Debacle in Ukraine primary architect Nuland out

The Debacle in Ukraine is almost certainly going to end up even more disastrous for America than the Debacle in Iraq.

THREAD: Victoria Nuland announces resignation as Biden's Undersecretary of State

A notorious neocon and protege of Dick Cheney, Nuland led the Obama administration's overthrow of Ukraine's government in 2014, leading to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

In December 2013, Nuland visited Kyiv and handed out baked goods to protesters in Maidan Square, a symbolic gesture of support that was widely publicized by Western media.

Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy rallied protestors in Maidan Square, standing next to the leader of Svoboda, Oleh Tyahnybok, informing them they had America's support.

In February 2014, Nuland was caught on a leaked phone call planning Ukraine’s new government, where she can be heard saying, “I think Yats [Arseniy Yatsenyuk] is the guy” and discussing how to “glue this thing.”

During the call, she described Tyahnybok, who provided the extremists that escalated the violence, as one of the opposition leaders they were working with.

Less than one month after the audio leaked, Arseniy Yatsenyuk became the new Prime Minister of Ukraine.

The rat is leaving the sinking ship.

Victoria Nuland’s Ukraine project has utterly failed and the shadow President of Ukraine resigns from the US Govt in disgrace. She will be remembered as the coup manager, proxy war aficionado, NordStream plotter and “Fuck the EU” lunatic who has killed hundreds of thousands and wrecked Ukraine.

This is a clear sign that the US proxy war in Ukraine is coming to an end. Russia has won. The West has lost. Europe has wrecked its economic engine with self-harming sanctions. NATO will be busy selling US arms to scared EU nations who will forever fear Russias revenge and leaders across the West will be kicked out of power at the next election. Relations between the EU and the US will sour substantially.

Anthony Blinken will have to explain to his son, who likes to dress up as Zelenskyy on Halloween, how his daddy betrayed his son’s Hero and all Ukrainians. He will grow up to find out that his daddy is a serial liar and that he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians on his hands.

Victoria Nuland doesn’t have children who will be burdened with the shame of her despicable crimes. Vicky and her warmongering husband made millions from the US proxy war in Ukraine and other warmongering activities. Imagine getting rich with mass murder. You must be totally deranged to find any happiness or good sleep in your life.

To understand her deranged mind watch this video by Gonzalo Lira who had to die in custody in Ukraine for telling you the truth about vengeance driven Victoria ‘Nudelmann’ Nuland:
It will be very interesting to hear what my grapevine has to say about who shoved her out....I spect it was the Shadow President Obama.
This cunt does not understand at all....that's how we got here in addition general Evil WarPigging.
Why him? She served his purposes . In any case, Miss Piggy leaves in total disgrace.

Because I think Obama is the only person in the Swamp who has the power to fire Nuland. I do note that a lot of random people on X think that her leaving is her idea...I certainly doubt it.

As for the reason: Her lifes work has been a disaster for America and Europe....and largely due to her program the world is careening towards WW3.....Obama is nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is, but his is no dummy.
First ping on my grapevine is Scott Ritter....he thinks that we are getting ready to walk away from Ukraine and that she was pushed out:

Alexander Mercouris agrees with Ritter....we are getting ready to walk away from Ukraine, and so Nuland was shoved out.

Nuland Author Ukr Disaster Quits, Ukr Disastrous Day, 3 HIMARS, Abrams, S300 Destroyed, Rus Advances
If this WarPig CUNT! was trying to learn the truth then she did shit at picking her teachers.

I tend to doubt it.
Seeing reports that she was passed over for a promotion Feb 12....which combines with her quitting in a snit when Trump was elected making interesting......something to notice.

Lots of chatter on my grapevine today about WarPig Cunt.
Her former titles mean nothing....this was an extremely senior member of the Swamp, her last project was running Ukraine and designing the assault on Russia hoping to get rid of Putin and hopefully resuming the Pre Putin rape of Russia.

I stand with the conclusion that only Shadow President Obama had the power to fire her....and might have.
Being instrumental in designing and carrying out both the Debacle in Iraq and the Debacle in Ukraine is quite a Shit Show.

And that is not all she did to harm America.

WarPig CUNT is a well earned name.
Days in my grapevine is mostly uniform that WarPig CUNT did not leave by choice....the Swamp/Blob threw her out.