Could Blago Roll on Obama?

We know Blago is a creep, we know he is corrupt, up to his eyeballs. He is currently in some deep hot water, and looking at some serious prison time, if the charges stick. President-elect Obama has done a terrific job thus far, of distancing himself from Blago, and skating around this scandal completely, and will probably avoid any implication... but....

Is it possible, Blago could cut a deal with prosecutors to rat out Obama on something else? He would certainly stand to benefit personally, by not going to prison, or having his sentence reduced considerably, if he comes up with some damaging information on Obama.

To believe Barack Obama was the epitome of honesty, ethics and integrity, in the otherwise corrupt political atmosphere of Chicago, is naive at best. To further believe this man rose to such lofty political power in such a relatively short period of time, amid this most corrupt political juggernaut, is beyond naive, in my opinion. There are certainly some corrupt skeletons in Mr. Obama's closet, the question is, does Blago know about them?

Stay tuned! Because people like Blago are not known to go quietly.
So are we to assume that if he doesn't, then Obama is clean?

Nope... because, if this sleazebag had any real damaging or scurrilous information on Obama, he would have sold it to the highest bidder during the presidential campaign. However, now that his bacon is on the line, he may know someone who knows something, and he may be in a position to self-incriminate in order to bring down Obama, where he wasn't before.

I'm not making any predictions here, I'm just not stupid enough to believe Obama is as squeaky clean as his support base would have you think. He is the product of Chicago politics, and that says it all! You can be naive and think he's not been involved in anything unethical or corrupt for his entire political career if you like, but my common sense tells me otherwise.

We shall see!
So your ONLY evidence of Obama's corruption is the corruption of the area he got elected in?

And you are the one throwing a hissy fit about the way the south is denigrated and how prejudiced people are against a location??

We know Blago is a creep, we know he is corrupt, up to his eyeballs. He is currently in some deep hot water, and looking at some serious prison time, if the charges stick. President-elect Obama has done a terrific job thus far, of distancing himself from Blago, and skating around this scandal completely, and will probably avoid any implication... but....

Is it possible, Blago could cut a deal with prosecutors to rat out Obama on something else? He would certainly stand to benefit personally, by not going to prison, or having his sentence reduced considerably, if he comes up with some damaging information on Obama.

To believe Barack Obama was the epitome of honesty, ethics and integrity, in the otherwise corrupt political atmosphere of Chicago, is naive at best. To further believe this man rose to such lofty political power in such a relatively short period of time, amid this most corrupt political juggernaut, is beyond naive, in my opinion. There are certainly some corrupt skeletons in Mr. Obama's closet, the question is, does Blago know about them?

Stay tuned! Because people like Blago are not known to go quietly.

I see Obama's presidency as like one of those contests o Saturday afternoon TV where you have these gladiators trying to stop some little guy climb up this mountain of foam blocks. Once he gets to the top and rings the bell, anything that was in the past is null and void, unless it was completely obvious and egregious. Nixon's corruption became exposed because here was a press corps that wanted the guy's blood. That same press corps will defend Obama like they did Clinton, up to the point that they couldn't hide the evidence anymore.
So your ONLY evidence of Obama's corruption is the corruption of the area he got elected in?

And you are the one throwing a hissy fit about the way the south is denigrated and how prejudiced people are against a location??


I'm not 'accusing' anyone of a damn thing. You're a smart guy, you tell me... Can someone like Obama ascend to such great power in such a relatively short period of time, in the most corrupt political environment in the country, without getting a little dirt on himself? Maybe he can! I don't know! Just maybe, he is so ethically clean and moral that the people who run the corrupt political machine in Chicago were so terribly afraid of him, they allowed him to reach the levels he did! I guess that is a possibility!

And oh by the fucking way, I have never thrown a hissy fit about a goddamn thing. I stated a FACT, and you basically supported what I said with your commentary. Why don't you try to spin something else, this isn't working for you.
some politicians in Chicago are corrupt. That does not mean that Obama is in any way corrupt. This thread is nothing but silly guilt by association by a man who has raised it to an artform.

Because Louisiana has corrupt politicians, does that mean that Jindal must not be as clean as HIS supporters claim HE is?
I'm not 'accusing' anyone of a damn thing. You're a smart guy, you tell me... Can someone like Obama ascend to such great power in such a relatively short period of time, in the most corrupt political environment in the country, without getting a little dirt on himself? Maybe he can! I don't know! Just maybe, he is so ethically clean and moral that the people who run the corrupt political machine in Chicago were so terribly afraid of him, they allowed him to reach the levels he did! I guess that is a possibility!

And oh by the fucking way, I have never thrown a hissy fit about a goddamn thing. I stated a FACT, and you basically supported what I said with your commentary. Why don't you try to spin something else, this isn't working for you.

The funniest fucking thing about this (aside from Southern Man's garbage above) is that you supported and still support Bible Spice who comes from the Alaska which is fighting tooth and nail with Illinois and Louisiana to be the most corrupt state in the country. And you do it without the slightest hint of irony. Even after she was found to have committed ethical violations.

some politicians in Chicago are corrupt. That does not mean that Obama is in any way corrupt. This thread is nothing but silly guilt by association by a man who has raised it to an artform.

Because Louisiana has corrupt politicians, does that mean that Jindal must not be as clean as HIS supporters claim HE is?

Don't know anything about Jindal, but I do know Chicago politics are corrupt as hell, and that's where Obama cut his political teeth. Like I said, maybe you Obama worshipers are absolutely correct, and he is clean as the wind-driven snow? I don't know... I just know he has had many questionable associations with people who have a shady past... but then, when you come up in Chicago, what do you expect, right?
The funniest fucking thing about this (aside from Southern Man's garbage above) is that you supported and still support Bible Spice who comes from the Alaska which is fighting tooth and nail with Illinois and Louisiana to be the most corrupt state in the country. And you do it without the slightest hint of irony. Even after she was found to have committed ethical violations.


LOL.. .Sorry, she wasn't "found to have committed ethical violations" you moron!

....Bible Spice? LMAO... I like that! Did you come up with it on your own?
LOL.. .Sorry, she wasn't "found to have committed ethical violations" you moron!

....Bible Spice? LMAO... I like that! Did you come up with it on your own?

1) Yeah, I guess it's just my lying eyes. Not going there again. In any event, my point still stands.

2) No, I can't claim it. I read it somewhere but forget where I first saw it.
Poor Dixie. Everything he posts now is pure wishful thinking & fantasy.

LOLOLOLOL... Boy do you have it all wrong! I am hopeful and wishing that Blago doesn't rat out Obama and cause him to be impeached before he has a chance to completely fuck up the country! I am hoping Obama has a full 4 years to prove that Liberals never need to be put in charge of anything ever again, no matter how bad we may want "change!" I really do hope and pray that nothing keeps Obama from governing us into the toilet, like I am sure he will. Because, if something should happen to him, and he isn't able to fulfill his term, one... we get Joe Biden (nightmare of nightmares) and two... Liberals can keep yammering about how they are smarter than the rest of the world and deserve a chance to govern! So, I want Obama to have 4 years and an unfettered Congress, and every fucking thing he wants all the way down the line... not an ounce of Republican obstruction! That way, the American people can get the full dose of Liberalism they deserve.
"Obama has a full 4 years to prove that Liberals never need to be put in charge of anything ever again, no matter how bad we may want "change!" I really do hope and pray that nothing keeps Obama from governing us into the toilet"

Yeah, because we're really riding so high right now after 8 years of Bush. There is nowhere to go but down.
Don't know anything about Jindal, but I do know Chicago politics are corrupt as hell, and that's where Obama cut his political teeth. Like I said, maybe you Obama worshipers are absolutely correct, and he is clean as the wind-driven snow? I don't know... I just know he has had many questionable associations with people who have a shady past... but then, when you come up in Chicago, what do you expect, right?

I am hardly an Obama worshiper. He was my third or fourth choice out of the primary field. I AM, however, the son of now deceased long time Illinois democratic politician who, before he died, told me that he was convinced that Barack Obama was a totally new breed of politician who was squeaky clean. I trust my father's judgment more than I do yours.
Obama was in a unique position for a Chicago Democrat. From the begining he's been a rising star with the national party and as such, he's never really been in the situation, until he was elected Senator, that he had to be involved with the "Pay for Play" brand of machine politics in Chicago.

What I do bet is that Rush and the other moron talking heads will start screaming for a special prosecutor.
Anything is possible, Dix. If Blago had something incriminating on BO, then he could roll on him for a better sentence. However, this guy appears more careful than that. If, and this is a big if, he was indeed making the "just wait two years" deal, he used a middle man and doesn't have any direct link to the sale of the Senate seat.
Oh, I am sure Obama has covered all his bases, and can't be touched on this particular scandal, no doubt. I just wonder what other tid-bits might come from Blago, perhaps regarding Rezko and Obama, or something totally off the radar at the moment. According to Rham Emmanuel himself, he and Obama were instrumental in getting the Blag elected. So there is more of a connection between Obama and Blago than has been reported so far... In fact, to hear the Obamanites tell it, they hardly knew of each others existence! Blago Who? Hmmm... not sure I know him! It's almost comical watching The One squirm and wiggle away from any possible association with the guy, and the inquiring mind has to wonder why that is?
I am hardly an Obama worshiper. He was my third or fourth choice out of the primary field. .....
That's a bald-faced lie:

I have said over and over again. any democrat who spread that administration line around or who voted for the use of force resolution is on my shitlist until they repent. I have had only one opportunity to vote for one.... Clinton in my municipal caucus, and I voted for Obama.

I find Obama very believable... and inspiring.

I think that Barack Obama has a twenty year track record of working in the public sector helping less fortunate Americans. I believe that he has great intelligence and vision and can bring the majority of both sides of the political divide together.

I won't stuff a single envelope or knock on a single door or spend election day driving voters to the polls. If I balance HER position on Iraq with McCain's, she is clearly the lesser of two evils, and she is standing on a party platform that I have always endorsed. I didn't vote for her in MY caucus and I cheer every Obama victory.