Covert Data-Mining to Find RICH Church Goers


Romney Covertly Collecting Voters’ Personal Information To Find Wealthy, Church-Going Donors

The head of Buxton Co. of Fort Worth, Texas, chief executive Tom Buxton, confirmed to the AP his company’s efforts to help Romney identify rich and previously untapped Republican donors across the country.

The Romney campaign declined to discuss on the record its work with Buxton or the project’s overall success.[...]

Buxton confirmed that the data-mining project began with the help of Dick Boyce, Romney’s former Bain & Co. colleague, after Romney joined fundraising forces with the Republican National Committee. Buxton expressed such confidence in his business and analysis methods that, in nearly two decades of running his firm, he told AP he has always been able to answer essential questions for customers.
1. i highly suspect this story. it wouldn't surprise me if true, but the fact this guy blabbed is bad business for the guy. if he doing something "covert"....then this blows out any covert operation romney is doing. i can't believe there was not some sort of confidentiality agreement, if true. also, the AP article noted:

There are no records of payments to Buxton from Romney's campaign, the Republican National Committee or a joint fundraising committee.

2. the story isn't about "church goers" as bijou would have us believe. it is about data mining....something i have no doubt all modern candidates do, including obama. but bijou makes this out as if romney is just targeting churches.
notice i was right about bijou's debate style

doesn't counter points....when you counter her points...she insults and runs away from the actual discussion.

which she did here to a TEE. thanks for proving me right again bijou. you are the gift that keeps on giving.

1. i highly suspect this story. it wouldn't surprise me if true, but the fact this guy blabbed is bad business for the guy. if he doing something "covert"....then this blows out any covert operation romney is doing. i can't believe there was not some sort of confidentiality agreement, if true. also, the AP article noted:

There are no records of payments to Buxton from Romney's campaign, the Republican National Committee or a joint fundraising committee.

2. the story isn't about "church goers" as bijou would have us believe. it is about data mining....something i have no doubt all modern candidates do, including obama. but bijou makes this out as if romney is just targeting churches.

will bijou have the courage to actually discuss her own thread topic?

or will she resort to her usual cowardice by hiding behind insults?
in all seriousness bijou:

why do you create a thread and then troll your own thread? i responded in a rational manner to your thread and all you've done is troll it.

in all seriousness bijou:

why do you create a thread and then troll your own thread? i responded in a rational manner to your thread and all you've done is troll it.


The OP and linked article are there to be read and discussed. Your bullshit masquerading as a 'rational response' doesn't warrant a response from me. Just because you make bullshit posts doesn't mean anyone here is obligated to respond to them. I'm more than happy to discuss and debate here, but not with you. You stupidly assume that whenever you're being ignored, people are "running" from your questions. Wrong - they're just ignoring you, yurt. Nothing sinister or complex - and no one's intimidated by your challenge. Your crap poses no challenge to me or anyone else. FYI - My silence usually means you're not worth the argument, yurt.

Now, go find someone else who might satisfy your desperate need for attention.
The OP and linked article are there to be read and discussed. Your bullshit masquerading as a 'rational response' doesn't warrant a response from me. Just because you make bullshit posts doesn't mean anyone here is obligated to respond to them. I'm more than happy to discuss and debate here, but not with you. You stupidly assume that whenever you're being ignored, people are "running" from your questions. Wrong - they're just ignoring you, yurt. Nothing sinister or complex - and no one's intimidated by your challenge. Your crap poses no challenge to me or anyone else. FYI - My silence usually means you're not worth the argument, yurt.

Now, go find someone else who might satisfy your desperate need for attention.

ok...what was bullshit bijou?

the only time i think people are running is when the continue to post it the same thread while ignoring tough questions. you have accused others of doing the same. why are you a hypocrite?

the rest is just your usual master darla angry rant. tell your master darla that i don't want to debate her, i want to debate you. can you address my post or are you just going to derail your own thread? i am being serious. you started a thread and you have not once debated a single point.

all you have done is stomp your feet...."thanks for the bump"....your stuff is bullshit....

but what you have not done, is actually address a single point i made. are you capable of that? why is it you can't simply respond to points? why is it you must respond with insults and dumb one liners? you claim to smart.....then prove my points wrong. no insults, just logically and rationally prove my points wrong.

can you do that?
1. i highly suspect this story. it wouldn't surprise me if true, but the fact this guy blabbed is bad business for the guy. if he doing something "covert"....then this blows out any covert operation romney is doing. i can't believe there was not some sort of confidentiality agreement, if true. also, the AP article noted:

There are no records of payments to Buxton from Romney's campaign, the Republican National Committee or a joint fundraising committee.

2. the story isn't about "church goers" as bijou would have us believe. it is about data mining....something i have no doubt all modern candidates do, including obama. but bijou makes this out as if romney is just targeting churches.

Do you think Obama is mining Wright's church members?
in all seriousness bijou:

why do you create a thread and then troll your own thread? i responded in a rational manner to your thread and all you've done is troll it.


"Rational" debating style...LMAO!

Let's examine Yurt's "rational" debating style...

thanks for proving you rarely debate!

Derision...that's a "rational" debating style?

notice i was right about bijou's debate style

doesn't counter points....when you counter her points...she insults and runs away from the actual discussion.

which she did here to a TEE. thanks for proving me right again bijou. you are the gift that keeps on giving.


More derision, this time coupled with some outright lies...the hallmarks of any "rational" debating style.

will bijou have the courage to actually discuss her own thread topic?

or will she resort to her usual cowardice by hiding behind insults?

Note Yurt's "rational" debating style again features more taunts and derision.

as usual....bijou ran away and can't address her own thread topic.

SEE - thanks for the bump - post 9

Another shining example of Yurt's "rational" debating style!

All this from ONE's no WONDER no one will engage Yurt in civil debate.

Let's all give a big round of applause to Yurt for his incessant whining and his "rational" debating style!
"Rational" debating style...LMAO!

Let's examine Yurt's "rational" debating style...

Derision...that's a "rational" debating style?

More derision, this time coupled with some outright lies...the hallmarks of any "rational" debating style.

Note Yurt's "rational" debating style again features more taunts and derision.

Another shining example of Yurt's "rational" debating style!

All this from ONE's no WONDER no one will engage Yurt in civil debate.

Let's all give a big round of applause to Yurt for his incessant whining and his "rational" debating style!

Maybe he will get a clue? :)