Could Blago Roll on Obama?

you must be right, only in your own twisted view of reality. I NEVER waivered in my support for Richardson, or Biden OR Edweards over Obama in the primary campaign. And you will be unsuccessful in finding any posts of mine that show otherwise....

from my perspective, a southern man who lies as fluently as you do, must love to ski with boys as much as any man named glockmail would otherwise have done.
Geez, MM...

Enough with the pedophile insults. We got enough of that when you and Dix were trying to one up each other. They aren't funny, and each time you use them you harm your own soul. Jesus once spoke about the thought being the deed. Just drive that good mind of yours elsewhere. It just doesn't need to go there at all.
Maybe, but that is providing he can't work a deal to avoid prison altogether. If THAT possibility exists, no telling what this scumbag will come up with on Obama. It's interesting how the original inference that Obama and his staff had not been in contact with the governor, has morphed subtly into... 'no inappropriate contact' with the governor. I also found interesting Obama's evasion of the question asked by a reporter Friday, the reporter wanted to know how the governor might have come to the conclusion that Obama wasn't interested in the 'pay for play' scheme, unless someone from Obama's staff had specifically told him that? Obama basically said, he couldn't read the governor's mind.

I thought about the possibility of him cutting a deal to avoid prison. Unless he can give the Republicans Obama, I don't see that happening.

I'm reasonably sure that this sleaze would do it, if he thought it would benefit him.

Damn straight he would. You Obamamaniacs better hope and pray that Obama is as squeaky clean as you think. Because this guy would be someone who could derail the Obama Train before it gets started. And the thing is, Blago doesn't even have to be completely honest about it, he can lie his ass off about Obama, and the 'perception' will be there to deal with. Hearings will have to be held, special prosecutors will have to be appointed, and this thing could blow up like a bad Bill Ayers bomb.
Here's Dixie:

On Friday, I was curious about how Fox News was reacting in the aftermath of the November elections. (I happily shut it off for a while there, so as not to sully my own good feelings). The answer: not too well. Bill O'Reilly began his show that night by declaring the Blagojevich affair has "a 50/50 chance of disrupting the nation." He never explained what that meant, but later, he did pose the question to future Fox News host Glenn Beck. Here's that entire exchange -- follow along, if you can:

O'REILLY: I got to switch it over to Blagojevich. Now, for our purposes here, we believe that this story has a 50-percent chance of igniting into a mini-Watergate. Do you see it that way?

BECK: I think -- in fact, I was going to ask you that because I saw your talking points and I wanted to know if you thought, when you said they had a 50/50 chance of igniting the country I wondered what that meant. I think it's much worse than that, Bill. I really, truly believe that this country is on the brink, that we are sitting at 1860 and it's not too late to pull ourselves back. But we're feeding on ourselves. I think this has all the earmarkings of pushing us over the edge even more.

1860? Holy crap, why is Beck so angry? Does he own a musket? He explained:

BECK: You can't continue to disfranchise people. You've got -- yesterday, our representatives say no to the bailout. Today it looks like Bush and Paulson are going to say yes to the bailout. How is that constitutional? Where did that happen where the president can just become a king and do whatever he wants? When it comes to the governor in Illinois, the guy's a dirtbag. Now, should Rahm Emanuel have spoken to the governor? Yeah, I think it's appropriate, but let's wait to hear what those conversations were.


But if the conversations were "Hey, what are you going to give me in exchange?" then Emanuel should have reported that. But let's keep it isolated on Emanuel. Let's ask why now. In fact, let me rephrase this. President-elect Obama, please, the country is on the edge. Please, you are my president. I didn't vote for you, but you are now going to be my president. Please, address the American people and do it with actions and say, "This must not stand."

No answer on the musket, and I'm not sure I actually understand why he's so upset either. You'll recall this is the same Glenn Beck who loved the president's warrantless wiretapping of American citizens, and when House Democrats (temporarily) erected roadblocks to the policy's renewal, said: "[President Bush] feels -- and I happen to agree with him -- that this congressional game-playing by [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi will end up killing Americans." That's one answer to his incredulous question about when Bush started acting like a king, and surely not the only one.

Picking apart the wild contradictions and non-sequiturs in that rant is beside the point, though -- all we can really take away is that Obama should be lucky to have adversaries like Beck and O'Reilly. Perhaps vague calls to arms are scary when the popular wind is at Beck's back, but not when Obama is enjoying historic approval ratings. O'Reilly and Beck just seem disconnected and slightly deranged, playing to an incredibly small sliver of true believers. Fine by me.
Pay special attention to this part:

Perhaps vague calls to arms are scary when the popular wind is at Beck's back, but not when Obama is enjoying historic approval ratings. O'Reilly and Beck just seem disconnected and slightly deranged, playing to an incredibly small sliver of true believers.

Cause that there is your Dixie. And, I agree. That's fine by me. Here in the real world, people are supporting Obama and hoping to hell things start to improve early 2009.
Your soul has been irreparably harmed.

It often seems to happen with those that pretend to be clergy. What can we say, they don't think they need forgiveness, even when instructed to refrain, can't. I'm not sure the addiction, nastiness or messageboard bully. Probably a combination that works best?
If he agrees with this lame as response, would you?

I guess that would require that you understand the history between us...which you clearly do not.

I offer an olive branch.... if he - or anyone - wishes to take me up on it, that would be great.
Looke like the messiah is getting testy with reporters who have the gall to ask questions about Chicago style politics

Obama Lectures Reporter: 'Don't Waste Your Question' on Blago
By Tim Graham (Bio * Archive)
December 17, 2008 - 08:22 ET

During his press conference announcing new Education Secretary designate Arne Duncan on Tuesday, Barack Obama lectured Chicago Tribune reporter John McCormick "I don’t want you to waste your question" when he tried to press the President-elect on whether Obama told the truth when he said they were taking a "very hands-off approach" to his Senate replacement.

Media liberals noticed how much this sounds like their nominee for Worst President Ever, but they’re already arguing that criticizing Obama for lecturing the press for tough questions is premature. In Wednesday’s Washington Post, reporter/columnist Dana Milbank took issue with Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard: "Obama has proved himself to be far more willing to take questions than Bush, and if he makes good on his promise to release the full account of his aides' Blagojevich ties -- even on Christmas Eve -- it will be a major improvement in transparency over the current administration."

But in the Bush years, reporters didn’t give Bush a two-week window to determine whether he was stiff-arming the press. Surprisingly, someone was standing up for the idea of maintaining the press’s role to ask uncomfortable questions. Michael Calderone of Politico quickly noticed NBC Washington bureau chief Mark Whitaker said that reporters have not been aggressive enough during Obama's post-election pressers. "Our job is to hold him to account," Whitaker said, adding that he thinks "we're going to have to get tougher." Newsweek's Jonathan Alter followed up: "We need the Sam Donaldsons of the world."
I hope not, glock... I really do.

Been through that before. That requires repentance, and to not repeat the injustice. Since you tried and failed at this before I can't help you now. I pray for your soul, and for now, to just go away.
I guess that would require that you understand the history between us...which you clearly do not.

I offer an olive branch.... if he - or anyone - wishes to take me up on it, that would be great.
The end of your branch has been dipped in poison.
Looke like the messiah is getting testy with reporters who have the gall to ask questions about Chicago style politics

Obama Lectures Reporter: 'Don't Waste Your Question' on Blago
By Tim Graham (Bio * Archive)
December 17, 2008 - 08:22 ET

During his press conference announcing new Education Secretary designate Arne Duncan on Tuesday, Barack Obama lectured Chicago Tribune reporter John McCormick "I don’t want you to waste your question" when he tried to press the President-elect on whether Obama told the truth when he said they were taking a "very hands-off approach" to his Senate replacement.

Media liberals noticed how much this sounds like their nominee for Worst President Ever, but they’re already arguing that criticizing Obama for lecturing the press for tough questions is premature. In Wednesday’s Washington Post, reporter/columnist Dana Milbank took issue with Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard: "Obama has proved himself to be far more willing to take questions than Bush, and if he makes good on his promise to release the full account of his aides' Blagojevich ties -- even on Christmas Eve -- it will be a major improvement in transparency over the current administration."

But in the Bush years, reporters didn’t give Bush a two-week window to determine whether he was stiff-arming the press. Surprisingly, someone was standing up for the idea of maintaining the press’s role to ask uncomfortable questions. Michael Calderone of Politico quickly noticed NBC Washington bureau chief Mark Whitaker said that reporters have not been aggressive enough during Obama's post-election pressers. "Our job is to hold him to account," Whitaker said, adding that he thinks "we're going to have to get tougher." Newsweek's Jonathan Alter followed up: "We need the Sam Donaldsons of the world."

I believe that Fitzgerald asked the Obama team to refrain from making any comments... and even to hold off for a week in issuing their internal report on the nature of any and all contacts between the Obama staff and the governor's staff.
not so. it is clean... and the offer is sincere. I won't bring up your skiing incident and you don't call me a liar... it could be the start of a whole new relationship.
But you are a liar. Your lie about a skiing "incident" is proof of that. Why not repeat your story in all its detail here so that your fellow posters may judge you. After all, sincerity requires repentance which requires judgment.
and seems that Mr. Holder messed up on his resume. Of course, PE Obama would not know about a national political person operating in Illinois, for the governor, when he was still working his way up to the national level. :rolleyes:

Holder holding out on Blagojevich connections

Up to now, the only member of the incoming Obama administration worried about ties to Rod Blagojevich was Rahm Emanuel. Today, the Chicago Sun-Times reports that another key appointment by Barack Obama hasn’t told the complete truth about his work for the disgraced governor of Illinois. Eric Holder, who already will face questions about his role in the controversial Marc Rich pardon and the deportation of Elian Gonzales, left off a key role on his resumé:

Before Eric Holder was President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to be attorney general, he was Gov. Blagojevich’s pick to sort out a mess involving Illinois’ long-dormant casino license.

Blagojevich and Holder appeared together at a March 24, 2004, news conference to announce Holder’s role as “special investigator to the Illinois Gaming Board” — a post that was to pay Holder and his Washington, D.C. law firm up to $300,000.

Holder, however, omitted that event from his 47-page response to a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire made public this week — an oversight he plans to correct after a Chicago Sun-Times inquiry, Obama’s transition team indicated late Tuesday.

Team Obama claims that Holder merely forgot about this part of his work experience, but that doesn’t wash. Holder completed the questionnaire after Blagojevich’s arrest on December 9th. With all of the attendant publicity, how likely was it that Holder forgot his work with Blagojevich — especially on casino investigations, where one might expect to find a cesspool of corruption?

Not bloody likely. It looks a lot more like Holder wanted to minimize his connections to Blagojevich and hoped people would forget about it. Reading the Sun-Times report, it’s easy to see why, too. Blagojevich had named crony and fundraiser Christopher Kelly to the Gaming Board, who would later face charges of corruption. Kelly’s business partner was Tony Rezko. Remember him? He’s the man singing to the feds about corruption in Illinois after being convicted on multiple counts of corruption himself. Kelly and Rezko had interests connected to the Rosemount casino; they had options on land next to the site to build a hotel.

The Gaming Board refused to hire Holder, concerned about his connections to Blagojevich and his apparent mandate to make sure that Kelly and Rezko got their casino. That’s the verdict from retired FBI agent and Gaming Board commissioner Jim Wagner, who said that they viewed Holder’s appointment as a means to secure the interests of Rezko, Kelly, and Blagojevich. Wagner wants the Senate Judiciary Committee to probe Holder’s relationship to Blagojevich in this manner — and that gives a clear explanation of Holder’s omission on his questionnaire.

Remember that cesspool of corruption I mentioned? Looks like it existed after all — and the corruptocrat Blagojevich felt comfortable in appointing Holder to look after his interests, and Kelly’s, and Rezko’s. Maybe we should find out why.