
Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Why are you censoring us? You've gone and disabled the Unread Posts feature. Damn your censoring ways, you censurer, you!!


Your lies are poison, Damo! Why do you support the party of lies?

This censorship leads to stolen elections. Why must your side always tell lies?
And, you can disregard that, now. Your site graphics seem to be working again. Did we just undergo another upgrade? I'm seeing what looks like a reputation display under my tag line.

i know you are joking but there are some dumb members on here that will take it seriously. the forum is just being updated right now, so features are coming in and coming out. everything is in a state of flux until it gets settled
Fixed that, Threedee...
I have a few more things to fix along the way. But I'll have to get to that later.
Fixed that, Threedee...
I have a few more things to fix along the way. But I'll have to get to that later.

I just posted a new thread, in Off Topic, with a link and a video.

When I hit submit, a screen full of stuff came up and then the thread posted.
Yeah, there's a few bugs, mostly to do with old modifications that I haven't figured out yet. I'll get that fixed... in due time. For now, sleep is in order.
Make mine red! Socialist pride!
