Covid Follies: the saga continues.

the CIA, DOD, and Tony Fauci taught Chinese military scientists how to build weapons of mass destruction. Then Bill Gates, a former CIA director, and China's CDC director collaborated on how to censor a lab leak at Event 201 in Oct. 2019:

"Fauci funded the study that taught the Chinese military scientists, everything in China is dual-use, that lab is a military lab, and he taught them cutting-edge technology for building weapons of mass destruction. In other words, the study for how to create the clones and how to create a spike protein that could attach to a human lung and transplant it onto a coronavirus.

He also funded through Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina a technique called seamless ligation which is a technique for hiding human tampering on that virus after you've done it. Fauci gave Baric $212 million, and Baric developed a technique for hiding the human tampering; Baric taught that to Shi Zhengli, the Chinese bat lady.

Fauci says we were doing this for vaccine development and countermeasures, but there is no justification in the world for funding somebody to create seamless ligation; in fact, it is the inverse of what you would do if your interest was public health. If your interest was bioweapons creation, and he was the czar of bioweapons since 2002, that's what you would do.

USAID gave ten times what Fauci gave. The DOD was there. Why were they in there teaching Chinese scientists how to build weapons of mass destruction? USAID is a CIA front group. Eco-health Alliance is a CIA front group. The CIA modeled this outbreak in 2019 twice, the second time at Event 201.

Who was at Event 201? Avril Haines co-hosted it with Bill Gates, and the head of the Chinese CDC, George Gao, was there. The virus was already circulating in Wuhan, nobody knew it, but George Gao had to know it; he was the head of the Chinese CDC and their number one expert on coronaviruses.

He comes to New York in October of 2019 and sits downs with Avril Haines, the former director of the CIA, today the Director of National Intelligence, the top spy in the country, and they do a four-part simulation, and the fourth part is George Gao and Avril Haines talking about how do we get social media to censor people if they say this is from a lab leak."
Terrible citation. Might as well quote Hannity.

Not really, because Idiot Boy and his brethren don't do HALF the documentation when they go on their tirades. They're about "deep state" and such from the MAGA/teabagger/aught-right/fibbertarian/neocon point of view, which doesn't require a lot of due diligence. If you can factually fault the information given in the link, then please do so. THAT will make for a good debate.

"For god's sake, stop complying. Start rebelling. They are out to get you if you do not resist."

German MEP, Christine Anderson: The so-called "pandemic" was a beta test—conducted by unelected globalists—to see how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global "emergency".

"The goal, ultimately, is to transform our free and democratic societies into totalitarian societies. Their goal is to strip each and every one of us of our fundamental rights, of freedom, democracy, the rule of law. They want to get rid of all of this."

"In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the well being of regular people, and it isn't any different now."


I am not convinced yet, but it looks more and more true everyday, and as well that this is being driven primarily by the Han with the aid of Western idiots.
Not really, because Idiot Boy and his brethren don't do HALF the documentation when they go on their tirades. They're about "deep state" and such from the MAGA/teabagger/aught-right/fibbertarian/neocon point of view, which doesn't require a lot of due diligence. If you can factually fault the information given in the link, then please do so. THAT will make for a good debate.
I saw a lot of opinion in the link. Not much else.

Any piece that cites the Fla. surgeon general was written by a moron.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Not really, because Idiot Boy and his brethren don't do HALF the documentation when they go on their tirades. They're about "deep state" and such from the MAGA/teabagger/aught-right/fibbertarian/neocon point of view, which doesn't require a lot of due diligence. If you can factually fault the information given in the link, then please do so. THAT will make for a good debate.

I saw a lot of opinion in the link. Not much else.

Any piece that cites the Fla. surgeon general was written by a moron.

I didn't ask for opinion or a generalized condemnation....I ASKED FOR FACTS THAT CAN FAULT THE INFORMATION (hell, just take one item) GIVEN IN THE LINK. If you can't do that, then there's no real debate or discussion to be had.
There is evidence that cancers are occurring in excess after people receive COVID-19 vaccinations" - Dr. Risch: Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. His research has focused extensively on the causes of cancer as well as prevention and early diagnosis.

Dr. Risch said patients must now wait months, not weeks, to get an appointment at an oncology clinic in New York.

“What clinicians have been seeing,” said Dr. Risch, “is very strange things: For example, 25-year-olds with colon cancer, who don't have family histories of the disease—that's basically impossible along the known paradigm for how colon cancer works—and other long-latency cancers that they're seeing in very young people."

He said this is not how cancer normally develops."



Dr. McCullough Explains How the COVID Vaccines Can Cause Cancer

#1 - "The vaccines knock down the p53 and BRCA tumor suppressor systems ... So, we don't have our own ability to snuff out early cancers."

#2 - "The messenger RNA impairs DNA repair. And the Chinese have published that."

#3 - "It's been found that Pfizer/Moderna contain cDNA, little DNA fragments in the manufacturing process that contain SV40 promoter, enhancer, and the origin of insertion. SV40 is a known promoter of cancer in people with proto-oncogenes."

Dr. Robert Malone: "Instead of informed consent about the truth of these products ... we were given a series of lies."

Lie #1 -The COVID vaccines are "safe and effective," a repeated slogan
calls propaganda.

Lie #2 -The contents of the COVID shots stay in the arm. "They knew that these products deployed all throughout the body," said Dr. Malone.

Lie #3 - mRNA lasts in the body for a short period of time. "We now know that these products remain in your body and remain biologically active for an undetermined period of time, of at least weeks and probably months; another lie," rebuked Dr. Malone.

Lie #4 - "No one will be safe until everyone is vaccinated." Pfizer admitted to MEP Rob Roos that they never tested if the jab stopped transmission.

Dr. Malone expressed that this series of falsehoods was employed to justify the use of experimental products with high-profit margins. These products aimed to show the safety and efficacy of a vaccine platform technology (mRNA), which could then be applied for additional purposes.
Remember Scott Atlas said that Fauci et al had no idea of the data because they did not look at it, and when he tried to show data to them they refused to look, they simply called him names and walked away.

Canadians are dying of "unspecified causes" at skyrocketing numbers since 2020 - StatCan.

According to a recent Statistics Canada report, occurrences of "unspecified causes" of death in the country have skyrocketed since 2020. Not only has this number spiked dramatically, but in 2022, it became the 5th leading cause of death in Canada.

The report shows that in 2019, there were 3,378 cases of "unspecified causes" of death. This number more than doubled to 6,841 in 2020, rose to 9,471 in 2021, and then surged to a whopping 16,043 deaths in 2022.

You can review the report at the link below.