Debunking the Stimulus Myth: Only 3% Allotted for Infrastructure

red states rule

New member
Well another liberal talking point has bit the dust. So much for Dems wanting to salvage America's crumbling infrastructure.

Will they blame Pres Bush for this as well?


The total size of the plan is about $750 to $800 billion - roughly $300 billion is for tax cuts for businesses and individuals," CBS correspondent Chip Reid said on CBS's Jan. 12 "The Early Show." "The rest will be spent on everything from roads and bridges to renewable energy to create three to 4 million jobs. Republicans are raising red flags about the amount of spending."

The recent proposal distributed by congressional Democrats will provide only an additional $15 billion in 2009 and 2010 for road construction and repair. And of that $30 billion total provided, some funds are earmarked for narrow uses such as technology training or construction of roads on Indian reservations and in national parks.

According to those calculations, that's just a little more than 3 percent meant to be spent on actual road and bridge construction. Compare that $30 billion allocated in this bill to the most expensive road project in U.S. history - the infamous "Big Dig" of Massachusetts. The final tally puts the cost of this road project to $15 billion and estimates say it will end up costing $22 billion by the year 2038. The $30 billion in this package would just be enough to cover the costs of that one project and a few smaller plans.
In a conference call on Jan. 23, House Minority Whip Rep. Eric Cantor and Hensarling pointed out some of the more egregious spending provisions in the House Democrat proposal:

For every dollar that is spent for small business tax relief, $4 are being spent for the maintenance and new grass in Washington, D.C.

$360 million for sexually transmitted disease education

$50 million for the National Endowment of Arts

$726 million for an afterschool snack program

So Dems want $726 million for an afterschool snack program. Hell, the liberal media have been telling us how fat our kids are
Well another liberal talking point has bit the dust. So much for Dems wanting to salvage America's crumbling infrastructure.

Blah, blah, blah. More pointing fingers no self examination, seems the conservatives only trait. It is always someone else's fault. Blah, blah, blah.
The arts account for millions of jobs in America. Arts/entertainment represents our 2nd largest export.

Who is to say that investment in that isn't "stimulative?"

Wouldn't money going to an after-school snack program benefit distributors & producers?

Just sayin' not to take everything at face value...
Blah, blah, blah. More pointing fingers no self examination, seems the conservatives only trait. It is always someone else's fault. Blah, blah, blah.

Eh, it is a fact. Check the link and it directs yout to the CBO. Most of the moeny (around 80%) will not be spent for 2 years

Seems all the projects have to go through Federal, State, and local red tape

So much for change
The arts account for millions of jobs in America. Arts/entertainment represents our 2nd largest export.

Who is to say that investment in that isn't "stimulative?"

Wouldn't money going to an after-school snack program benefit distributors & producers?

Just sayin' not to take everything at face value...

It is the biggest pork fest in the nations history. Yet libs keep saying how taxes muct be raised to provide funding for such "vital" government services
By its very nature, any large-scale bid to stimulate the economy will be viewed as "pork-filled," since so many of the projects & investments will be district-specific.

I haven't read through the whole thing, but I'm not just going to scream "pork" because there is investment in things like the arts, which - again - is our 2nd biggest export & employs millions. It's not like bridge repair alone is going to get people off the unemployment lines.
By its very nature, any large-scale bid to stimulate the economy will be viewed as "pork-filled," since so many of the projects & investments will be district-specific.

I haven't read through the whole thing, but I'm not just going to scream "pork" because there is investment in things like the arts, which - again - is our 2nd biggest export & employs millions. It's not like bridge repair alone is going to get people off the unemployment lines.

The bill is nothing but pork and political payoffs. Again, the main talking point of Dems was to "rebuild our roads" yet only 3% of the money goes for that purpose


Robert Buley have a roundup of some of the more wasteful spending, such as "$6 billion to weatherize 'modest income homes'" and "$87 billion to provide a 'temporary' increase in Medicaid funding" and "$400 million 'to put more scientists to work doing climate change research and "$1 billion 'to minimize undercounting of minority groups' in the 2010 census" and "$166 billion in direct aid to states, many of which have failed to budget wisely."
The main talking point of the Dems was to stimulate the economy, and create jobs.

If the bill doesn't do that, I'm fine w/ holding them accountable.
The main talking point of the Dems was to stimulate the economy, and create jobs.

If the bill doesn't do that, I'm fine w/ holding them accountable.

Dems have nobody to blame if their spending spree fails - but many will try to blame Pres Bush

Here is more I found on the pork spending spree that is about to go through. I would love to hear how this will bring the US economy back

By all accounts, the $73 billion wish list may be the largest collection of parochial spending projects in American history. Strolling through the 800 pages, we found such beauties as: $1 million to upgrade the Los Angeles County Convention Center elevated “catwalk” for cameras and lighting; $350,000 for an Albuquerque, N.M., fitness center; $94 million for a parking garage at the Orange Bowl in Miami; $4.5 million for Gretna, Florida, to bottle water with recyclable bottles; a $35 million music hall of fame in Florissant, Missouri, and $3.1 million for a swimming pool in Tulsa.

Oh, and desperate Santa Barbara, Calif., respectfully requests $80,000 for a tennis facility; Savannah, Georgia, would like to build a children’s museum; Ventura, Calif., wants $6 million to renovate the beach at Surfers Point, and Durham, N.C., home of the Durham Bulls, wants to construct the first Minor League Baseball Hall of Fame. Dayton, Ohio, wants $1.5 million to reduce prostitution with education programs, and Ponce, Puerto Rico wants $5.7 million to improve its cruise ship terminal (which will create all of 60 jobs).
Dems have nobody to blame if their spending spree fails - but many will try to blame Pres Bush

Here is more I found on the pork spending spree that is about to go through. I would love to hear how this will bring the US economy back

By all accounts, the $73 billion wish list may be the largest collection of parochial spending projects in American history. Strolling through the 800 pages, we found such beauties as: $1 million to upgrade the Los Angeles County Convention Center elevated “catwalk” for cameras and lighting; $350,000 for an Albuquerque, N.M., fitness center; $94 million for a parking garage at the Orange Bowl in Miami; $4.5 million for Gretna, Florida, to bottle water with recyclable bottles; a $35 million music hall of fame in Florissant, Missouri, and $3.1 million for a swimming pool in Tulsa.

Oh, and desperate Santa Barbara, Calif., respectfully requests $80,000 for a tennis facility; Savannah, Georgia, would like to build a children’s museum; Ventura, Calif., wants $6 million to renovate the beach at Surfers Point, and Durham, N.C., home of the Durham Bulls, wants to construct the first Minor League Baseball Hall of Fame. Dayton, Ohio, wants $1.5 million to reduce prostitution with education programs, and Ponce, Puerto Rico wants $5.7 million to improve its cruise ship terminal (which will create all of 60 jobs).

Um....these are all basically construction/renovation oriented projects. Projects like these = jobs. Did you expect $850 billion for 'roads'?

Of all the things you have listed on this thread, the only one I find offensive is the global warming research part, because that seems strictly political and not job-oriented. Sure, the stuff you list above is "pork," but like I said, any sort of project-related focus will be district specific, and you can argue "pork" about anything. Even road improvement in a certain area.

What did you expect from a stimulus bill?
Um....these are all basically construction/renovation oriented projects. Projects like these = jobs. Did you expect $850 billion for 'roads'?

Of all the things you have listed on this thread, the only one I find offensive is the global warming research part, because that seems strictly political and not job-oriented. Sure, the stuff you list above is "pork," but like I said, any sort of project-related focus will be district specific, and you can argue "pork" about anything. Even road improvement in a certain area.

What did you expect from a stimulus bill?

Oh yes, all the pork the Dems have passed in the last 2 years have done nothing execpt waste taxpayer money

Of course, Dems want higher taxes so they can have even more pork in future bills for these "vital" government programs
Um....these are all basically construction/renovation oriented projects. Projects like these = jobs. Did you expect $850 billion for 'roads'?

Of all the things you have listed on this thread, the only one I find offensive is the global warming research part, because that seems strictly political and not job-oriented. Sure, the stuff you list above is "pork," but like I said, any sort of project-related focus will be district specific, and you can argue "pork" about anything. Even road improvement in a certain area.

What did you expect from a stimulus bill?

Lorax - Don't bother. That list above does not represent anything more than a list of projects that some mayors have requested for their respective cities and towns. Nothing more. Basically, local officials provided Congress with projects in their respective jurisdictions that they would like to see funded and that are "shovel-ready." Obviously, these folks have every incentive to be overinclusive. Then, ignorant shits like the knuckle-head at the link conflate that list with the projects that will actually be funded by Congress. It just ain't so.

I know better than to expect intellectual honesty from right-wingers as a general matter, but you would think that an issue as important as this would result in some modicum of good faith. Sadly, that's not the case.
I don't think anyone would make a serious argument that most of the $850 billion they want to spend is for "vital" projects. The idea is to create jobs & pump up the economy, just by infusing cash. It's a particular economic theory that plenty on both sides agree with; you may disagree with it, but that's what it is.

I would certainly never argue that anything you listed is "vital," except for the fact that each thing will employ people, which is in itself vital right now.

And Obama is including plenty of tax cuts in his proposal, as well.
I don't think anyone would make a serious argument that most of the $850 billion they want to spend is for "vital" projects. The idea is to create jobs & pump up the economy, just by infusing cash. It's a particular economic theory that plenty on both sides agree with; you may disagree with it, but that's what it is.

I would certainly never argue that anything you listed is "vital," except for the fact that each thing will employ people, which is in itself vital right now.

And Obama is including plenty of tax cuts in his proposal, as well.

Well, maybe the Dems will had a few extra billion to buy the extra printing presses to print up all the money they plan to spend

Then comes inflation with all that extra spending

Then when all the pork and spending fails to correct he problem the blame Bush excuses will start
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Well, maybe the ems will had a few extra billion to buy the extra printing presses to print up all the money they plan to spend

Then comes inflation with all that extra spending

Then when all the pork and spending fails to correct he problem the blame Bush excuses will start

Not sure if you're keeping up w/ current events, but we're in a real pickle. Do you have any other suggestions to create jobs & stimulate the economy?

If you think it should be "strictly" roads & bridges, as you seem to indicate, guess what? That's going to cost a lot of money, too. See, the idea is to create jobs, which will in itself increase tax revenue, because more people will actually be working & paying taxes when they're actually EMPLOYED.

Get it? Or are you just in a mode to complain about anything?
Not sure if you're keeping up w/ current events, but we're in a real pickle. Do you have any other suggestions to create jobs & stimulate the economy?

If you think it should be "strictly" roads & bridges, as you seem to indicate, guess what? That's going to cost a lot of money, too. See, the idea is to create jobs, which will in itself increase tax revenue, because more people will actually be working & paying taxes when they're actually EMPLOYED.

Get it? Or are you just in a mode to complain about anything?

1) Cut taxes across the board

2) Take the capital and dividend tax to 0% for one or 2 years

That would allow people to have more money in their pockets, encourage investmant and risk taking, and would create jobs in the provate sector

It would be a great way to start the economy moving forward