservatives, please don't choose a column that parrots your typical liberal 1% vs 99% bullshit.
This is something that EVERYONE...liberals, progressives, democrats, new conservatives, tea party, republicans, libertarians....should be against. Check it out:

Why We Should Oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership

Thats the first time I've every seen TCturd post the words "Tea Party" without some derogatory, insulting, ridicule about them....

On the question of fast-track authority, 62 percent of respondent opposed the idea, with 43 percent “strongly” opposing it. Broken down by political affiliation, only Democrats that identify as “liberal” strongly favor the idea. Predictably, a strong Republican majority oppose giving the president such authority, with both conservative and moderates oppose it by a ratio of 85 percent or higher. And perhaps most important: 66 percent of respondents who identified as independent, meaning they have no party affiliation and are a key voting constituency, oppose the idea.
Thats the first time I've every seen TCturd post the words "Tea Party" without some derogatory, insulting, ridicule about them....

On the question of fast-track authority, 62 percent of respondent opposed the idea, with 43 percent “strongly” opposing it. Broken down by political affiliation, only Democrats that identify as “liberal” strongly favor the idea. Predictably, a strong Republican majority oppose giving the president such authority, with both conservative and moderates oppose it by a ratio of 85 percent or higher. And perhaps most important: 66 percent of respondents who identified as independent, meaning they have no party affiliation and are a key voting constituency, oppose the idea.

I'm pretty surprised by the breakdown of those numbers. In general I would think more Republicans would support free trade than Democrats and definitely wouldn't think liberals would be very supportive. Maybe the numbers had more to do with Obama than the idea of free trade, I don't know.
I'm pretty surprised by the breakdown of those numbers. In general I would think more Republicans would support free trade than Democrats and definitely wouldn't think liberals would be very supportive. Maybe the numbers had more to do with Obama than the idea of free trade, I don't know.

Yeah, thats what we're always led to believe....
Oddly enough, this Trans Pacific Partnership has been batted around since 2006....long before Obama.
This is something that EVERYONE...liberals, progressives, democrats, new conservatives, tea party, republicans, libertarians....should be against. Check it out:

Why We Should Oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership

You forget the Forum you are on. I've posted about the TPP before and no one cared. They don't want to read all the text, they just want to troll. So I'll just say what I (THINK) I know about the TPP.

Americans use to have the right to know what is in the things they ingest, what they eat. TPP allows large corporations to hide the contents from the public they are selling the goods to. It was slipped into a bill that had nothing to do with the TPP and Congress votes yes for the main topic (this is called pork barrel, bad bill slip in with good bills yet some good bills are turned down because of the bad bills attached)

TPP has been called the new NAFTA. Lots of food shipped to our Country with the least amount of regulation .

Obama is on the budget for TPP and is trying to fast track this bill through Congress so they don't notice it. The Leftists I read about care about EVERYTHING they eat.


My opinion is, "The public has the right to know if something will harm their health"
Then what is Free Trade?

Free trade is your kids eating Lead Paint off of toys. Lots of profit, lots of Libertarians happy, yet lots of kids with medical issues. I would like to ask you when the KIDS Liberty is part of this debate. I think the kid has the most Liberty when they live in a Country that doesn't have to read every label. Yet today this isn't even true. Today I read that the sippy cups that children drink out of aren't safe, covered by money.

You have a lot of thinking on what is "Liberty".....Profit isn't everything..
The only hope for America, not that it will happen, is for America's conservatives and liberals to unite against Obama. At the present time Obama, the Consummate Fraud, has been exposed by his record, but more importantly by his idiotic Obamacare legacy which instead of lowering the healthcare costs by $ 500 for the taxpayer, as touted by the pathological liar Obama, has instead raised the costs to the average taxpayer by ~$ 2500 whilst 50% of America does not have to work, and enjoys free health care together with 13 million Illegal immigrants.
The only hope for America, not that it will happen, is for America's conservatives and liberals to unite against Obama. At the present time Obama, the Consummate Fraud, has been exposed by his record, but more importantly by his idiotic Obamacare legacy which instead of lowering the healthcare costs by $ 500 for the taxpayer, as touted by the pathological liar Obama, has instead raised the costs to the average taxpayer by ~$ 2500 whilst 50% of America does not have to work, and enjoys free health care together with 13 million Illegal immigrants.

The only hope for America is that they lock up you nutters before you start murdering people!
You lost me at the beginning:

"There are always winners and losers in free trade. The winners are the one percent -- the wealthy at the top. The losers are the ninety-nine percent -- the rest of us."

If you want to hook Conservatives, please don't choose a column that parrots your typical liberal 1% vs 99% bullshit.

Why don't wise up, toodles. YOU and willfully ignorant clowns like you have been carrying the water for the truly wealthy for so long, you almost bend over and say, "thank you sir, may I have another?"!

See, all you are willing to comprehend are buzzwords and headlines. Had you had the cojones to read further, you would have caught this:

The latest free trade deal that is now being rushed by President Obama through Congress is known as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Thirty years ago the first free trade deals were enacted under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO), followed by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Australia US Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA), and many more. During this time, the global economic crisis accelerated at an alarming rate, with only the one percent reaping the profits. This ongoing crisis will not end until these destructive free trade agreements are repealed and fair trade becomes the norm.

Most recently, the Korea US Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) was signed over the objections of many labor, farm, and consumer groups in both countries. According to the February 8 edition of the Korea Times, the leader of the Democratic United Party (DUP) vowed to nullify this deal once in power, and it is predicted the DUP will win this year's general election. In an open letter to President Obama, Vice President Biden, and House Speaker Boehner, the DUP called upon the US "to reconsider the KORUS FTA in order to truly strengthen the long-term relationship between our countries. If our cordial and earnest request is overlooked by your administration, we will have to take all measures possible to freeze the implementation of the KORUS FTA.

hardly "liberal bullshit" as you say....unless YOU wholeheartedly support Obama & Nafta.

So stop BS'ing and read the damned article!
Thats the first time I've every seen TCturd post the words "Tea Party" without some derogatory, insulting, ridicule about them....

Only when appealing to true Tea Party folk and not willfully ignorant, intellectually impotent teabagger clowns like yourself. You want respect, you give it first.

On the question of fast-track authority, 62 percent of respondent opposed the idea, with 43 percent “strongly” opposing it. Broken down by political affiliation, only Democrats that identify as “liberal” strongly favor the idea. Predictably, a strong Republican majority oppose giving the president such authority, with both conservative and moderates oppose it by a ratio of 85 percent or higher. And perhaps most important: 66 percent of respondents who identified as independent, meaning they have no party affiliation and are a key voting constituency, oppose the idea.

True enough! But upon further inspection:

A definitive survey of voters shows conservative Republicans oppose President Obama's bid for fast-track authority to complete the TransPacific Partnership. Corporate media consistently characterize the opponents of Obama's trade agenda as "labor unions," but the fact is conservative voters loathe it as well. Despite overwhelming opposition among GOP base voters, Speaker John Boehner and GOP leaders continue to support giving President Obama fast track power.
You forget the Forum you are on. I've posted about the TPP before and no one cared. They don't want to read all the text, they just want to troll. So I'll just say what I (THINK) I know about the TPP.

Americans use to have the right to know what is in the things they ingest, what they eat. TPP allows large corporations to hide the contents from the public they are selling the goods to. It was slipped into a bill that had nothing to do with the TPP and Congress votes yes for the main topic (this is called pork barrel, bad bill slip in with good bills yet some good bills are turned down because of the bad bills attached)

TPP has been called the new NAFTA. Lots of food shipped to our Country with the least amount of regulation .

Obama is on the budget for TPP and is trying to fast track this bill through Congress so they don't notice it. The Leftists I read about care about EVERYTHING they eat.


My opinion is, "The public has the right to know if something will harm their health"

Sorry, but I don't really spend a lot of time on these boards, and the vast amount of information/posts will result in my missing other people posting on the same subject.

Other than that, I concur with your statements here.
The only hope for America, not that it will happen, is for America's conservatives and liberals to unite against Obama. At the present time Obama, the Consummate Fraud, has been exposed by his record, but more importantly by his idiotic Obamacare legacy which instead of lowering the healthcare costs by $ 500 for the taxpayer, as touted by the pathological liar Obama, has instead raised the costs to the average taxpayer by ~$ 2500 whilst 50% of America does not have to work, and enjoys free health care together with 13 million Illegal immigrants.

I've posted at least 2 different threads that address the teabagger/neocon bullhorn of lies about the ACA. You can repeat those lies until you're dead, but the FACTS will always be your undoing.

Why not address the issue here, as it's clear that the current administration is WRONG on this account. Criticize accurately and honestly, and stop the Rove inspired BS that has failed on 2 elections.
I'm pretty surprised by the breakdown of those numbers. In general I would think more Republicans would support free trade than Democrats and definitely wouldn't think liberals would be very supportive. Maybe the numbers had more to do with Obama than the idea of free trade, I don't know.

Check this out:

But opposition to fast track and TPP cannot be dismissed as simply antipathy to the president. The poll found voters across the board believe so-called 'free trade' deals are bad for working Americans:

Two-thirds (66%) say a convincing reason to oppose fast-track authority for TPP is that "workers in countries like Vietnam and Malaysia are exploited and paid as little as 28 cents an hour, which creates unfair competition that drives down wages for American workers."

By a 35-point margin, the voting public believes the TPP deal would make things worse (56%) rather than better (21%) in terms of American wages and salaries.

Three in five voters (62%) feel this is a convincing argument against fast- track authority: "This is a NAFTA-style trade deal, and since NAFTA, the United States has run up an eight-trillion-dollar trade deficit, resulting in millions of lost manufacturing jobs."

Voters are three times as likely to say that preventing U.S. jobs moving overseas should be a top goal for trade deals as they are to cite opening foreign markets to U.S. exports.

By a five-to-three ratio, voters anticipate that the TPP deal would make things worse (52%) rather than better (30%) for American jobs.
Check this out:

But opposition to fast track and TPP cannot be dismissed as simply antipathy to the president. The poll found voters across the board believe so-called 'free trade' deals are bad for working Americans:

Two-thirds (66%) say a convincing reason to oppose fast-track authority for TPP is that "workers in countries like Vietnam and Malaysia are exploited and paid as little as 28 cents an hour, which creates unfair competition that drives down wages for American workers."

By a 35-point margin, the voting public believes the TPP deal would make things worse (56%) rather than better (21%) in terms of American wages and salaries.

Three in five voters (62%) feel this is a convincing argument against fast- track authority: "This is a NAFTA-style trade deal, and since NAFTA, the United States has run up an eight-trillion-dollar trade deficit, resulting in millions of lost manufacturing jobs."

Voters are three times as likely to say that preventing U.S. jobs moving overseas should be a top goal for trade deals as they are to cite opening foreign markets to U.S. exports.

By a five-to-three ratio, voters anticipate that the TPP deal would make things worse (52%) rather than better (30%) for American jobs.

I'm surprised by the liberal support for free trade. Is that more out of support for Obama?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Check this out:

But opposition to fast track and TPP cannot be dismissed as simply antipathy to the president. The poll found voters across the board believe so-called 'free trade' deals are bad for working Americans:

Two-thirds (66%) say a convincing reason to oppose fast-track authority for TPP is that "workers in countries like Vietnam and Malaysia are exploited and paid as little as 28 cents an hour, which creates unfair competition that drives down wages for American workers."

By a 35-point margin, the voting public believes the TPP deal would make things worse (56%) rather than better (21%) in terms of American wages and salaries.

Three in five voters (62%) feel this is a convincing argument against fast- track authority: "This is a NAFTA-style trade deal, and since NAFTA, the United States has run up an eight-trillion-dollar trade deficit, resulting in millions of lost manufacturing jobs."

Voters are three times as likely to say that preventing U.S. jobs moving overseas should be a top goal for trade deals as they are to cite opening foreign markets to U.S. exports.

By a five-to-three ratio, voters anticipate that the TPP deal would make things worse (52%) rather than better (30%) for American jobs.

I'm surprised by the liberal support for free trade. Is that more out of support for Obama?

*sigh* READ what I posted, Wack. While the Dems in Congress may be lock step in partisan support on this, the PEOPLE are not. And last time I checked, being a democrat doesn't automatically translate into being a liberal on all subjects.

"free trade" has become a euphemism by right wing corporatist to have free reign to do whatever the hell they wanted. Gov't regulation came about because of such "freedom", as the general public was subjected to bad food, products, unfair business practices, etc.
*sigh* READ what I posted, Wack. While the Dems in Congress may be lock step in partisan support on this, the PEOPLE are not. And last time I checked, being a democrat doesn't automatically translate into being a liberal on all subjects.

"free trade" has become a euphemism by right wing corporatist to have free reign to do whatever the hell they wanted. Gov't regulation came about because of such "freedom", as the general public was subjected to bad food, products, unfair business practices, etc.

Relax dude, I read the article and I read what you wrote. The article NOVA posted on the breakdown of who supported it wasn't politicians it was the public. It said liberals supported it. That's what I was surprised about. That's what I commented on.