Dem advantage this fall - unprecedented voter registration

Since 2006, Dems have added 2 million voters to the rolls in the 28 states that register voters by party affiliation.

Republicans have lost nearly 344,000 voters in those same states during that time.

Instant karma for the Bush years; what a legacy that guy is going to have...

Yea--Bush sucks too. But--they left out almost half the country. (unless your Obama--and think there are 58 states in "our" union.)
I'm not convinced that even all the new voters will turn out. Youth are not dependable. Neither are african americans when it comes to voting.
I'm not convinced that even all the new voters will turn out. Youth are not dependable. Neither are african americans when it comes to voting.

Good for consertatives.

There is, what I think is a huge ignored consertative minded population that Palin will excite. Word of mouth that we may actually get some of our liberieites back can be very very powerfull. Don't forget, Palin has a 80% approval rating in Alakska, and she got more votes in here little town in Wasilli than Joe Biden got for the presidential election. (meaning she knows how to get people out to vote--or Biden sucks like a hoover--which may be how he buys votes for all I know)

There are a ton of old voters who gave up on the system that might vote, there are tons of people like me, who always knew we are getting shafted, that will love her corruption fighting record. Do not think that the people who voted last term, are the ojly ones who will vote this term. I think for this term, the polls who use recient history for a brain washing exgtravangaza---amay turn out to be flawed (it is a effort to falsly show people obama has a chance and people like him). Palion is in a position to wake a sleeping giant like only a consertative could. The American people who normally don't vote. the people who feel disconected from their government, but can barely pay their bills because it taks as much of you desposible income as possible to keep them down. (I know it, and you know it) If she gets 10% of that population---it is over. Ohh-shoot--I ment McCain---yea right. lol

Strong evidence that this point is valid and factual---is the media trying their best to tear her down in the publics eye. The public likes her better then they like the media--I promise you. The attacks are so bad---most level minded people will see what they are trying to do. Then--when they hear Palin speak--she will get their vote. I expect a record number of first time voters for Palin (opps--McCain--sorry) from all age groups and real men and women. Not the plastic type--if ya know what I mean.

The liberials can play around all they want with last terms stats--they do not apply to Palin--and the media and hard core sociaists know it.

Remember--republican registered Dr. Martin Luther King got shot for trying to give some liberities to the people of the USA. He was not just trying to do blacks a favor as much as he wanted to see all men---be men, able to live their lives in equality like this country was founded. Corrupted liberials (todays liberials) think they are above all men today--and they will hold you down if you let them. Todays corrupted republicans just rip you off, but effectively do the same thing--hold you down and steal your dreams. Add the world manufacturing environment mentality of cheaper labor is better--and I think you might be able to see what is going on. World slavery is at the top of the agenda--but they surely won't call it that. In time---we will forget what we once had, as it is no longer taught right now. Enter--the Barracuda. OK--I have too much faith in her right now--but she seems so correct, and she has a record and popularity because of it to back it.
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There's just one problem with Huckabee's statement: it's not true. Biden collected a total of 63,157 votes during the Democratic primaries and caucuses this year. By contrast, Wasilla boasts a population of 9,780.

It was a bad joke by Huckabee! and incorrect, but the Rep, love to pass on faulty information!
I got an email last night that was full of it.

I was told it was a joke! I didn't see anything funny about it!
I'm not convinced that even all the new voters will turn out. Youth are not dependable. Neither are african americans when it comes to voting.

Oh really ...

Percentage of black citizens age 18 and older who voted in the 2004 presidential election. That amounted to 14 million voters. The percentage of those voting is up 3 percentage points from the previous election. Blacks had the highest turnout rate of any minority group in 2004.

In 2000, African-American voters were 11.6 percent of all the Americans who voted – the percentage just a bit lower than the overall percentage of African-Americans in the general population (13.28 percent).
I will take a look at your links before I delve further into this. For now I may have to recant what I said about african americans and their voting patterns based on what you have provided. Thank you for the information.

Still not convinced on the youth vote however.
Oh really ...

In 2000, African-American voters were 11.6 percent of all the Americans who voted – the percentage just a bit lower than the overall percentage of African-Americans in the general population (13.28 percent).

I don't see this stat on the link you provided could you point it out to me please?
I will take a look at your links before I delve further into this. For now I may have to recant what I said about african americans and their voting patterns based on what you have provided. Thank you for the information.

Still not convinced on the youth vote however.

I agree with you on the youth vote.

Obama has not inspired them in the general in the ways he inspired them in the primaries.

He had a movement and he abandoned it.

I'll look back for the link to the stat you requested .. but you don't have to look much further than here to recognize the importance of the black vote ..
We'll have to see on the youth vote. With the way so many were involved and active in the primaries, it's hard to see them just bailing on the general, even with somewhat diminished excitement.

I haven't seen any real evidence of anything one way or the other; just conjecture based on a perception that voters are taking a "2nd look" at Obama, and that he's made some more centrist overtures since wrapping up the nomination. He still seems to be raising money in a big way, and I do think he was able to get some people re-energized after he spoke last week.

A lot depends on how he runs his campaign these last 60 days, but I have a hunch we'll at least see higher turnout among the youth vote than usual. There is more excitement about this election in general than I've seen since '92...
I'm not going to lie these stats surprise me I had no idea they voted so huge as a bloc. I don't know where I got my other information that they didn't turn out.
We'll have to see on the youth vote. With the way so many were involved and active in the primaries, it's hard to see them just bailing on the general, even with somewhat diminished excitement.

I haven't seen any real evidence of anything one way or the other; just conjecture based on a perception that voters are taking a "2nd look" at Obama, and that he's made some more centrist overtures since wrapping up the nomination. He still seems to be raising money in a big way, and I do think he was able to get some people re-energized after he spoke last week.

A lot depends on how he runs his campaign these last 60 days, but I have a hunch we'll at least see higher turnout among the youth vote than usual. There is more excitement about this election in general than I've seen since '92...

The air is quickly seeping out of the Obama balloon.

The tragedy is that he stuck the pin in it.
I'll save you some time. Neither of you are representative. Or me, for that matter.

We really won't know that until after the election. I'll bet one of us is (I doubt it's you lol). But I also have no way of knowing who it is. I don't think I speak for anyone other than myself, and a few other kooks I know who are representative of no one but a few kooks like me. I can't even claim to speak for anti-war activists, because of the ones I know, many share very different opinions. I guess I am wondering - how does one get plugged in to the great consciousness of America? Because I am totally unplugged.