Conservatives should consider Chuck Hagel


I have been looking hard for a Conservative Presidential candidate that would A) Bring integrity back to the movement B) Be progressive and a leader (oxymoron? Yes..but not really) on the Issue of Climate Change and Alternative Energy C) One who will stand up, take charge and go nose to nose with this administrations horrible record on Iraq, Foriegn Policy and reckless spending.

After researching the Career of Chuck Hagel..I believe he may be "The One" ..

His opposition to The Bush Administration on a number of issues have had Bushite Neo's and Liberals painting him as a liberal Republican ... not so ... lets look at the record...:

He cant be painted as a Chicken Hawk ... because he is a Vietnam War veteran, having served in the U.S. Army infantry, attaining the rank of Sergeant (E-5) from 1967-68. While serving during the Vietnam War, he received the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal and the Combat Infantryman Badge.

His voting record is clearly Conservative ....he scores a a 96 rating in 2005 from the American Conservative Union (ACU), up from 87 in 2004.

According to the National Journal - Composite Conservative Score's calculations, in 2005, Senator Hagel voted more conservative on economic, defense and foreign policy issues than 69 percent of the Senators.

He is a leader in the push for Clean Energy having introduced three bills designed to be economic jumper cables that would boost the development of clean-energy technologies -- one focusing on international technology exchange and the other two cumulatively authorizing $4 billion in corporate loans and tax credits over five years to spur the domestic development of clean technologies. Hagel has been sounding off on the challenges of climate change at venues like the Brookings Institution, and late 2004 he met with British Prime Minister Tony Blair to discuss how to reengage the United States in international efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.

But wait... these are not bills designed to be over regulatory .... because he rejected the Kyoto Protocol on the grounds that it failed to include developing countries and posed barriers to economic growth in America. They are designed as in his words " to address the issue of greenhouse-gas emissions in a realistic and achievable way. We hope to set into motion a series of public-private actions that would through technology development diminish significantly the emissions of carbon-based fuels and other greenhouse-gas emissions. The objective deals not only with the environment, but energy innovation and economic growth. "

Also..and I like this, because he is thinking realistically ... "I don't think you can separate environmental policy from economic policy or energy policy. They are circles of connection and they overlap each other. You can't have economic growth without energy, and you can't talk about the use of oil, coal, and natural gas without talking about environmental policy, because those carbon-based energy sources emit carbon, and that's not good. The only way you can realistically deal with these issues is to come up with policy that integrates all three."
I told you a long time ago Hagel was the strongest GOP candidate.

But the republican base has tied their ego and future to Bush's iraq war. They consider Hagel a traitor now. They're not going to flip flop.

His only opportunity is to run as an independent. IN which case, I might even consider voting for him, if hillary is the dem candidate.
Hmm, things can change a lot in a short time. And the ones hitched to the bush train are going likely going to be derailed.
Yes I view Hagel as the most viable republican candidate as well.
Of course I will vote in the primary against republican candidate I feel most likely to win ;)
I told you a long time ago Hagel was the strongest GOP candidate.

But the republican base has tied their ego and future to Bush's iraq war. They consider Hagel a traitor now. They're not going to flip flop.

His only opportunity is to run as an independent. IN which case, I might even consider voting for him, if hillary is the dem candidate.

There is no doubt in my mind ...after looking at the current crop of possible GOP candidates that Hagel is "The One" .... at least from a Conservative angle... the problem is the GOP is no longer run by genuine Conservatives.. it has been over taken by Pseudo Cons ... so we are probably looking at Americas Mayor or the Morman Sudden Pro Choicer as the candidate ... in which case I will turn my head and likely vote elsewhere.
Well, I don't know if you can count Hagel out just yet. The republicans are flip-flopping hardcore as of late.
Conservatives should consider Chuck Hagel

I would say it's between him and McCain..... Oh, you are talking about the nomination? I'm sorry, I thought we were considering who to kick out of the Republican party!!

Naw... I don't think Hagel has a chance in hell, you'd be hard pressed to find a bigger Media Whore Democrat Ass Kisser in the Republican ranks, and I don't think that is what the Republican party needs right now.

What Republicans need is a good strong articulate voice of Conservatism, like Ronald Reagan was. We need another Ronald Reagan! The voice that was sounding the closest, in my opinion, was Senator Allen, but he may be political 'toast' now, he certainly isn't a favorite anymore.

The interesting thing that will play out and unfold, I believe... is the misinterpretation of the mid-terms. Liberals mistakenly assume the war caused Republicans to stay home, and it was 'Bush Liberalism' that caused it. This relates to the war as well, the whole thing was botched by Bush listening to pinheads instead of doing what he should have done. There are a ton of people opposed to Iraq now, who weren't opposed when the idea came up! It's been this liberal Johnson-esque feel that Bush, Powell and Rumsfeld have fostered, which has driven the more hawkish conservatives over the edge. In the meantime, we watch the debts and deficits soar to all-time record highs and record paces, and the veto pin collects dust on Bush's desk. No... Republicans didn't show up for the mid-terms because we are 'anti-war' liberal kooks who agree with Harry Reid... we didn't show up because we can't support the Bush Liberalism! Our political voice was not heard and responded to, and we stayed at home! THAT is what happened, and the Liberals have misinterpreted it as usual. This will come back to haunt them in 2008, mark my words, we can watch it all unfold.

Who will it be for the Republicans? It's any body's guess at this point... and I am terrible at picking the nominee... I picked Phil Grahm to beat out Dole, but he faded quickly and was never heard from again. So, I can't tell you who it will be, but I can certainly tell you who can win... a strong Reagan-type conservative, who can get his point across to the people like Reagan could.

Objectively, I think you have to look at Newt, Rudy, and McCain, as the only potential GOP candidates who could prevail in 2008, with the right message, and the focus on principles of Reagan Conservatism. All three have their baggage, but so did Ronald Reagan... ????
What Republicans need is a good strong articulate voice of Conservatism, like Ronald Reagan was. We need another Ronald Reagan!

Reagan wasn't articulate. Did you ever see him in a press conference where he didn't have a script or teleprompter in front of him?

I'll give you that he could deliver a great written speech
Conservatives should consider Chuck Hagel


Dixie... you are letting his opposition to the Iraq Cluster Fuck cloud your judgment...

His voting record is clearly Conservative ....he scores a a 96 rating in 2005 from the American Conservative Union (ACU), up from 87 in 2004.

According to the National Journal - Composite Conservative Score's calculations, in 2005, Senator Hagel voted more conservative on economic, defense and foreign policy issues than 69 percent of the Senators.

No...what needs to get thrown out on its ass is the Bushite Neo-Con Valley way of doing business... they have destroyed the Republican Party.
Both Hagel and McCain are so much closer to Ronald Reagan than Bush could ever dream of....
What Republicans need is a good strong articulate voice of Conservatism, like Ronald Reagan was. We need another Ronald Reagan!

Reagan wasn't articulate. Did you ever see him in a press conference where he didn't have a script or teleprompter in front of him?

I'll give you that he could deliver a great written speech

What President since JFK didnt need use a teleprompter? Reagan was an actor...Im sure he could remember lines.

As Presidents go.. , he was one of our most gifted Orators ...
Klaatu, I've seen enough unscripted interviews and forums with presidents and ex-presidents to be a pretty good judge of who was naturally articulate. Nixon, Carter, and Clinton were all relatively brilliant men, with a gift of coherent logical thought. You could give Nixon, Carter, or Clinton 30 seconds notice to talk and give their thoughts about the middle east for 30 minutes off the cuff, and they'd pull it off very well. Reagan would be lucky to think of things to say after about 5 minutes.

Whenever I saw reagan caught in an unscripted event, he was rambling, and sometimes didn't even make sense. That's not to say he wasn't smart. He was. He just wasn't naturally articulate.
What Republicans need is a good strong articulate voice of Conservatism, like Ronald Reagan was. We need another Ronald Reagan!

Reagan wasn't articulate. Did you ever see him in a press conference where he didn't have a script or teleprompter in front of him?

I'll give you that he could deliver a great written speech

Of course he was an actor...he was also another puppet president!
Reagan wasn't articulate.

That's how he earned the nickname, "The Great Communicator" ...right?

Dixie... you are letting his opposition to the Iraq Cluster Fuck cloud your judgment...

No, I am letting his fawning all over the disgraceful anti-war maggots on the Democrat side, cloud my judgement. He's done what every piece of shit liberal has done, and turned on the troops and this country in the middle of a war, as far as I'm concerned. He should be ashamed, McCain should be ashamed, and whole bunch of others should as well! They opted to bail on their principles and ethics, and support the 'populist view' in the heat of adversity. That is not "leadership" and never will be.
This war will be the defining issue of the '08 election, and therefore, whomever wins the Democrat nomination is the next president. Whomever loves the bloodshed gets Dixie's vote, but he's harmless anyway.

The american voters should be far, far more concerned with who the Dems nominate, because that's our next president.

The neocon wet dream that this war will somehow turn into a victory is what's bringing them down. Give it another 18 months, and it will be obvious as to which party the population will NOT want, and thats the R's.

Guliani, a reincarnated Reagan.... Dream on. There's no way in hell a Republican is winning in '08.
Reagan wasn't articulate.

That's how he earned the nickname, "The Great Communicator" ...right?

Dixie... you are letting his opposition to the Iraq Cluster Fuck cloud your judgment...

No, I am letting his fawning all over the disgraceful anti-war maggots on the Democrat side, cloud my judgement. He's done what every piece of shit liberal has done, and turned on the troops and this country in the middle of a war, as far as I'm concerned. He should be ashamed, McCain should be ashamed, and whole bunch of others should as well! They opted to bail on their principles and ethics, and support the 'populist view' in the heat of adversity. That is not "leadership" and never will be.

Right, because he could read a script and act it out.

He could put thoughts on paper, but an off the cuff guy, welllll, let's just say, he was best at writing love letters to Nancy.
This war will be the defining issue of the '08 election, and therefore, whomever wins the Democrat nomination is the next president. Whomever loves the bloodshed gets Dixie's vote, but he's harmless anyway.

The american voters should be far, far more concerned with who the Dems nominate, because that's our next president.

The neocon wet dream that this war will somehow turn into a victory is what's bringing them down. Give it another 18 months, and it will be obvious as to which party the population will NOT want, and thats the R's.

Guliani, a reincarnated Reagan.... Dream on. There's no way in hell a Republican is winning in '08.

You dont have to give it that long.... if the election were held today a Dem would win...there is no doubt in my mind. They have 3..possibly 4 candidates that could win... Hillary, Obama, Edwards and should he decide to jump in... Gore. On the Republican side ..forget about it... take on Hagel is that he is the genuine article as far as Conservatives go.... he is not one of the Neo-Con sheep....
In Dixies mind... Speaking up against this War and Bush is speaking out against the troops... hogwash. When you see an injustice it is our elected officials duty to speak up... Hagel is a brave man for taking on the Bushites....
At the very least, Hagel provides Conservatives hope in bringing the republican party back home where it belongs... that being the party of Ronald Reagan.
You dont have to give it that long.... if the election were held today a Dem would win...there is no doubt in my mind. They have 3..possibly 4 candidates that could win... Hillary, Obama, Edwards and should he decide to jump in... Gore. On the Republican side ..forget about it... take on Hagel is that he is the genuine article as far as Conservatives go.... he is not one of the Neo-Con sheep....
In Dixies mind... Speaking up against this War and Bush is speaking out against the troops... hogwash. When you see an injustice it is our elected officials duty to speak up... Hagel is a brave man for taking on the Bushites....
At the very least, Hagel provides Conservatives hope in bringing the republican party back home where it belongs... that being the party of Ronald Reagan.

I agree we don't have to give it any time. The Republicans have failed miserably as conservatives, and even moreso as a government. Maybe Hagel can help swing the pendulum back a bit, but the pendulum swings slowly. There will be a one party White House/Congress in 2 years and that'll be the Dems.

And don't worry about Dix. He flagrantly puts his party before his "conservatism" (lol) in every argument. He can't understand some things because he's pledged his allegiance to something other than ideology or country. He's a Republican ass kisser first, and an honest conservative dead last.
"If the conservative movement and Republicans don't understand how massive the Clinton coalition is, she will be the next president."
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
In Dixies mind... Speaking up against this War and Bush is speaking out against the troops... hogwash. When you see an injustice it is our elected officials duty to speak up... Hagel is a brave man for taking on the Bushites....

I don't have any problem with anyone speaking out against this war... I have a major beef with politicians who VOTED FOR the war, and now want to pretend they didn't do that, or that Bush misled them into VOTING FOR the war! I have far more respect for people like Dennis Kusinich, who have basically been against this war (or any war) from the start. At least he is honest about his convictions, and doesn't change when the wind blows.

Hagel is a political opportunist, he saw the polls tanking on Iraq, and he bailed from the very 'sinking ship' he helped create. There is no 'honor' in that, it's pure unadulterated political opportunism, whether you recognize it or not.