Creating a permanent liberal majority


I propose that we gerrymander America to unfairly give liberals a permanent majority, just as the conservatives have been trying to do for the past several years.

We'll set up a "Fair districting board" packed with 20 year old liberals appointed for life, who will from now on draw house congressional districts. We'll pack conservatives into districts and pretty soon we'll have a house 75% Democratic.

We'll make Austin and Washington DC into their own states complete with electoral votes biased to such small states and two senators (Don't want mob rule! It was the spirit of our foundes!). Then we'll split Massachusettes into 4 equally liberal states, we'll split Vermont into two, and we'll unite the entire south into one single state, "Jesusland" (the people in the south won't even notice, they'll just see the word "Jesus" on the ballot proposition and vote for it by reflex). We'll also make Puerto Rico into a state.

Then we'll expand the Supreme Court to 15 members, and appoint 6 extra extremely young liberals to finally make the idiot conservatives opinions irrelevant and reverse their damage to the country.

Hey, it's all constitutional.
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I propose that we gerrymander America to unfairly give liberals a permanent majority, just as the conservatives have been trying to do for the past several years.

We'll set up a "Fair districting board" packed with 20 year old liberals appointed for life, who will from now on draw house congressional districts. We'll pack conservatives into districts and pretty soon we'll have a house 75% Democratic.

We'll make Austin and Washington DC into their own states complete with electoral votes biased to such small states and two senators (Don't want mob rule! It was the spirit of our foundes!). Then we'll split Massachusettes into 4 equally liberal states, we'll split Vermont into two, and we'll unite the entire south into one single state. We'll also make Puerto Rico into a state.

Then we'll expand the Supreme Court to 15 members, and appoint 6 extra extremely young liberals to finally make the idiot conservatives opinions irrelevant and reverse their damage to the country.

Hey, it's all constitutional.

does this mean y'all become a 'running man' when ya hit 30 and we get to shoot ya?
I propose that every american gets taxed $5 a year and that money will go to feed starving children. Conservatives hate that idea for some reason.
Good Lord...........

I propose that every american gets taxed $5 a year and that money will go to feed starving children. Conservatives hate that idea for some reason.

are you Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolees boy toy?...quit with all the UN BS already!
I don't care if we don't solve starvation. The only thing I care about is feeding poor dying children.
I like Independents way more than Conservatives and Liberals. One is stubborn and loyal no matter what and the other is spineless and worries about what people will think about them over what's best for everyone.
I like Independents way more than Conservatives and Liberals. One is stubborn and loyal no matter what and the other is spineless and worries about what people will think about them over what's best for everyone.

An independent could be liberal or conservative. That's why I didn't call this thread "building a permanent Democratic majority". I could care less about their party affiliation as long as their liberal. Look at Bernie Sanders.
Lot's of independents have views that reflect both liberals and conservatives. Most independents I know don't try to put the spin on things to help one party or the other.

An independent could be liberal or conservative. That's why I didn't call this thread "building a permanent Democratic majority". I could care less about their party affiliation as long as their liberal. Look at Bernie Sanders.

Barney Franks offered waterbaby a job at his male outcall waterbaby has a real job with the real deal...all he ever wanted out of be accepted amongst super liberals!:cof1:
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Barney offered waterbaby a job at his male outcall waterbaby has a real job with the real deal...all he ever wanted out of be accepted amongst super liberals!:cof1:

Bernie Sanders isn't Bernie Franks and I could care less if Franks ran a prostitution service. There's just not that much evidence for it.
I have a better idea. The birth of USA was a experiment. Nobody around the world th0ought a government for the people, by the people would work. it worked grandly, as we became the most prosperious country in about 100 years (compare that to countries that have been around for thousands of years). We did it based on liberitarian principals, not liberial principals.

Now for the next experiment. How about we just divide the country right down the middle. The liberials can have the left half (fitting), and the liberitarians and real conservativs (not many left anymore--most are really liberial to me) can have the right side of the country. Then, lets all live our dreams. The liberials can increase their socialism if they want, and grow the number of people who expect a hand out, the right will have a totally free market and individuals would be able to rise to their potential as productive members of society.

We will see who is doing better as a people in 30 years. History would repeat itself IMO, and the right half would be the new land of oppertunity.
I have a better idea. The birth of USA was a experiment. Nobody around the world th0ought a government for the people, by the people would work. it worked grandly, as we became the most prosperious country in about 100 years (compare that to countries that have been around for thousands of years). We did it based on liberitarian principals, not liberial principals.

Now for the next experiment. How about we just divide the country right down the middle. The liberials can have the left half (fitting), and the liberitarians and real conservativs (not many left anymore--most are really liberial to me) can have the right side of the country. Then, lets all live our dreams. The liberials can increase their socialism if they want, and grow the number of people who expect a hand out, the right will have a totally free market and individuals would be able to rise to their potential as productive members of society.

We will see who is doing better as a people in 30 years. History would repeat itself IMO, and the right half would be the new land of oppertunity.

That's fearmongering BS. The right side would be a nuclear wasteland. We wouldn't want to do that to you guys. Imagine, the south having its own govenrment? They already did that before! IMploded in four years.

And thankyou for the McCarthyism, any liberal can be discredited by being called a "socialist", no matter how ridiculous and fallacious the idea is. Liberals INVENTED the free market, conservative invented "The greater good" and religious persecution. If the founders could see modern conservatives they would puke.
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I propose that every american gets taxed $5 a year and that money will go to feed starving children. Conservatives hate that idea for some reason.

Funny--I never met a starving child. Even the ones learning how to work the welfare system, with no plans on becoming productive, are pretty fat kids. None of us have ever seen a dead polar bear either--but some insist there are some, and I guess it is suppose to be a big problem.

If there are starving kids in this country---I would be happy to give them information on how to take care of themselfs, instead of teaching them how to be welfare recipients.

There has never been a social program that did not breed dependence and lazyness.

I just talke to a guy on the phone I had not seen in 12 years. He is on disability for depression (not making money yourself is depressing). He is able bodied and can work for a living like he used to---but he is told "you are ALLOWED to only make $900/month at a real job, if you want to claim disability."

Allowed to work!?? Liberials at work again. People who are dependent that have the means not to be, love liberials. I hate them because they spawn lazyness and dependency on our neighbors, while taking the money out of the pockets of those who have any grit at all.
Funny--I never met a starving child. Even the ones learning how to work the welfare system, with no plans on becoming productive, are pretty fat kids. None of us have ever seen a dead polar bear either--but some insist there are some, and I guess it is suppose to be a big problem.

If there are starving kids in this country---I would be happy to give them information on how to take care of themselfs, instead of teaching them how to be welfare recipients.

There has never been a social program that did not breed dependence and lazyness.

I just talke to a guy on the phone I had not seen in 12 years. He is on disability for depression (not making money yourself is depressing). He is able bodied and can work for a living like he used to---but he is told "you are ALLOWED to only make $900/month at a real job, if you want to claim disability."

Allowed to work!?? Liberials at work again. People who are dependent that have the means not to be, love liberials. I hate them because they spawn lazyness and dependency on our neighbors, while taking the money out of the pockets of those who have any grit at all.

Funny, I've never heard about a kid "learning to work the welfare system", except for from radical right wing fearmongers.

I have met starving children before, though.
I think we should just let California and New York secede and become Liberal Nation, the liberals could then migrate and become dependent on their government. Let New Hampshire secede and become Libertarian Nation... Then let the rest of the people continue on in the path that led the US to Superpower status rather than focus on taking it apart.
Funny, I've never heard about a kid "learning to work the welfare system", except for from radical right wing fearmongers.

I have met starving children before, though.

Well sir---Michigan used to be known as a state with more welfare than others (may be still is--not sure). Guess where lazy people moved?

Sir, you are usually a product of your environment. if you grow up on welfare because your parents had it, you will most likely be on welfare for the rest of your life, and so will your kids. Sure, a few broke the mold. I know of a family of 7 kids, who grew up on welfare. 1 of them actually make a fair living today--the rest are on welfare. Show me a staving kid--and I will tell their parents to get a education and a job. I am not making money to support those who refuse to.
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