Dear retards in lousianna. (An Open Letter)


on indefiniate mod break
Open letter to the retard Louisianians:

Hello retards,

Remember 3 years ago when you were too stupid, fat and lazy to get out of a city that is below sea level? Lets see if you have learned anything, because Hurricane Gustav may be a category 4. (That's pretty big)! Please put down the Cheetos and move your fat asses up the interstate if you have to. You still have a few days, if you are too poor, perhaps you have realized that starting to walk right now is better than being 6 feet under. If this is not the case, please let me know when I should break out the violin, so I may play it when you start to bitch and moan due to the lack of your intellect.

Thank you,

LMAO!!! Spot on, Grind!!

But it looks like they are paying attention this year.

Thank you for the laugh.

Hurricane Gustav is gonna brush right over me. Probly won't be as bad as Katrina though, which knocked my goddamn power out for 3 weeks.

Any of you, just imagine what it's like to be without power for three fucking weeks in the south where its 140 degrees all the time. No fucking airconditioning.
Open letter to the retard Louisianians:

Hello retards,

Remember 3 years ago when you were too stupid, fat and lazy to get out of a city that is below sea level? Lets see if you have learned anything, because Hurricane Gustav may be a category 4. (That's pretty big)! Please put down the Cheetos and move your fat asses up the interstate if you have to. You still have a few days, if you are too poor, perhaps you have realized that starting to walk right now is better than being 6 feet under. If this is not the case, please let me know when I should break out the violin, so I may play it when you start to bitch and moan due to the lack of your intellect.

Thank you,


+3 Thor Points. :)

Hurricane Gustav is gonna brush right over me. Probly won't be as bad as Katrina though, which knocked my goddamn power out for 3 weeks.

Any of you, just imagine what it's like to be without power for three fucking weeks in the south where its 140 degrees all the time. No fucking airconditioning.

WM, I hope the storm doesn't do too much damage in your area. My son will be leaving with a disastor relief team on Tuesday.

I hope everyone in the path comes out ok.

Hurricane Gustav is gonna brush right over me. Probly won't be as bad as Katrina though, which knocked my goddamn power out for 3 weeks.

Any of you, just imagine what it's like to be without power for three fucking weeks in the south where its 140 degrees all the time. No fucking air conditioning.


Chocolate City will melt away.

Hurricane Gustav is gonna brush right over me. Probly won't be as bad as Katrina though, which knocked my goddamn power out for 3 weeks.

Any of you, just imagine what it's like to be without power for three fucking weeks in the south where its 140 degrees all the time. No fucking airconditioning.

You could live somewhere else....
btw gustav could well be a 5 by the time it makes landfall.
WM, I hope the storm doesn't do too much damage in your area. My son will be leaving with a disastor relief team on Tuesday.

I hope everyone in the path comes out ok.

Gustav is hitting central Louisiana. Katrina hit straight on the Mississippi coast and went right over me. We're expecting 60 mile and hour winds, though.

I just hope this storm doesn't destroy New Orleans.
One of my friends from Nawlins has her whole extended family staying at her house right now. Grandparents, nephews, the works.

They're saying that if everything gets destroyed ahain this time, they just won't go back.
I think we should have open season on looters this time.

If its food, water or medical supplies they get a pass. But anyone lootings stores, and especially homes, gets a bullet between their eyes.
Its not placing tvs above human lives. Those humans who stole stuff from people's homes are not worth keeping.

I had a very close friend who's family home was flooded by Katrina. So they lost so much. But the scum-sucking pigs that looted her family home took everything else that her family owned.

They took the things that mattered. The jewelry wasn't worth much, but each piece held a special place in her Mom's heart. The other things meant something to that family. They were part of their past, and part of their lives.

And these scavengers came thru and destroyed it when the family had run for their lives.

Some people do not deserve protection. I am not talking about shooting people who are trying to survive.

I am talking about shooting people who make a decision to scavenge after a disastor.

Sol, you have a right to protect your life with deadly force. Not property. I'd rather lose everything than take another human beings life because I want my TV so bad.

And people have a right to run from storms without having low-life, scum-sucking, scavengers destroying their lives by taking their personal possessions.

Its not about TVs, its about the sanctity of people's homes.

Thats why shooting looters doesn't get someone in trouble.
I would shoot a looter, but I would also loot. It's not really a double standard, I'm just always firmly in support of myself.
And people have a right to run from storms without having low-life, scum-sucking, scavengers destroying their lives by taking their personal possessions.

Its not about TVs, its about the sanctity of people's homes.

Thats why shooting looters doesn't get someone in trouble.

Gah serious debate. I'm sorry, there are some subjects that stress me out, and this is one of them. I'm going to delete my posts.
Gustav is hitting central Louisiana. Katrina hit straight on the Mississippi coast and went right over me. We're expecting 60 mile and hour winds, though.

I just hope this storm doesn't destroy New Orleans.

do you honestly hope this or is it just the thing to say? I'm actually looking for some entertainment. It's like a hollywood blockbuster.

Hurricane Gustav is gonna brush right over me. Probly won't be as bad as Katrina though, which knocked my goddamn power out for 3 weeks.

Any of you, just imagine what it's like to be without power for three fucking weeks in the south where its 140 degrees all the time. No fucking airconditioning.

No, but I imagine it would be like living in Anchorage when it is -27 and you have no power, it sucks! For three weeks, you better have alternative means to heat your home!