Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Nurses, by and far, are NOT stupid people. And this story is no's happening in various hospitals all over the country. Take the hint, people. Don't believe the hype!

Actually, nurses are just as stupid as the rest of the population. I know several who are anti-vax morons like you.

Okay, once more for the intellectually impotent:

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

The people who point out that an experimental gene based therapy is NOT a vaccine or use FACTS derived from the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and valid, documented scientists and medical researchers that counter the status quo are NOT "anti-vaxxers".

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.
Nurses, by and far, are NOT stupid people. And this story is no's happening in various hospitals all over the country. Take the hint, people. Don't believe the hype!

And the nurses who object to having their jobs threatened by Biden tend to be young, healthy and as you point out, quite capable of making an informed decision about what to put into THEIR bodies. And to cap it off, the vast majority of them worked through the pandemic without the damn vax.
Okay, once more for the intellectually impotent:

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

The people who point out that an experimental gene based therapy is NOT a vaccine or use FACTS derived from the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and valid, documented scientists and medical researchers that counter the status quo are NOT "anti-vaxxers".

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.

Outstanding post.
Okay, once more for the intellectually impotent:

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

The people who point out that an experimental gene based therapy is NOT a vaccine or use FACTS derived from the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and valid, documented scientists and medical researchers that counter the status quo are NOT "anti-vaxxers".

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.

This MAGA minion doesn’t trust the government [on this] and points out that they are not vaccines and the rest. There’s so much to point out that it can barely be covered in a paragraph: like why is natural immunity literally being ignored by the public health geniuses? Good luck getting an answer for that from the vax Lemmimgs.

What is the COMPELLING scientific justification for jabbing healthy kids with them? Again with natural immunity—why are the naturally immune not being exempted from the mandates?

If you want to be ignored by a vax fanatic ask them those questions. They’ll quickly find another thread.
Okay, once more for the intellectually impotent:

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

The people who point out that an experimental gene based therapy is NOT a vaccine or use FACTS derived from the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and valid, documented scientists and medical researchers that counter the status quo are NOT "anti-vaxxers".

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.

False. They are anti THIS vaccine.
Okay, once more for the intellectually impotent:

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

The people who point out that an experimental gene based therapy is NOT a vaccine or use FACTS derived from the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and valid, documented scientists and medical researchers that counter the status quo are NOT "anti-vaxxers".

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.
Bravo. Excellent post. I agree 100%.

Despite being what you would call a MAGA minion, I am far from anti mask and anti vaccine. Just don't want this one.
Actually, nurses are just as stupid as the rest of the population. I know several who are anti-vax morons like you.
Ph.Ds are among the highest groups refusing this vaxx. They know something you don't.
I am sure there will be hospitals that will take the anti vaxer staff. You can be sure they will be jammed with people wanting to go there when they get sick.
Ph.Ds are among the highest groups refusing this vaxx. They know something you don't.


Higher education = higher vaccination rates.

Why do you lie when it's so easily disprovable? Is it a character flaw?

"Vaccination rates increased with educational attainment. More than 60% of the respondents with a Bachelor’s degree received at least one dose of the vaccine, as compared to less than 40% of those with a high school diploma or less. "

Don't like this one? I can find a dozen more that prove you are lying. I guess you're embarrassed by your lack of education and your ignorance. I don't blame you.
Okay, once more for the intellectually impotent:

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

The people who point out that an experimental gene based therapy is NOT a vaccine or use FACTS derived from the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and valid, documented scientists and medical researchers that counter the status quo are NOT "anti-vaxxers".

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.


You are telling people to believe the vaccine is an evil plot?

What the fuck dude?

Have you lost it?
https://www.hackensackmeridianhealt...NA – Also known as,response within our bodies.

January 11, 2021

Clinical Contributors to this Story

Juan C. Ravell, M.D. contributes to topics such as Allergy and Immunology.
Three COVID-19 vaccines have been granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since mid-December 2020. Prior to authorization by the FDA, these vaccines underwent the same rigorous safety and effectiveness standards as all other vaccines. Quickly, vaccine distribution began, starting with health care professionals on the frontlines of patient care.

Once available to the broader public, it’s critical that a high percentage of the population receive the vaccine in order to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19. Herd immunity occurs when most of a population is immune to an infectious disease (either from previous infection and/or vaccination) and provides indirect protection to those who are not immune to the disease.

There have been many rumors flying around on the internet about what’s in the vaccine. Some rumors even suggested that the vaccines contain gluten, wheat, eggs and even bee venom! All of that is simply, untrue.

If you’re among the many wondering “what’s actually in it?” and, “is it safe to receive the injection?”, keep reading.

COVID Vaccine Ingredients
There are two COVID-19 messenger-ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines currently authorized for emergent use in the United States: the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines. A third vaccine developed by Johnson &Johnson (J&J) Janssen uses a viral vector platform. Conventional vaccines, rely on weakened and inactivated pathogens or a fragment of the pathogen to trigger an immune response. In contrast, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines use a new approach by which mRNA is delivered into our cells to provide the genetic instructions for our own cells to “temporarily” make a “specific” viral protein (the coronavirus spike protein) that triggers an immune response. The J&J COVID-19 vaccine is a type of “replication-incompetent vector vaccine.” This vaccine also contains the genetic instructions to express a stabilized coronavirus spike protein, but instead of mRNA, these instructions are delivered via DNA stored inside a modified vector virus (Adenovirus 26). This adenovirus has been engineered to enter the human cells and deliver the desired genetic information without replicating itself or causing illness. Once inside the cells, the DNA encoding for the coronavirus spike protein can be read by the cell and transcribed into mRNA. At this point, the J&J vaccine acts similarly to the mRNA vaccines.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is made of the following ingredients:

mRNA – Also known as messenger ribonucleic acid, mRNA is the only active ingredient in the vaccine. The mRNA molecules contain the genetic material that provide instructions for our body on how to make a viral protein that triggers an immune response within our bodies. The immune response is what causes our bodies to make the antibodies needed to protect us from getting infected if exposed to the coronavirus.
There are rumors that mRNA vaccines will alter our DNA because the RNA molecule can convert information stored in DNA into proteins. That’s simply, not true. It’s critical to note that the mRNA vaccines never enter the nucleus of the cell, where our DNA is stored. After injection, the mRNA from the vaccine is released into the cytoplasm of the cells. Once the viral protein is made and on the surface of the cell, mRNA is broken down and the body permanently gets rid of it, therefore making it impossible to change our DNA.
Are you going to deny the new cancer treatments and rail against them on the internets too?


Higher education = higher vaccination rates.

Why do you lie when it's so easily disprovable? Is it a character flaw?

"Vaccination rates increased with educational attainment. More than 60% of the respondents with a Bachelor’s degree received at least one dose of the vaccine, as compared to less than 40% of those with a high school diploma or less. "

Don't like this one? I can find a dozen more that prove you are lying. I guess you're embarrassed by your lack of education and your ignorance. I don't blame you.
COVID Vaccine Hesitancy: 90 Million Still On the Fence
By Kathleen Doheny

While stereotypes about those with higher education levels or certain ethic groups more likely to get the vaccine abound, the new research did not always fit those notions. During the 5-month study period, those with a high school education showed the most movement toward vaccination and away from their previous hesitancy. The eye-opener: By May, the group with PhDs were more hesitant than those with lower educational levels.
COVID Vaccine Hesitancy: 90 Million Still On the Fence
By Kathleen Doheny

While stereotypes about those with higher education levels or certain ethic groups more likely to get the vaccine abound, the new research did not always fit those notions. During the 5-month study period, those with a high school education showed the most movement toward vaccination and away from their previous hesitancy. The eye-opener: By May, the group with PhDs were more hesitant than those with lower educational levels.

Thanks. I just checked my calendar. It's September.
Ph.Ds are among those getting fired for refusing the September mandatory vaxx. This is far from over.

Of course they are. So what? What's funny of course is that education level is self reported, and the most likely group to lie are the vaccine defiant. There is absolutely no question that higher education level = higher vaccination level. Which makes you an uneducated rube.

Like anything that is "one size fits all" it really does not. The risks of COVID exceeds risks of the risk of the the vaccine for some of the population. However for some of the population the risk of the vaccine exceeds the risk of COVID. The government has no right to tell us what we have to put into our bodies. They can and should point out the benefits of the vaccine but they should not force anyone to take the vaccine.