Dem advantage this fall - unprecedented voter registration

I'm just saying as ideologically-driven politicos, our evaluations of the political climate can be fairly biased. Most people don't follow the day-to-day "scandals" that we are constantly debating.
It's a fair question though; BAC keeps throwing generalizations like that out there, but I haven't seen any real evidence that the "air is running out of the balloon." I saw a pretty pumped up crowd last week, and I saw Obama hit 50% in the polls for the 1st time ever.
Good for consertatives.

There is, what I think is a huge ignored consertative minded population that Palin will excite. Word of mouth that we may actually get some of our liberieites back can be very very powerfull. Don't forget, Palin has a 80% approval rating in Alakska, and she got more votes in here little town in Wasilli than Joe Biden got for the presidential election. (meaning she knows how to get people out to vote--or Biden sucks like a hoover--which may be how he buys votes for all I know)

There are a ton of old voters who gave up on the system that might vote, there are tons of people like me, who always knew we are getting shafted, that will love her corruption fighting record. Do not think that the people who voted last term, are the ojly ones who will vote this term. I think for this term, the polls who use recient history for a brain washing exgtravangaza---amay turn out to be flawed (it is a effort to falsly show people obama has a chance and people like him). Palion is in a position to wake a sleeping giant like only a consertative could. The American people who normally don't vote. the people who feel disconected from their government, but can barely pay their bills because it taks as much of you desposible income as possible to keep them down. (I know it, and you know it) If she gets 10% of that population---it is over. Ohh-shoot--I ment McCain---yea right. lol

Strong evidence that this point is valid and factual---is the media trying their best to tear her down in the publics eye. The public likes her better then they like the media--I promise you. The attacks are so bad---most level minded people will see what they are trying to do. Then--when they hear Palin speak--she will get their vote. I expect a record number of first time voters for Palin (opps--McCain--sorry) from all age groups and real men and women. Not the plastic type--if ya know what I mean.

The liberials can play around all they want with last terms stats--they do not apply to Palin--and the media and hard core sociaists know it.

Remember--republican registered Dr. Martin Luther King got shot for trying to give some liberities to the people of the USA. He was not just trying to do blacks a favor as much as he wanted to see all men---be men, able to live their lives in equality like this country was founded. Corrupted liberials (todays liberials) think they are above all men today--and they will hold you down if you let them. Todays corrupted republicans just rip you off, but effectively do the same thing--hold you down and steal your dreams. Add the world manufacturing environment mentality of cheaper labor is better--and I think you might be able to see what is going on. World slavery is at the top of the agenda--but they surely won't call it that. In time---we will forget what we once had, as it is no longer taught right now. Enter--the Barracuda. OK--I have too much faith in her right now--but she seems so correct, and she has a record and popularity because of it to back it.

You are a complete and total baffoon. You aren't even worth debating, because you're the lowest piece of anti-American scum on the face of the Earth. Go kill yourself and make the world a better place.
Wasn't the democratic party claiming record new voter registrations in '04?

The democratic party needs to be careful. They went into the 04 election full of a "we can't lose because Bush is such a loser" attitude. It is way too similar to the attitude seen today. Obama CAN lose this race. He is pissing off the base that pushed him into the nomination. His statements of change are becoming a little tarnished as he moderates his message to appease non-democratic voting blocks. He pissed of practically everyone except far right Bushites with his vote on the FISA bill.

And the constant hammering at Palin is not doing Obama any good.

It has been said that this election is Obama's to lose. I disagree. This election is the democrats' to lose. So far they seem to be intent on just that goal.
Wasn't the democratic party claiming record new voter registrations in '04?

The democratic party needs to be careful. They went into the 04 election full of a "we can't lose because Bush is such a loser" attitude. It is way too similar to the attitude seen today. Obama CAN lose this race. He is pissing off the base that pushed him into the nomination. His statements of change are becoming a little tarnished as he moderates his message to appease non-democratic voting blocks. He pissed of practically everyone except far right Bushites with his vote on the FISA bill.

And the constant hammering at Palin is not doing Obama any good.

It has been said that this election is Obama's to lose. I disagree. This election is the democrats' to lose. So far they seem to be intent on just that goal.

McCain is presenting himself as an independent reformer. Which is a bit of a stroke of brilliance, since there's practically no other way he could win the election.
I think the biggest thing that Obama has done, which I didn't see in the '04 campaigns, is to actually to look forward.

The dems in '04 mainly based its campaigns on claiming they were not George Bush. It was enough for many, but not enough for the win.
I think the biggest thing that Obama has done, which I didn't see in the '04 campaigns, is to actually to look forward.

The dems in '04 mainly based its campaigns on claiming they were not George Bush. It was enough for many, but not enough for the win.
Problem is Obama's voice is starting to get drown out by the party. Look at how they ignored Obama's pleas to keep away from attacking family.

And they are still focussed on not being Bush. All you need do is look at the rhetoric flying around. It's still "Bush this", and "Bush that" and "McSame as Bush".

That's why, despite Obama pissing off the base that nominated him, I disagree it is his election to lose. The party seems bent on doing that for him.
Problem is Obama's voice is starting to get drown out by the party. Look at how they ignored Obama's pleas to keep away from attacking family.

And they are still focussed on not being Bush. All you need do is look at the rhetoric flying around. It's still "Bush this", and "Bush that" and "McSame as Bush".

That's why, despite Obama pissing off the base that nominated him, I disagree it is his election to lose. The party seems bent on doing that for him.

I predicted long ago that Obama would not ruin his own chances -- it will be his die-hard supporters who derail the campaign.
I'm more excited about him than I used to be. I don't know if I'm representative, but, how do you know that you are? Just curious.

Yea yea yea--most "just cruious" people love Obama. Some of his friends in Iran (or close enough) may want to kill you--but why should you care?

Amanashad (red pen--red pen), the hitler of our time, answers at the Columbia commie university, to a stunned silenced homesexual crowd "We have no homosexuals in Iran".. Another quote from him "I supprort Obama for president of the united states.--he is the best for changing the USA."

Good choice--the same as our enemys. Smaaaaaart.

As long as he is multi culti, and supports gay marrage--that is all that matters. Those are the important things--right?
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