Define a Moderate on the issues

Maine you strike me as a liberal democrat. The most anomolous of your positions appears to be strong support of Israel.
I don't accuse anyone of being radical....just that we all see ourselves as more or less moderate in our own eyes.....some will argue the most innane points to get the better of someone, the most minor slipup magnified beyond its importance, while ignoring the the more salient object of a post....thats life...I do it sometimes as a point of sarcasm, lost on some....or when posters just ignore my arguement as if it weren't there...some as their primary defense....
a picture builds over a period of time from these minor skirmishes and leaves one with am impression of the posters desire to be fairminded or open to any debate.....I'm sure you have perceptions of Dixie or Tody and now the Evil one that you've developed....are they fair, do they ever make a point I should consider and so on....

At the end of the road, we all want to be moderates, but others have their pictures of our fairness and openmindedness....If I claimed to be a religious fundamentalist I'm sure you would grab that label and run with it without any word passing between picked your label and what it means to you is what it means to you....
I don't accuse anyone of being radical....just that we all see ourselves as more or less moderate in our own eyes.....some will argue the most innane points to get the better of someone, the most minor slipup magnified beyond its importance, while ignoring the the more salient object of a post....thats life...I do it sometimes as a point of sarcasm, lost on some....or when posters just ignore my arguement as if it weren't there...some as their primary defense....
a picture builds over a period of time from these minor skirmishes and leaves one with am impression of the posters desire to be fairminded or open to any debate.....I'm sure you have perceptions of Dixie or Tody and now the Evil one that you've developed....are they fair, do they ever make a point I should consider and so on....

At the end of the road, we all want to be moderates, but others have their pictures of our fairness and openmindedness....If I claimed to be a religious fundamentalist I'm sure you would grab that label and run with it without any word passing between picked your label and what it means to you is what it means to you....

but yet you say: "I might add as an observation that one that self describes themselves as a neo-con Republican or Yellow dog Democrat is by definition telling us they are not moderates...that they can see issues only from one narrow-minded perspective ...and give little creedance to the opinions of others....

you are telling me what I am telling you by labelling myself a yellowdog democrat and you are saying that I am "by definition" claiming to be not a moderate. That is flat out wrong.
I don't feel like getting into a long and in the end usless debate about YOU...
I was using the term Yellow Dog Democrat in its general historical context...

My opinion is just my opinion....I'm entitled to one as you are...if I called myself a neo-con I would be prepared to live with what impression that gives others....even if MY definition would differ with what others think a neo-con means to them...
A moderate is somebody who is not 100% in agreement with a platform of a party. Their beliefs are as strong as any others, but they find that they are often at odds with their own party as well as that of the other party. They may or may not find agreemnt.

A moderate is often confused with the unconcerned or uncommitted, they are often said to have no strong beliefs, but that is a mischaracterization....
I don't want to sit and tell you what you think Maine. I'm just talking about my perception of you.

Take a look at the post of my opinions of what I would think a moderate would have. See how you rate against it. I think my synopsis of moderate views is pretty accurate.
A moderate is somebody who is not 100% in agreement with a platform of a party. Their beliefs are as strong as any others, but they find that they are often at odds with their own party as well as that of the other party. They may or may not find agreemnt.

A moderate is often confused with the unconcerned or uncommitted, they are often said to have no strong beliefs, but that is a mischaracterization....
That's one kind of moderate, I suppose. Another is the one who has passionate beliefs but is willing to compromise when necessary.
I don't want to sit and tell you what you think Maine. I'm just talking about my perception of you.

Take a look at the post of my opinions of what I would think a moderate would have. See how you rate against it. I think my synopsis of moderate views is pretty accurate.

and I only askeded upon what you derive that perception. I read your post on moderates and while I agree with nearly all of those points, I hardly find them "wishywashy".
Such position are wishy washy because they are more rooted in pragmatism then principle. A change in what the situation calls for creates new political views.

However if you do ascribe to most of those viewpoints I recant labeling you as a liberal democrat and will consider you a moderate democrat from this point.
I don't think that anybody who refuses to vote for anybody of a different party shown by the label of "yellow dog" can be considered a Moderate.
If Maine lived in the south I could accept that one could always vote democratic and be moderate.

However Maine is a liberal state with very moderate Republican Senators. I don't think they get more moderate than Snowe and Collins. I'll venture to say that any democratic nominee for Senate in such a state would be much further left of the moderate realm then either of those two canidates.