Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

You saying it does not make it so. I figured that out all on my own. You appear unable to focus on the topic. Maybe your shrink can prescribe some meds that would help.
The topic is independents will vote out dem mandates in 2022 and 2024.
ShitLibs are msnbc sheep that are about to lose the house and no one will vote for Harris.

https://www.hackensackmeridianhealt...NA – Also known as,response within our bodies

mRNA – Also known as messenger ribonucleic acid, mRNA is the only active ingredient in the vaccine. The mRNA molecules contain the genetic material that provide instructions for our body on how to make a viral protein that triggers an immune response within our bodies. The immune response is what causes our bodies to make the antibodies needed to protect us from getting infected if exposed to the coronavirus.
There are rumors that mRNA vaccines will alter our DNA because the RNA molecule can convert information stored in DNA into proteins. That’s simply, not true. It’s critical to note that the mRNA vaccines never enter the nucleus of the cell, where our DNA is stored. After injection, the mRNA from the vaccine is released into the cytoplasm of the cells. Once the viral protein is made and on the surface of the cell, mRNA is broken down and the body permanently gets rid of it, therefore making it impossible to change our DNA.
The topic is independents will vote out dem mandates in 2022 and 2024.

mRNA – Also known as messenger ribonucleic acid, mRNA is the only active ingredient in the vaccine. The mRNA molecules contain the genetic material that provide instructions for our body on how to make a viral protein that triggers an immune response within our bodies. The immune response is what causes our bodies to make the antibodies needed to protect us from getting infected if exposed to the coronavirus.
There are rumors that mRNA vaccines will alter our DNA because the RNA molecule can convert information stored in DNA into proteins. That’s simply, not true. It’s critical to note that the mRNA vaccines never enter the nucleus of the cell, where our DNA is stored. After injection, the mRNA from the vaccine is released into the cytoplasm of the cells. Once the viral protein is made and on the surface of the cell, mRNA is broken down and the body permanently gets rid of it, therefore making it impossible to change our DNA.

Your lies are killing people

That doesn’t win elections
The average IQ is 100 most nurses are well above 100 IMHO. I was a RN, BSN, MSN for 10 years prior to going to medical school.

Who cares about your opinion? Nurses are no smarter than the rest of the general population.

The average population has an IQ of 100

At the top of the list, in the low 130’s, are either physicians and surgeons or professors and researchers, depending on the study you look at. The range amongst physicians and surgeons is tightly clustered, whereas the range for professors and researchers is broader. Below that, in the high 120’s are lawyers, followed by accountants in the low 120’s. Pharmacists average around 120 and nurses in the high 110’s. You can find a link to the full list with more professions in the description.
They aren't. They are in the average intelligence range.
The average IQ is 100 and nurse are in the HIGH 110's. There is a reason why a lot of students can't get into nursing school.

When psychologists first developed the current IQ test, they set the average score of the norming scale to IQ 100. People have scores based on standard deviations above or below 100. This means that the average score should fall right around 100.
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This MAGA minion doesn’t trust the government [on this] and points out that they are not vaccines and the rest. There’s so much to point out that it can barely be covered in a paragraph: like why is natural immunity literally being ignored by the public health geniuses? Good luck getting an answer for that from the vax Lemmimgs.

What is the COMPELLING scientific justification for jabbing healthy kids with them? Again with natural immunity—why are the naturally immune not being exempted from the mandates?

If you want to be ignored by a vax fanatic ask them those questions. They’ll quickly find another thread.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, once more for the intellectually impotent:

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

The people who point out that an experimental gene based therapy is NOT a vaccine or use FACTS derived from the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and valid, documented scientists and medical researchers that counter the status quo are NOT "anti-vaxxers".

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.

False. They are anti THIS vaccine.

Stop acting simple, listen and LEARN:

For simplification (once you get past the self promo schtick)