
Woo hoo! There you are!

Hey, I like the avatar. Very Jerry Garcia. :p

I'm plotzed: I make no bones about it. A couple bottles of Mumms NV Blanc de Noir will do that to you. Yep, even me. Well, okay, there was the cider before hand.


I know it doesn't resonate so much out there on the right coast, but think good thoughts about Cali prop. 8 turning the corner. If we win this one -- that is, if the proposition loses -- then the f*ckwads will have a MAJOR setback to set atop the Obama parade float.

We can still hope.

Miss you much, doll. Yeah, I shouldn't call you "doll" but, like I say, I'm plotzed. Gimme a break. The last few months have been a small slice of hell yet, paradoxically, very satisfying too. It's more than slightly serendipitous that we're coming out of it just when our long national nightmare is at an end.


Enjoy! These moments don't come often enough. We'll talk tomorrow.

I really want to talk to you about everything, and see what is going on. But, yep, tomorrow. Good night, and I have my fingers crossed for you on Prop 8.
Hey Look! It's the fool who believes that racial discrimination against white people is a joyful experience! How's it going, fool?