Covert Data-Mining to Find RICH Church Goers

ok...what was bullshit bijou?

the only time i think people are running is when the continue to post it the same thread while ignoring tough questions. you have accused others of doing the same. why are you a hypocrite?

the rest is just your usual master darla angry rant. tell your master darla that i don't want to debate her, i want to debate you. can you address my post or are you just going to derail your own thread? i am being serious. you started a thread and you have not once debated a single point.

all you have done is stomp your feet...."thanks for the bump"....your stuff is bullshit....

but what you have not done, is actually address a single point i made. are you capable of that? why is it you can't simply respond to points? why is it you must respond with insults and dumb one liners? you claim to smart.....then prove my points wrong. no insults, just logically and rationally prove my points wrong.

can you do that?

apparently my challenge to bijou to actually debate the points was too much for her....much easier to stick her normal ad homs.
what is really funny about zappa is that he is flat out lying by saying "no one" engages me in civil debate. but he will never own up to his lies.
Your claim that your responses constituted "rational" debate.

I merely provided evidence to the contrary.

so you didn't actually debate anything about the thread topic, rather, you made YET ANOTHER thread about me.

what was not rational about post 2? should i have simply lowered myself to "thanks for the bump"? i tried to get bijou to actually address her own thread, but to no avail.
so you didn't actually debate anything about the thread topic, rather, you made YET ANOTHER thread about me.

what was not rational about post 2? should i have simply lowered myself to "thanks for the bump"? i tried to get bijou to actually address her own thread, but to no avail.

Did I cite your post #2 as being irrational?
you said my responses were not rational. you failed to exclude post 2. why is it you didn't try and discuss actual content? why is it you had to make another thread about me? are you in love with me?

I never mentioned post #2, I never quoted it as an example of Yurt's incivility, but Yurt still whines that I failed to exclude it...LMAO!

No wonder people don't want to attempt debate with Yurt.
I never mentioned post #2, I never quoted it as an example of Yurt's incivility, but Yurt still whines that I failed to exclude it...LMAO!

No wonder people don't want to attempt debate with Yurt.

why did you not answer any of my questions? how is pointing out that you did not exclude post 2, whining? it is a fact.

why did you lie and claim "no one" wants to engage me in civil debate?

why are you focusing on my incivility and ignoring bijou's? i started this thread off with a civil rational discussion and then bijou devolved into insults, which i merely responded to in order to get her to stop derailing her own thread. but of course, you won't acknowledge the truth of that, because you just can't help but obsess about me. i think you have a major crush on me.
why did you not answer any of my questions? how is pointing out that you did not exclude post 2, whining? it is a fact.

why did you lie and claim "no one" wants to engage me in civil debate?

why are you focusing on my incivility and ignoring bijou's? i started this thread off with a civil rational discussion and then bijou devolved into insults, which i merely responded to in order to get her to stop derailing her own thread. but of course, you won't acknowledge the truth of that, because you just can't help but obsess about me. i think you have a major crush on me.

Because you don't answer mine.

Why are you focusing on Bijou's "incivility" and ignoring your own?

Bijou, like so many others here, has in the past bought into your "rational debate" bullshit and then had their responses mocked, insulted or just plain ignored, while you DEMAND every question you ask be answered.

Maybe if you could have gone more than ONE SINGLE POST before returning once again to the standard Yurt derision, you might have gotten an answer...but you couldn't go more than one post before returning to the same tired nonsense that everyone here recognizes.

People here don't trust you, and with good reason.
=ZappasGuitar;1064507]Because you don't answer mine.

yes i do. you're such a child...well you do it too....waaah.

Why are you focusing on Bijou's "incivility" and ignoring your own?

where did i focus on it? i didn't make this thread about me, YOU did. i am not ignoring anything.

Bijou, like so many others here, has in the past bought into your "rational debate" bullshit and then had their responses mocked, insulted or just plain ignored, while you DEMAND every question you ask be answered.

that is simply not true. and you know it. what is truly funny is that you are demanding i answer all your questions or you won't answer mine, yet here you are being a two faced asshole and whining that i demand people answer my questions.

Maybe if you could have gone more than ONE SINGLE POST before returning once again to the standard Yurt derision, you might have gotten an answer...but you couldn't go more than one post before returning to the same tired nonsense that everyone here recognizes.

my first post in this thread was about the thread. bijou then started her usual bullshit taunts and insults. and then you pop in and completely IGNORE the thread topic and make the thread all about me. stop being such a dishonest prick.

People here don't trust you, and with good reason.

yeah...the far left wing liars like you. the others do trust me. i have people PM about personal issues, that takes trust.

we're done. it is clear you are just going to drag me down into the mud with you. you refuse to answer my questions, you simply engage in deceit and insults.

pound sand.
yes i do. you're such a child...well you do it too....waaah.

where did i focus on it? i didn't make this thread about me, YOU did. i am not ignoring anything.

that is simply not true. and you know it. what is truly funny is that you are demanding i answer all your questions or you won't answer mine, yet here you are being a two faced asshole and whining that i demand people answer my questions.

my first post in this thread was about the thread. bijou then started her usual bullshit taunts and insults. and then you pop in and completely IGNORE the thread topic and make the thread all about me. stop being such a dishonest prick.

yeah...the far left wing liars like you. the others do trust me. i have people PM about personal issues, that takes trust.

we're done. it is clear you are just going to drag me down into the mud with you. you refuse to answer my questions, you simply engage in deceit and insults.

pound sand.

Wow...ANOTHER "debate" with Yurt ends with him pitching another hissy fit and stomping off in a huff!

And it doesn't surprise me in the least.

No wonder most here don't trust him...LMAO!
that is your idea of a debate?


bitching and moaning about yurt is zappa's idea of debate.


Of course anyone with a functioning brain can look at page ONE and see that Yurt had dragged the debate down with his taunts and derision LOOOOOOONG before I ever joined in...

But as we've all come to understand, NOTHING is ever Yurt's fault.

He blames ME for dragging the debate down.
1. i highly suspect this story. it wouldn't surprise me if true, but the fact this guy blabbed is bad business for the guy. if he doing something "covert"....then this blows out any covert operation romney is doing. i can't believe there was not some sort of confidentiality agreement, if true. also, the AP article noted:

There are no records of payments to Buxton from Romney's campaign, the Republican National Committee or a joint fundraising committee.

2. the story isn't about "church goers" as bijou would have us believe. it is about data mining....something i have no doubt all modern candidates do, including obama. but bijou makes this out as if romney is just targeting churches.

anyone want to address the actual thread topic?
Of course anyone with a functioning brain can look at page ONE and see that Yurt had dragged the debate down with his taunts and derision LOOOOOOONG before I ever joined in...

But as we've all come to understand, NOTHING is ever Yurt's fault.

He blames ME for dragging the debate down.

And of course Yurt simply ignores the above post because it does indeed point out how Yurt had dragged the debate down into the gutter by the end of page one.