Damo Troll Killer

and once again, you don't call SM a troll...and i don't get into spam wars...have i spammed YOU? you're full of shit ID.

by your definition, WB, SM and yourself are trolls

good job ID....get off your high horse
of course SM is not...ID is off her rocker

You know yurt, you are the one who planted your ass in my thread lecturing me on how to deal with trolls- I do have them on IA-and again, it's because of your constant spamming with them that makes their spamming possible-or at least more obnoxious. The fact that you are likely gonna spend what ever air I'll give you back on this subject, trying to prove some ridiculous non point, is why you end up as the butt end of troll fodder daily- Until you thought you had some new observation you felt compelled to lecture me on, I had not said diddly squat to you about your onceler spamming- as to WB and SM- they can both attest to my talking to them about their stuff- you really ought to do a thread and post check of your routine spamming to see my point...just sayin'

Oh and did you note 3-d did not call WB a spammer or say you were not~ he only opined against someone he does not like- whereas I like you-but your constant attitude of thinking you know what's what with regards to trolls, when you are part of the troll problem, and then thinking you can lecture me about it- begged for my response-live with it yurt----
You know yurt, you are the one who planted your ass in my thread lecturing me on how to deal with trolls- I do have them on IA-and again, it's because of your constant spamming with them that makes their spamming possible-or at least more obnoxious. The fact that you are likely gonna spend what ever air I'll give you back on this subject, trying to prove some ridiculous non point, is why you end up as the butt end of troll fodder daily- Until you thought you had some new observation you felt compelled to lecture me on, I had not said diddly squat to you about your onceler spamming- as to WB and SM- they can both attest to my talking to them about their stuff- you really ought to do a thread and post check of your routine spamming to see my point...just sayin'

Oh and did you note 3-d did not call WB a spammer or say you were not~ he only opined against someone he does not like- whereas I like you-but your constant attitude of thinking you know what's what with regards to trolls, when you are part of the troll problem, and then thinking you can lecture me about it- begged for my response-live with it yurt----

I don't think I have ever seen him own his part. Unfortunately it might be time for you. After this, it was for me.
You know yurt, you are the one who planted your ass in my thread lecturing me on how to deal with trolls- I do have them on IA-and again, it's because of your constant spamming with them that makes their spamming possible-or at least more obnoxious. The fact that you are likely gonna spend what ever air I'll give you back on this subject, trying to prove some ridiculous non point, is why you end up as the butt end of troll fodder daily- Until you thought you had some new observation you felt compelled to lecture me on, I had not said diddly squat to you about your onceler spamming- as to WB and SM- they can both attest to my talking to them about their stuff- you really ought to do a thread and post check of your routine spamming to see my point...just sayin'

Oh and did you note 3-d did not call WB a spammer or say you were not~ he only opined against someone he does not like- whereas I like you-but your constant attitude of thinking you know what's what with regards to trolls, when you are part of the troll problem, and then thinking you can lecture me about it- begged for my response-live with it yurt----

you are truly off your rocker. i didn't lecture you. i merely stated that damo will not ban the troll. i started a thread similiar to this a few months ago because i thought damo wanted to get rid of legion and trolls....i was mistaken and it was beefy who said it. damo came out strong in defense of keeping trolls. it wasn't a lecture, it was a statement of fact. if you're this thin skinned, you have a long road in life ahead of you.

i didn't come out saying anything negative about you. but you, being hyper sensitive, took it that way. then you got on your high horse and made a fool out of yourself. for whatever weird reason, you get really pissy about my interactions with dunceler and legion. yet, you IGNORE flat out your beef with zappa, SM and WB, legion and X other posters. my interactions with dunceler and legion have never stooped to the foul mouthed shit that you get into with zappa. i have no idea why my interactions with those two upsets you so much. seriously, those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
you are truly off your rocker. i didn't lecture you. i merely stated that damo will not ban the troll. i started a thread similiar to this a few months ago because i thought damo wanted to get rid of legion and trolls....i was mistaken and it was beefy who said it. damo came out strong in defense of keeping trolls. it wasn't a lecture, it was a statement of fact. if you're this thin skinned, you have a long road in life ahead of you.

i didn't come out saying anything negative about you. but you, being hyper sensitive, took it that way. then you got on your high horse and made a fool out of yourself. for whatever weird reason, you get really pissy about my interactions with dunceler and legion. yet, you IGNORE flat out your beef with zappa, SM and WB, legion and X other posters. my interactions with dunceler and legion have never stooped to the foul mouthed shit that you get into with zappa. i have no idea why my interactions with those two upsets you so much. seriously, those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Yes yurt- I am being so sensitive and so defensive~ All I said to you was you, after your stupid lecture to me about how to handle trolls, is that you participate to such a spamming degree with trolls, that putting them on IA is pointless unless I IA you too- so I guess that's what I'll have to do to solve my annoyance with spam, because you like to spam with trolls instead of hearing some constructive criticism about your behavior- ...have fun dork.
Yeah I have a feud with zap ...so do you, and yurt, these past few months you engage him far more then I do. As to WB-there is no way in hell he engages the troll in spamming the way you do either. The point being, you have spam wars with everyone you disagree with and definitely every troll. My feud with zap took up air for a long while, I freely admit it- after I was asked to stop by a friend, I did. My now quite rare interactions are tame with regards to volume. Instead of making this about you being right -take a step back and look. Try a brief search of your name and posts you have made~ You may have the last word here btw.

Yeah I have a feud with zap ...so do you, and yurt, these past few months you engage him far more then I do. As to WB-there is no way in hell he engages the troll in spamming the way you do either. The point being, you have spam wars with everyone you disagree with and definitely every troll. My feud with zap took up air for a long while, I freely admit it- after I was asked to stop by a friend, I did. My now quite rare interactions are tame with regards to volume. Instead of making this about you being right -take a step back and look. Try a brief search of your name and posts you have made~ You may have the last word here btw.

He'll have the last word, but try and make it look like it's your fault he responded.

Same old crap, different bowl.