dano what say you about CT and gay marriage?

It won't help if she adopts a child and dies.

You will still have to file taxes as single and pay the higher rate.

You still may not be allowed on her medical insurance or her on yours.

Neither of you will be able to draw SSI survivor's benefits, regardless of estate planning or power of attorney.

Your veteran's benefits still don't extend to your wife.

If your wife or you get sick or die, still no bereavement leave or sick leave for the survivor or to care for your sick spouse.

And if your spouse is in the hospital and only next-of-kin are allowed to visit, you still don't get to go in.

So proper estate planning and power of attorney won't help with 7 out of the 10 issues I stated.

So much for alleviating MOST of the issues.

Ain't equality great?

1. Gays shouldn’t adopt kids.
2. File head of household.
3. Get your own insurance.
4. Privatize social security.
5. Moot point; gays aren’t allowed in the military.
6. I wouldn’t expect to milk my employer for that either.
7. Tell them you’re a step-sister.

Problems solved by accepting traditional values and reducing government interventions in people’s personal lives.
1. Gays shouldn’t adopt kids.
2. File head of household.
3. Get your own insurance.
4. Privatize social security.
5. Moot point; gays aren’t allowed in the military.
6. I wouldn’t expect to milk my employer for that either.
7. Tell them you’re a step-sister.

Problems solved by accepting traditional values and reducing government interventions in people’s personal lives.

1. Bullshit, this is more bigotry not an answer. Besides, I was offering this to YOU since you demanded equality.

3. Thats your answer? So having a stay-at-home partner means no health insurance? Great plan. So if you want equality, make sure you get a policy for your wife.

4. Yeah, because the private sector has done SO well at maintaining financial security? And no matter where the money is placed, it isn't going to change the rules of who draws it.

5. And so, of course, there ARE no gays in the military. But this was you asking for equality, so it doesn't matter. If you want things to be equal, lets make them equal ALL the time. Not just when its in your favor.

6. No? Ok, so your wife dies and you don't have vacation time, I expect you to miss the funeral. And if your wife gets cancer or another long term illness, I don't expect you to take excess time off to care for her.

7. So your answer is to lie? YOu are trying to say that homosexuality is immoral, but you recommend that someone lies? lol Typical
So I guess you didn't want that equality after all, huh?

Because so far you don't seem interested in giving up your benefits to gain their miniscule advantages.
1. Bullshit, this is more bigotry not an answer. Besides, I was offering this to YOU since you demanded equality.

3. Thats your answer? So having a stay-at-home partner means no health insurance? Great plan. So if you want equality, make sure you get a policy for your wife.

4. Yeah, because the private sector has done SO well at maintaining financial security? And no matter where the money is placed, it isn't going to change the rules of who draws it.

5. And so, of course, there ARE no gays in the military. But this was you asking for equality, so it doesn't matter. If you want things to be equal, lets make them equal ALL the time. Not just when its in your favor.

6. No? Ok, so your wife dies and you don't have vacation time, I expect you to miss the funeral. And if your wife gets cancer or another long term illness, I don't expect you to take excess time off to care for her.

7. So your answer is to lie? YOu are trying to say that homosexuality is immoral, but you recommend that someone lies? lol Typical
1. No bull. Creating an unnatural environment creates a myriad of problems. So let’s stop doing that instead.
2. Oops- guess you didn’t think of that, did you?
3. You’re asking someone besides yourself to pay the insurance fees for your unnatural, unhealthy lifestyle. Pay for it yourself.
4. Actually, privatized social security means that you can bequeath the estate to anyone. Even an unrelated gay guy. Right now when you die the government gets it.
5. Gays don’t belong in the military. Different issue.
6. I don’t expect my company to pay for my grieving either. I prefer to be responsible for myself.
7. My answer, when dealing with a dumb corporate policy that doesn’t make sense and does them no harm if broken, yes, is to lie. Yours, apparently, is to force a large majority with a 5000 year history of success, by judicial fiat, to dump it all and accept something that deeply offense them.