Cops at Carnival in Riot Gear

Last night I took my oldest to the Strawberry Festival in Plant City, Fl. It’s your standard carnival - rides, $8 hot dogs, and loads of extremely overweight & slovenly people eating deep fried funnel cakes.

And police. Lots of police. In bullet proof vests and riot gear.

Now, most of the police walking around were your basic white shirt Sheriffs. Of course, their utility belts would make Batman jealous, but I can understand cops being around. Of course, the reason people behave better around a cop is because he or she is armed. The same principle applies to us normal citizens, but that’s a different gripe altogether.

What bothered me was that as the Mrs. and I were leaving, a squad of officers practically dressed in riot gear were gathering. They didn’t have helmets or shields, but they donned thick boots, BPV’s, batons, etc. They were all just sitting around shooting the breeze, so I don’t think there was any immediate reason for them to be there.

I'd be wearing riot gear too.... those carneys are wacked out crazy sob's

Uniforms don't mean militarisation - it's weapons and tactics that define it. It's far more practical for a police officer to wear BDUs and boots and baseball caps than the regular uniform. Strangely enough Menlo Park PD back in the very late 1960s I think it was, could have been early 1970s, experimented with blazers and jackets instead of the regular uniform. They dumped it because even the public thought it was stupid.


Police/military dressed in civilian clothes to try to take away the "authoritarian look".... that turned out well for the Israeli's

Police/military dressed in civilian clothes to try to take away the "authoritarian look".... that turned out well for the Israeli's

I remember the police in Bavaria - which of course includes Munich - getting upset because they had to change the colour of their uniform from light blue to green, I can't remember when that was but I don't recall the civilian clothing for them, interesting that.