DC Junkies

HHHhhmmm, I think most ppl think they still hold, believe etc the same things, but in actuality their beliefs have changed, the difference being the decisions/conclusions etc are not those they came to but their parties & pundits did, they are along for the ride..

IMHO that is made clear in many of the aberrant & hypocritical arguments we read daily.

I believe if ppl came to their own conclusions rather than just accept & profess their party lines, views would be much different, varied & span a wide & rich variety of thought..

In the information age, much is available but little is sought & utilized-most remain comfortably in the boxes~parameters set & built by pundits & politicians, & therein lies the extent of discussion & thought..

I think we are very fortunate to have a few ppl here, left & right, that think for themselves, come to their own conclusions & share that perspective from outside that box.. :)
excellent insight..we complain about the same old same old; but all we think about is the same old same old
They embraced racists into the party, the started speaking the coded language of racism, and I finally realized that the type of socialism we actually need associated with the public commons, public education, social welfare, infrastructure, research et al. was actively being opposed by conservatives. I never for a second believed in "drowning our government in the bathtub", which is the philosophy that came to be embraced by teabaggers

welfare queen ??????

ronny rayguns presided over a cheating fucking party

why didnt you know that?
Nixon did too

when I was in highschool Nixon was president

the evils of the party were OBVIOUS

what made you begin to see it?

if you follow the facts you would NEVER vote republican

the republicans have cheated and lied in elections my entire adult life

they are the enemy of the founders and this nation

they hate Democracy and work towards its destruction all day long 24/7

& the democrats never did???
Nixon did too

when I was in highschool Nixon was president

the evils of the party were OBVIOUS

what made you begin to see it?

Introspection, re-evaluation, coming to terms, and trying to be honest with myself.

My support for the GOP really originated from my family's anti-communism. They felt the GOP was more committed to opposing the Soviet Union, and was more realistic in recognizing the moral depravity of Soviet communism. Having Gulag survivors in your family put communism front-and-center in one's moral universe. Of course, I had to re-appraise all that over the years, and I also had to come to terms with the fact that jokes about "welfare queens" were barely coded dog whistle's to America's racist faction.
& the democrats never did???

there is NO like record in the courts

The republican party has cheated repeatedly and been caught repeatedly


they have also repeatedly claimed the Democrats do it too when they are caught

causing people to believe what you are claiming

Yes Democratic members have been caught cheating from time to time

and Prosecuted for it

The republican party has been caught nearly every election cheating from the top

that is what the court records show
In highschool I played the lead in the play One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

It was a readers theater so yes I played a male part

I never found anything republican about the ideas in the work of that great author

it was a dictatorship not true communism

which is what happens to communism in an attempt to practice it

the old saying "communism is the best from of government on paper"

because it doesn't WORK as advertised in actual practice
In highschool I played the lead in the play One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

It was a readers theater so yes I played a male part

I never found anything republican about the ideas in the work of that great author

it was a dictatorship not true communism

which is what happens to communism in an attempt to practice it

the old saying "communism is the best from of government on paper"

because it doesn't WORK as advertised in actual practice

That is an interesting story about your connection to a Day in the Life...

Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a spiritual person who was disgusted by western capitalism in almost equal measure as by Soviet communism.

As I matured, I realized that the Republican Party's sloganeering about communism was not at all about any deep and genuine commitment to human rights, human dignity, and freedom. It was machiavellian posturing that really came down to economics and geopolitics. Jimmy Carter was the only American president of the the post-world war 2 era who correctly framed the moral dimensions of the Cold War, and showed a genuine commitment to the human rights of Soviet citizens.
Introspection, re-evaluation, coming to terms, and trying to be honest with myself.

My support for the GOP really originated from my family's anti-communism. They felt the GOP was more committed to opposing the Soviet Union, and was more realistic in recognizing the moral depravity of Soviet communism. Having Gulag survivors in your family put communism front-and-center in one's moral universe. Of course, I had to re-appraise all that over the years, and I also had to come to terms with the fact that jokes about "welfare queens" were barely coded dog whistle's to America's racist faction.
Very, very good points & in the end you need to be honest w/ "thy self"...

Sadly most are either unwilling or unable.......
there is NO like record in the courts

The republican party has cheated repeatedly and been caught repeatedly


they have also repeatedly claimed the Democrats do it too when they are caught

causing people to believe what you are claiming

Yes Democratic members have been caught cheating from time to time

and Prosecuted for it

The republican party has been caught nearly every election cheating from the top

that is what the court records show

I always recall one particular instance/s in Texas, although it happened all over the south, Chicago etc...

LBJ lost his first run @ the house, he of course needed to join the local party & "how things were"... Anyway he lost, & it was well known why, as LBJ had known there were, shall we say, irregularities on both sides, so when his opponent out cheated him he was unable to launch a probe etc..

IMHO, they are pretty much the same in this regard...
make your politics like Bruce Lee's The Tao of Jeet Kune Do

formless, no preconceptions, adaptable for all circumstances/situation

SEEK THE TRUTH You have to consciously want to know the truth and look for it. Seek the reality of combat for yourself. Don’t rely on what your instructor, past masters or other martial artists tell you is the truth. Do your own homework. You won’t learn by copying your neighbor’s homework. Take every opportunity to study what really takes place in an assault or self-defense situation — not just physically but mentally, too. What impact did fear, anxiety and anger have on the situation?

^ almost like Buddhism - believe nothing unless you see it for yourself
I always recall one particular instance/s in Texas, although it happened all over the south, Chicago etc...

LBJ lost his first run @ the house, he of course needed to join the local party & "how things were"... Anyway he lost, & it was well known why, as LBJ had known there were, shall we say, irregularities on both sides, so when his opponent out cheated him he was unable to launch a probe etc..

IMHO, they are pretty much the same in this regard...

unsubstantiated crap

about someone who has been DEAD DECADES

the USA court records contain cold hard PROOF the republican party cheats right from the TOP

Not decades ago

ALL DECADES in my entire life


unsubstantiated crap

about someone who has been DEAD DECADES

the USA court records contain cold hard PROOF the republican party cheats right from the TOP

Not decades ago

ALL DECADES in my entire life



No one said the gop didn't cheat....... THe dems have done it as well........ You wanna deny that, I could care less.:dunno: