Cops, Firefighters, Teachers and Military use to be THE REAL America's hero's...

There's a website dedicated entirely to police officers who put themselves in harm's way and paid the ultimate sacrifice for it .... should we need to go anecdote-for-anecdote.

so I post dozens of articles about corrupt and criminal cops, cops that refuse to 'put themselves in harms way' (going home at the end of their shift is NOT putting themselves in harms way), yet you think posting the opposite 'anecdotal' shit means that all cops are heroes? you're a fucking moron.
Have you done your homework regarding the black crime rate, and the treatment of American society at the hands of black criminals?

A white friend of mine who I have known for a majority of my life was an Oakland Police Officer who was murdered while on duty by a black thug in 2009.

However that goes nowhere near touching what police have done over the years to the black community. Let's start with being profiled for walking in the wrong neighborhood while black. As a white (or Asian) person you can walk in any neighborhood and a cop isn't going to stop you on the sidewalk and ask what you are doing here. They do that for black folks. People talk about the Jim Crow laws in the South but many northern and western cities basically had Jim Crow with cops harassing blacks who dared leave their neighborhood and go to the white part of town. What do you think that does psychologically to someone when that happens over and over?

Of course we have people being pulled over for simply driving while black and receiving abuse at the hands of the cops. We have too many to count instances of police brutality beating on black citizens for no reason. And then the number of cops that have attempted to frame and plant evidence on innocent blacks. There is a long history of this, not just isolated incidents.

I'm not coming from a position of all cops are bad or that cops don't have a difficult job or cops don't deserve any respect. But I am speaking the truth about the relationship between cops and the black community.
Did you do your homework on the relationship between cops and the black community over the past 50 years or so? You ready to talk about the treatment the black community has received at the hands of American cops?

So all cops are guilty of this.............?

If not, your argument is a failure and my point has been made.
Have you done your homework regarding the black crime rate, and the treatment of American society at the hands of black criminals?

More blacks do crimes. It's simply a statistic. Yet small brains like you don't try to understand why when they are no different than us white humans..
When the Libertarians take over, the American Bald Eagle will disappear as the symbol of our nation.

It will be replaced by the image of a guy hitting on a bong while getting slammed in the ass by another guy.

Only then will this country have achieved the full vision of Thomas Jefferson :rolleyes:

Another pervert fantasizing about men having sex. Did you like the way Bush wore his jeans too?
Superheroes were revered back in the 30s and 40s as well, and yet people still found time to respect cops, teachers, firefighters, and troops.
so I post dozens of articles about corrupt and criminal cops, cops that refuse to 'put themselves in harms way' (going home at the end of their shift is NOT putting themselves in harms way), yet you think posting the opposite 'anecdotal' shit means that all cops are heroes? you're a fucking moron.

This is the way a Darlak argues.

When getting a rhetorical foot put up their ass, they mischaracterize a position into a false absolute, and then mock the false absolute they invented.

You lose. Moron.
More blacks do crimes? Really? Can you back that up with numbers?

Do you own homework for once kid. I'm not here to do research for you. It's a LARGE GAPING statistic. If you don't know about it then you probably don't know why cops profile blacks..............OH WAIT, WE JUST DID A 360 :good4u:

Note; I can only back that up if convicted felons were actually innocent which would mean our system isn't perfect.
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Ok, TELL ME WHY COPS ARE BAD. With words.......not with a link of a over emotional scared to death cop overrating.....
Rubbish. Try eating without labour, wearing clothes without labour, learning without labour. Nobody needs thieves.
So you would have labor be responsible for capitalization, procurement of raw materials, production, sales, distribution, legal and tax compliance, payroll and all the myriad minutiae associated with running a modern business, large, medium or small? You strike me as a "Champion of Labor", so to speak. Why do you seek to heap even MORE burdens on their backs?
@Anti-Party all cops aren't bad, but I tend to think there is a lot of racial profiling going on, and yes I understand in some sense at least unconsciously we all profile in the sense of our natural instinct to make distinctions. But with my experience with police officers I think depending on the department and the police officer, there are cops that race profile despite your clothing. Some officers believe that if you're in an upscale neighborhood just by walking on the sidewalk you must be up to something. My mother used to tell me when Compton was all white, police used to stop blacks from passing through Compton, or when cities like Watts and South Central had an affluent white community blacks couldn't cross certain city lines. I see no difference today, the only difference is that police tend to lump people based on dress or how you look.

I was onced stopped for looking at a Sheriff Deputy. He didn't run my name but he saw some of my religious tattoos so he let me go. I guess he was religious.
A white friend of mine who I have known for a majority of my life was an Oakland Police Officer who was murdered while on duty by a black thug in 2009.

However that goes nowhere near touching what police have done over the years to the black community. Let's start with being profiled for walking in the wrong neighborhood while black. As a white (or Asian) person you can walk in any neighborhood and a cop isn't going to stop you on the sidewalk and ask what you are doing here. They do that for black folks. People talk about the Jim Crow laws in the South but many northern and western cities basically had Jim Crow with cops harassing blacks who dared leave their neighborhood and go to the white part of town. What do you think that does psychologically to someone when that happens over and over?

Of course we have people being pulled over for simply driving while black and receiving abuse at the hands of the cops. We have too many to count instances of police brutality beating on black citizens for no reason. And then the number of cops that have attempted to frame and plant evidence on innocent blacks. There is a long history of this, not just isolated incidents.

I'm not coming from a position of all cops are bad or that cops don't have a difficult job or cops don't deserve any respect. But I am speaking the truth about the relationship between cops and the black community.

This does beg the question, of course, as to why Asians have reached this level of parity with whites.
Cops, Firefighters, Teachers and Military use to be THE REAL America's hero's. Spiderman and Ironman are not real....(surprise!)

Every group has a few bad apples. I'm making this post to say I'm sick of the smallest brains in society blaming "everyone" for something that "someone" did.

They are still Hero's in my opinion.

Another boring strawman; who is going around claiming they are, or are not, heros? Who supplanted them as heros?

Your anti-intelligent dogma is truly embarrassing; too bad you're too stupid to comprehend that much.