Dear Patriot!


Staff member
Oh, gag me! Dear Patriot! Parenti is so right. Barnum was right, but in America there are a few thousand born every minute!

Dear Patriot:

Tuesday, the people were heard. In the Delaware US Senate Race it's now Harry Reid's "pet" vs. the People's Voice.

They were heard over the loud cries of the DC elite, and the liberal media. Our tone-deaf Washington “leaders” want their people in DC to protect their bloated budgets, insider deals, and special interest money.

But last week the people said differently. They want THEIR voice in DC.

I won't agree to those deals, so let's be honest- I won't get their money. As a result, I'm truly going to need to be the "people powered" candidate.

Harry Reid called my opponent "his pet" and my opponent can count on his money. I can only count on conservatives like you.

I mean, have you ever seen DC power players as disappointed as they were last week? I'll stand up against their schemes, so they won't stand with me. I'll stop their shenanigans so they want to stop me.

But I have a powerful weapon they don't. You.

They depend on dirty money from the liberal special interests in Washington, DC. I'll depend on support from Main Street in Bridgeville, Delaware.

They depend on supporters from I'll depend on supporters from the little league and from parents.

So, while my opponent will surely run to his well heeled donors, I will make my appeal to you. Will you support me financially today?

Even $100, $50 or $35 would make a big difference.

In return, I'll pledge to you to stand up against the bailouts, the government run health care scheme, the onerous new taxes coming from the Democrats, and DC's politics as usual.

Will you stand with me?

It's urgent considering the election is literally weeks away. I'll need to begin my advertising immediately and I just spent my available funds on the Primary.

An urgent contribution would be appreciated.

Together, we can stand up against the DC ruling class and send a loud message to Capitol Hill: We've had enough!

For the cause,

Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate, Delaware

P.S. The election is just a few weeks away. We know Harry Reid's "pet" will be ready to unleash his negative ads against me. Will you stop what you're doing RIGHT NOW and contribute today? A donation of $50, $100 or $250 would make a big difference.

Paid for by Friends of Christine O'Donnell
What is Reid's pet?
I don't like Harry Reid, but I think the other choice is worse, and that is the way politics are these days, the choice between bad and awful! No real choices, no adults, no statesmen, anymore, except for the man whose campaign I worked on this summer, he was an adult and a man who cares for Alaska and its future, wish there were more like him in national politics!
Funny how NOW the right is opposed to the growth of the federal government when for the 8 years before Obama any talk of growth of the federal government was met with claims that people were unpatriotic. GWB grew the government by leaps and bounds and didn't ever include the cost of war in that calculation. The right ONLY gets pissed about government growth when the left is at the helm. At least libertarians are consistent, hell even Ron Paul spoke out against his own party spending like drunken sailors.
Funny how NOW the right is opposed to the growth of the federal government when for the 8 years before Obama any talk of growth of the federal government was met with claims that people were unpatriotic. GWB grew the government by leaps and bounds and didn't ever include the cost of war in that calculation. The right ONLY gets pissed about government growth when the left is at the helm. At least libertarians are consistent, hell even Ron Paul spoke out against his own party spending like drunken sailors.
You really shot yourself in the foot with that stupid statement. I've always been opposed to growing government, especially when R's do it.
You really shot yourself in the foot with that stupid statement. I've always been opposed to growing government, especially when R's do it.
Really? All I remember you doing is singing the praises of GWB. Why don't you link me to a thread where you were critical of him. Remember, expanding the governments ability to eaves drop is also growing the government, power wise, and all you EVER used to say was if you weren't a terrorist you didn't have to worry. Bet you don't like Obama having the same powers to listen in now do you? Bet you don't trust him because he is probably listening in on DIFFERENT people than the GWB administration. The only thing you care about is spending, the rest of the governments power grabs have never been criticized by you. And I missed my foot and hit my calf.
Funny how NOW the right is opposed to the growth of the federal government when for the 8 years before Obama any talk of growth of the federal government was met with claims that people were unpatriotic. GWB grew the government by leaps and bounds and didn't ever include the cost of war in that calculation. The right ONLY gets pissed about government growth when the left is at the helm. At least libertarians are consistent, hell even Ron Paul spoke out against his own party spending like drunken sailors.

But all of them, including libertarians, believe in destroying american lives on the altar of globalist stupidity.
You really shot yourself in the foot with that stupid statement. I've always been opposed to growing government, especially when R's do it.

really? Did you oppose the department of homeland security? The transportation security administration? lumping all the alphabet agencies in to one giant DOJ?
easy tiger. I didn't accuse you, I simply asked you. I questioned it because of your favortism of expanded surveillance powers for the feds.
Collection of evidence for the purpose of fighting a war doesn't have to meet the same standards as for fighting domestic crime.
How about the usurpation of liberty concerning a private business allowing smoking?

That is certainly not what the framers of the constitution had in mind, and yet you favor that with a passion.
The WOT. Show me where our enemies are protected by The Constitution. :palm:

do you really want to lose another debate on the constitution to me?

what is the only entity, according to the constitution, that can declare war?

the constitution does not provide humans with their rights, it charges the federal government with protecting those rights.

you lose. again.
do you really want to lose another debate on the constitution to me?

what is the only entity, according to the constitution, that can declare war?

the constitution does not provide humans with their rights, it charges the federal government with protecting those rights.

you lose. again.
You keep declaring yourself the winner but the truth speaks otherwise.

War hasn't officially been formally declared since WW2. Why are you complaining about it now? Besides, the WOT was authorized by Congress: "Joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States."

The Constitution guarantees the rights of American citizens, not the rights of those we are at war with.