Current Polling, Top Battleground States: Trump is leading in every single one of them...

Top Battlegrounds7/1746.642.4Trump+4.2
ArizonaJuly 17th47.041.3Trump+5.7
NevadaJuly 17th47.742.7Trump+5.0
WisconsinJuly 17th46.543.5Trump+3.0
MichiganJuly 17th43.842.5Trump+1.3
PennsylvaniaJuly 17th47.743.2Trump+4.5
North CarolinaJuly 17th47.041.6Trump+5.4
GeorgiaJuly 17th46.242.3Trump+3.9
These numbers are all fictitious. Just wait and watch as the script unfolds and Biden "closes the gap" going into the election, with the exciting narrative on the eve of the vote being "Biden has the momentum, Trump has bottomed out and the American people want Biden!"

Top Battlegrounds7/1746.642.4Trump+4.2
ArizonaJuly 17th47.041.3Trump+5.7
NevadaJuly 17th47.742.7Trump+5.0
WisconsinJuly 17th46.543.5Trump+3.0
MichiganJuly 17th43.842.5Trump+1.3
PennsylvaniaJuly 17th47.743.2Trump+4.5
North CarolinaJuly 17th47.041.6Trump+5.4
GeorgiaJuly 17th46.242.3Trump+3.9
Great things are happening.

the country is coming together despite the best efforst of deep state propagandists.

it's not under biden.

Here is Charlie Kirk and TYT actually havig a civil conversation AT THE RNC.

god bless america.
RCP shows three new toss up states......Virginia, Minnesota and New Hampshire.......
Yup. Trump could plausibly win all of those... and even Maine and New Mexico as well... New Jersey even isn't impossible to win, and New York might be closer than people think it'll be.

However, factoring in fraud, I'm not expecting many, if any, of those states to be officially declared "Trump wins". The main battle is to overcome the Demonkkkrat fraud machine in the "Rust Belt", as I think that much of the "Sun Belt" is currently beyond the ability to feasibly fraud away.

The people of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania both overwhelmingly support Trump (I'm talking roughly 8-10 percentage points atm as a "reasonable guess"); it's just a matter of overcoming the Obama/Clyburn fraud machine. Michigan supports Trump as well, but the support margin is a few points smaller, thus easier to overcome with fraud.
I'm worried about the recent WI SC case where they held the state was free to hold another unconstitutional election......
It's DEFINITELY a concern. Drop boxes scattered around everywhere makes it a lot easier for Demonkkkrats to cheat. It's a shame that too many people don't realize how important State Supreme Court (s)elections are. Now we have Marxists in control of the court who don't give a damn about rule of law.
there may not be enough to get those idiots overturned by the federal courts......;
The federal courts won't touch it. They "won't want to meddle" or whatever. Heck, maybe there'll be "no standing".
But..there will be enough votes in another state to cancel out Wisconsin. Have faith.
Seconded. I likewise think that people should have faith. I think even Wisconsin, even WITH our now-Marxist court's ruling on drop boxes, is capable of overcoming the massive fraud effort.

Overall, I have faith that "the steal" can be overcome this time around.
It's DEFINITELY a concern. Drop boxes scattered around everywhere makes it a lot easier for Demonkkkrats to cheat. It's a shame that too many people don't realize how important State Supreme Court (s)elections are. Now we have Marxists in control of the court who don't give a damn about rule of law.

The federal courts won't touch it. They "won't want to meddle" or whatever. Heck, maybe there'll be "no standing".
The federal courts are required to get involved when states violate the US constitution
Well, I hope momentum holds through November for the conservative candidates that can win. We’ll see.

I think the liberal side is getting worried though, as my local news app just alerted that Obama, Pelosi and other top Dems Urge Biden To Reconsider Running. Things could get interesting the next 15-16 weeks.
Well, I hope momentum holds through November for the conservative candidates that can win. We’ll see.

I think the liberal side is getting worried though, as my local news app just alerted that Obama, Pelosi and other top Dems Urge Biden To Reconsider Running. Things could get interesting the next 15-16 weeks.
I’m pretty sure Oklahoma is safe.