This country. If Obama used it--I would not be sure of what country he is talking about.

But republicans don't believe in country first. They believe americans should be outsourced without a thought. To them, that's progress. That's considerd progress my many neoconservative dems as well.

I guess it's country first when they need to sell us a war and use the apparatus of the state to transfer money to their bomb making friends from the public coffers.

What are these fighting men fightin for? A global military industrial complex which has guaranteed all the jobs have gone to laos?
It means he intends to govern above partisan politics. McCain's a good man....but what the hell was he thinking when he chose Sara Palin. On the surface it appears she would appeal to alienated Hilliary voters but scratch the surface and you have the most inexperienced person to run on a party ticket in this nations history. When I think of other women in the Republican party with loads of experience and bipartisan credentials like Susan Collins or Olympia Snowe......I'm just baffled.

If you work for a living--you would understand why most Americans will support Palin--before McCain. He choose a gal who can easily overshadow him---if she was running on the top of the ticket. Palin is the people who elect her, because she does not have all of that Washington experience.

What I understand is--Palin will win McCain the election. I can't see a better choice myself. I am not interested in a bipartisan candidate. I am interested in a people candidate.

Here is a little song I thought of just yeaterday.

She's not a party girl--living in a party world----shes is a people girl,----- living in a peoples wooorrrrld---ahhhhh00000----it's not the party---it's not the paaaarrrty.

The two party system is a system of smoke and mirrors for a reason--and Palin can see through it and act for the people IMO. And---in a lot of peoples opinion.
But republicans don't believe in country first. They believe americans should be outsourced without a thought. To them, that's progress. That's considerd progress my many neoconservative dems as well.

I guess it's country first when they need to sell us a war and use the apparatus of the state to transfer money to their bomb making friends from the public coffers.

What are these fighting men fightin for? A global military industrial complex which has guaranteed all the jobs have gone to laos?

Ahh--the two party system (which is really one today) smoke screen works, even with the sharp ones. I seem to remember a Demacrat signing the first irresponsible trade agreement at the end of his first term (NAFTA). Both parties do it for the same reasons--power. Any speak about it is just lip service at the local level. I know it---you know it.
Why do you hate America?

I hate the so called leaders and their followers that hate America, and want to socialize it. Big difference. If your a socialist, you are a America hater. Those are the facts. America was never intended to be a socialist nation, which is why it is the best nation on earth. I am not scared of a free people, chasing their individual dreams, I encourage it. I believe I heard Obama s wife tell a bunch of kids "it is not your dreams, stay away from coporations--it is the good for the all that matters, not your individual ambitions." (not a quote--but along those lines). Sorry---the Bitch is a America hater--and a actual quotre from her goes "This is a down right mean country".

My mother did not tell me kool-aid would make you blind. Here---America is here that you stand on--in case you forgot.
Here is the answer folks.

The socialist words "YES WE CAN" Obama uses resonates all over the world as a socialistic chant. It is actually a code. Most American people do not know that fact.

There is great meaning to "Country first" (Ours, I hope), when you understand what "YES WE CAN" really means.

I guess it was over your head if you learned from Marksist inspired writes.
Ahh--the two party system (which is really one today) smoke screen works, even with the sharp ones. I seem to remember a Demacrat signing the first irresponsible trade agreement at the end of his first term (NAFTA). Both parties do it for the same reasons--power. Any speak about it is just lip service at the local level. I know it---you know it.

Wrong. Obama is a dangerous protectionist.

Mr Obama's proposed legislation, the dreadfully titled Patriot Employer Act. There is much to dislike in the bill. Essentially, it offers employers a tax credit, worth one percent of taxable income, in exchange for adherence to a set of economic limitations. Among them are: a minimum wage, minimum standards on retirement and health plans, and protections for workers and headquarters based in America. Certainly, the bill has an element of distasteful economic nationalism to it, as well as a preference for reduced flexibility in compensation.
Wrong. Obama is a dangerous protectionist.

I don't agree--unless he is protecting civilian slavery or developing a nanny state.

It seems to me, that if he imposes more restrictions on employeers--they will leave the USA faster than they are now.

I do agree with the Dems about what I call "Irresponsible global trade". But I highly doubt we speak the same words for the same reasons. I speak out, because I beleive irresponsible global trade (not the trade we used to do just 20 years ago) is the main factor for every industrialized nation on why we are all facing a recession.

The Dems just speak like that on the local level for lip service.
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What the heck does that even mean?


Libtards have trouble comprehending slogans with anything more a single word.

Hope, as in Obama hopes no one asks anymore questions about his 20 year membership in a racist black church with his mentor Rev Wright.

Change, as in what people will be asking for if Obama gets elected, got some change.
I don't agree--unless he is protecting civilian slavery or developing a nanny state.

It seems to me, that if he imposes more restrictions on employeers--they will leave the USA faster than they are now.
So you think it's dangerous. You do agree.
I do agree with the Dems about what I call "Irresponsible global trade".
You are dangerous.
But I highly doubt we speak the same words for the same reasons.
Please expound on this tenuous assertion. How do you perceive our reasons differ?
I speak out, because I beleive irresponsible global trade (not the trade we used to do just 20 years ago) is the main factor for every industrialized nation on why we are all facing a recession.

The Dems just speak like that on the local level for lip service.

Speak like what? I thought you agreed with rules against irresponsible global trade (the only kind left).
Country first was held up when Fred Thompson was on stage so it can only mean that he is the resident bumpkin in charge and that he is country first. He used to go to Family Reunions to pick up women. But actually, I wonder if he might have done better if he had been like he was last night on the campaign trail.
Why is it you always hear stupid slogans chanted like children of the corn at the RNC, like "four more years!" but you don't at the DNC? Could it be they're fucking brainwashed mofos?

That big wavy flag thing is there for brainwashing. Any psychologist will tell you that's what the effect of it is. It might as well be one of these:

So in 1996 you didn't hear the chant of four more years for Clinton?

The reason you don't usually hear it, is because you have only had ONE chance in the last 24 years for the Dems to chant it.
It means he intends to govern above partisan politics. McCain's a good man....but what the hell was he thinking when he chose Sara Palin. On the surface it appears she would appeal to alienated Hilliary voters but scratch the surface and you have the most inexperienced person to run on a party ticket in this nations history. When I think of other women in the Republican party with loads of experience and bipartisan credentials like Susan Collins or Olympia Snowe......I'm just baffled.

I just can't stop laughing at comments like this...

So the party that just nominated a 46 year old first term Senator for President is appalled that the Reps chose a 44 year old first term Governor for Vice President????

Too funny.
It means he intends to govern above partisan politics. McCain's a good man....but what the hell was he thinking when he chose Sara Palin. On the surface it appears she would appeal to alienated Hilliary voters but scratch the surface and you have the most inexperienced person to run on a party ticket in this nations history. When I think of other women in the Republican party with loads of experience and bipartisan credentials like Susan Collins or Olympia Snowe......I'm just baffled.
They didn't have the "Maverick" in them, or a record of battling corruption that adds to the "real change" message.

I think that is what they were going for here, somebody "outside".