Dem leader and Al Qaeda agree on strategy

I investigate, weigh the facts and draw conclusions based on them. I take it that's an unfamiliar modus operandi for you?

No you don't. That's a false impression you have of yourself.

If you did that, you would look at the full context of Kerry's remarks, and other remarks from that day, before trying to give Democrats so much "credit" for the great Iraq "success story."
Here is what you always refuse to answer to.

more than half of the American puplic lean more to the left than the right.

You hate half of America.

Do you think half of the people in this country love AQ and hate America?
more than half of the American puplic lean more to the left than the right.

Desh, this simply isn't true.

You're setting yourself up for a big disappointment in November, and a day after the election you will be screaming again about vote fraud and wondering how this happened.
More than half want out of this war.

More than half want a health system that they can afford.

More than half want SS fixed not scrapped.

They lean more left than right and it the voting system we have did not subvert our votes the republican party would have been in permanent minority all these years.
Have you ever fucking read the whole thing Fool?

Bush breached his side ot the deal by not using all diplomatic avenues before he invaded.


In connection with the exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President shall, prior to such exercise or as soon there after as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that

(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq, and

(2) acting pursuant to this resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorists attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.


(1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION. -- Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.
(2) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS. -- Nothing in this resolution supersedes any requirement of the War Powers Resolution.


(a) The President shall, at least once every 60 days, submit to the Congress a report on matters relevant to this joint resolution, including actions taken pursuant to the exercise of authority granted in section 2 and the status of planning for efforts that are expected to be required after such actions are completed, including those actions described in section 7 of Public Law 105-338 (the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998).

(b) To the extent that the submission of any report described in subsection (a) coincides with the submission of any other report on matters relevant to this joint resolution otherwise required to be submitted to Congress pursuant to the reporting requirements of Public Law 93-148 (the War Powers Resolution), all such reports may be submitted as a single consolidated report to the Congress.

(c) To the extent that the information required by section 3 of Public Law 102-1 is included in the report required by this section, such report shall be considered as meeting the requirements of section 3 of Public Law 102-1.

73% of Americans believe the Second Amendment guarantees the rights of Americans to own guns.

65% of Americans would like to see fewer illegal immigrants in America.

63% of Americans believe in the death penalty.

54% of Americans favor making the Bush tax cuts permanent.
Just wondering

If that's true, why hasn't Bush been impeached? Why is the war going on?

What diplomatic means weren't tried? Please, do list them...

Do you know how many UN resolutions Saddam flouted?

Why do the "netroots" accuse Congressional Democrats of betrayal?
The war is still going on because it's a huge clusterfuck. If there was an easy way out, without ceding huge power to Iraq (nice job, righties), we'd have taken it.

Bush hasn't been impeached because the Dems are pussies, and for a variety of other reasons, not least of which would be that it would be horrendous for American credibility to have 2 impeachments in a row. Oh, and Cheney would become President.

Inspections were working; read Hans Blix's 2003 statement to Congress just prior to invasion. This war was not a "last resort." No one in the admin even argues that.

73% of Americans believe the Second Amendment guarantees the rights of Americans to own guns.

65% of Americans would like to see fewer illegal immigrants in America.

63% of Americans believe in the death penalty.

54% of Americans favor making the Bush tax cuts permanent.

Epi here is the deal.

When you ask people should someone undo a tax cut and they dont know the exact particuliars to the law and its effect they will assume that it will raise THEIR taxes.

That study that I showed you attached no tax cut to anyone.
It gave a budget and the places we spend money.

The people were then allowed to spend that budget any way they chose to.

Teir priorities were very liberal.

Epi here is the deal.

When you ask people should someone undo a tax cut and they dont know the exact particuliars to the law and its effect they will assume that it will raise THEIR taxes.

That study that I showed you attached no tax cut to anyone.
It gave a budget and the places we spend money.

The people were then allowed to spend that budget any way they chose to.

Teir priorities were very liberal.


I've told you a million times I've read that same study since '05 when it came out.

Read what people have to say about their own views.

The study is interesting in an academic sense. It is not applicable in the political sense, since the average individual is never going to touch a budget and will only cast votes for people who will.

I know why you are using the study. You want to believe that the majority of Americans are either self-identified Democrats or self-identified liberals, but because neither of these are true you have found a study that meets your criteria.
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73% of Americans believe the Second Amendment guarantees the rights of Americans to own guns.

65% of Americans would like to see fewer illegal immigrants in America.

63% of Americans believe in the death penalty.

BTW I agree with all of these myself.
Lefties are scattering mutual recriminations like confetti

I thought you were going to impeach Cheney, too.

That's what Kucinich said, isn't it?

Instead, after publicly surrendering our troops to Al Qaeda last year, ("I believe that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week"), Congressional Democrats have failed to do what the left elected them to do.

I can't wait for the next election!
You dumb fucking moonbat I've told you a million times I've read that same study since '05 when it came out.

Read what people have to say about their own views.

The study is interesting in an academic sense. It is not applicable in the political sense, since the average individual is never going to touch a budget and will only cast votes for people who will.

You dumb fucking brick head If you read the study then why are you bringing up stupid polls like this to try and refute what it says then?

The only one that has anything to do with the fact that people lean one way or the other is the tax cut thing and I just told you why it doesnt jive with the study.
I thought you were going to impeach Cheney, too.

That's what Kucinich said, isn't it?

Instead, after publicly surrendering our troops to Al Qaeda last year, ("I believe that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week"), Congressional Democrats have failed to do what the left elected them to do.

I can't wait for the next election!

why dont you just go buy some more guns and start killing your nieghbors for being democrats. You obviously think were all traitors.
You dumb fucking brick head If you read the study then why are you bringing up stupid polls like this to try and refute what it says then?

I edited to take that insult out since it was unnecessary and added nothing to the debate.

But I'm sure you understand my frustration since you've told me fifty times to read the study and I've told you fifty-one times that I already have.

The point is that you want to believe something is true, so you are finding polls to corroborate it.

I am under no illusions that the majority of Americans are libertarian-leaners, so you do not see me making a fool out of myself to try to prove that they are.

I wished they leaned toward my ideology. I could even handle them leaning towards yours.

But they don't lean towards either of us, they lean towards the Republicans.

That's just a sad but true fact. Trying to convince yourself otherwise is going to lead to disappointment when you see election results.
Its not a poll its a study and it was done in a scientific manner.

It has nothing to do with Gun ownership or illegals or the death penalty.

Its about our spending priorities.

Social freedoms and people oriented fiscal policy are what the dems are all about.

You can pretend that because we dont advocate killing immigrants on site the we want more in the country.

You can pretend because we dont want joe dokes carrying automatic weapons in their cars that we hate the second ammedment.

You can pretend that because we want to suyspend the death penelty until as make sure we are only executing the truely guilty that we see no crime worth the DP.

YOU would be wrong!

It about thinking in an intelligent manner about the issues that are facing us an not knee jerk reacting in ways that creates injustice.

So you contemplate murder as a means of expressing a difference of political opinion?

H.L. Mencken once wrote "even stupidity, it must be plain, has its uses in the world, and some of them are uses that intelligence cannot meet."