Critical Race Theory In One Photo


>>>Critical Race Theory In One Photo<<<

I'd call it Image of the Beast In One Photo

Take a good look at her, and know that she and fellow African Americans are that end-time beast called "man of lawlessness" that's spoken of in the Bible.

The apostle Paul foretold in 2nd Thess. 2 that the beast would oppose and exalt themselves above the European Americans, and even above Jesus Christ.

And John the Revelator said of the European Americans in Rev.17:17,
"For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled."

And the prophet Daniel foretold, among other things, that the beast

1. Shall be diverse from the European Americans.
2. Shall subdue the European Americans.
3. Shall think to change times and laws of the European Americans.
4. Shall curse and speak great words against the European Americans, and shall wear out the saints among them.
5. Shall take away the dominion of the European Americans and shall consume and destroy their dominion unto the the end. (Daniel 7:24-26)
Just like any mad cow...

Actually, if I were sitting there, I'd ask questions, lots of questions. When the Orca at the front of the room starts to refuse to acknowledge my presence, I'd turn that into an example of bigotry and racism as she's sluffing me off because I'm White. Nothing like turning the tables on an idiot. The best possible thing that could happen is she gets mad and physical. Nothing like her being arrested for assault to fix the problem of sitting through that bullshit.

Yea, I'd probably get called on the carpet by some higher up, and they'd tell me next time to just sit there and say nothing. Been there, had to do that before.

Sluffing you would be a micro-aggression.

From a Kathleen Parker column on CRT:

"At Manhattan’s prestigious Dalton School, the headmaster resigned at the end of the year after a group of parents wrote an anonymous open letter to the school describing its “obsessive focus on race and identity,” including “ ‘racist cop’ reenactments in science, ‘decentering whiteness’ in art class, learning about white supremacy and sexuality in health class.”
>>>Critical Race Theory In One Photo<<<

I'd call it Image of the Beast In One Photo

Take a good look at her, and know that she and fellow African Americans are that end-time beast called "man of lawlessness" that's spoken of in the Bible.

The apostle Paul foretold in 2nd Thess. 2 that the beast would oppose and exalt themselves above the European Americans, and even above Jesus Christ.

And John the Revelator said of the European Americans in Rev.17:17,
"For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled."

And the prophet Daniel foretold, among other things, that the beast

1. Shall be diverse from the European Americans.
2. Shall subdue the European Americans.
3. Shall think to change times and laws of the European Americans.
4. Shall curse and speak great words against the European Americans, and shall wear out the saints among them.
5. Shall take away the dominion of the European Americans and shall consume and destroy their dominion unto the the end. (Daniel 7:24-26)

In addition Daniel said the beast (the black man)

6. Shall destroy the mighty Christian people (the European Americans). (8:24)
7. Shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand in his way. (11:16)
8. Shall stand in the glorious land (in America), which by his hand shall be consumed. 11:16)
9. Shall set out to gain the support of the whole nation, including the support of upright ones. (11:17)
10. Shall be given in marriage to the white women and daughters of the European Americans, corrupting her. (11:17)
11. Shall work deceitfully, and shall become strong with a small people. (11:23)
In addition Daniel said the beast (the black man)

6. Shall destroy the mighty Christian people (the European Americans). (8:24)
7. Shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand in his way. (11:16)
8. Shall stand in the glorious land (in America), which by his hand shall be consumed. 11:16)
9. Shall set out to gain the support of the whole nation, including the support of upright ones. (11:17)
10. Shall be given in marriage to the white women and daughters of the European Americans, corrupting her. (11:17)
11. Shall work deceitfully, and shall become strong with a small people. (11:23)

In addition Daniel said the beast (the blacks)

12. Shall enter peaceably upon the Industrial north, and shall plan his devices against the strongholds. (11:24)
13. Shall stir up his power and courage against the south, and the north and south shall be stirred up to battle. (11:25
14. And the northern army shall overflow the south, and many shall fall down slain. (11:26)

15. Later on, he shall turn his attention to the south again, and his heart shall be against the anti-Mescegenation laws. (11:28)

16. And arms shall stand on his part, and America shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily school prayer, and they shall put in place interracial marriage which makes desolate the white race. (11:31)

17. After this, the beast shall do as he will, and he shall exalt and magnify himself above every race, and shall demonize the European Americans until interracial marriage is accepted. (11:36)

18. Shall have no regard for the founding fathers, and no regard for "that which women desire", and no regard for any people except his own. (11:37)

19. And America shall honor him with gold, and silver, and precious stones, and pleasant things. (11:38)

20. Thus shall be done with a foreign god, whom America shall acknowledge and increase with glory; and shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. (11:39)

21. And when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the mighty European Americans, all these things shall be finished. (12:7)