Debt Crisis...

So, nobody wants to define what a "debt crisis" looks like?

What are the negative effects of a "debt Crisis"?

When will we start to feel these effects?

Well the ones talking about debt crisis were the libs when the GOP wouldn't raise the debt limit. Remember that? I think you were one of them.
Okay, so what will the "Crisis" look like? When will it happen?

The crisis will be one day foreign gobblements will no longer want to buy our debt and fund foolishness. I can no more predict when it will happen than the Warmers can predict the weather.

You created a Strawman argument. Because I can't give you a day you conclude that there must be no problem with the debt.

I mean why even track it? We have no intention if ever repaying it.
The crisis will be one day foreign gobblements will no longer want to buy our debt and fund foolishness. I can no more predict when it will happen than the Warmers can predict the weather.

You created a Strawman argument. Because I can't give you a day you conclude that there must be no problem with the debt.

I mean why even track it? We have no intention if ever repaying it.

And, when this mythical day appears, what will the neg consequences be?
I hear Conservatives go on and on about the coming "Debt Crisis", I am convinced its a scare tactic and that there is no coming crisis. I know we have a lot of debt, but we have had a lot of debt in the past and come out of that easily....

So... Just so we are all on the same page...

Will someone who is concerned about the "Debt Crisis" explain to me:

1) What exactly is the "debt crisis".

A debt crisis is when a national debt exceeds a nation’s GDP. America has just gone over that hump. A debt crises is when a national government’s future unfunded liabilities are projected to be in the HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS America has also reached that dire situation.

2) What negative effects will we or are we seeing from the "debt crisis".


3) When will the "crisis" hit and what will that look like economically?

The “CRISIS” is already upon us! Our politicians and the idiots that elected them simply refuse to recognize it. Government is trying hard to print it’s way out of it. If you believe that’s gonna work and it does, you’ll have the last laugh. If it fails, there will be no mistaking the consequences. At that point we’ll all know exactly “what that looks like.” It will sure as hell make the great depressions and recessions of the past look like walks in the park, don’t you think?
And, when this mythical day appears, what will the neg consequences be?

Your house will be looted by the hoards of people who feel entitled to eat

I will be safe at my mountain retreat, armed, stocked with, fuel, good and off grid electricity to sustain myself comfortably while you lefties eat each other. I have plenty of popcorn
Your house will be looted by the hoards of people who feel entitled to eat

I will be safe at my mountain retreat, armed, stocked with, fuel, good and off grid electricity to sustain myself comfortably while you lefties eat each other. I have plenty of popcorn
That was hillarious thanks unibomber
LOL, I didn't realize we were there. Of course, when the interest payments cut too deeply into out budget that we feel it, that will suck.
Is not surprising that an uber partisan uninformed leftist like Jarod would attempt to claim there is no debt crisis? Isn't that what we can expect from low information fools desperately trying to defend the Imperial Presidency where the emperor has no clothes?

They put on their rose colored glasses and say; "look at his beautiful clothes and all he is doing!!" Then they whine and carp about the need to expand unemployment insurance, food stamps and entitlements because things are....going so well with the economy.

You just can't make this stuff up. It's representative of an incredible irony and denial of epic proportions.