Democrat No Fry Zone

Libs are always concerned with diet

I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease.”

USA Today columnist and Pacifica Radio talk show host Julianne Malveaux on Justice Clarence Thomas, Nov. 4, 1994, on PBS’s “To the Contrary.”
I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease.”

USA Today columnist and Pacifica Radio talk show host Julianne Malveaux on Justice Clarence Thomas, Nov. 4, 1994, on PBS’s “To the Contrary.”

Aren't you the imbecile who is always complaining when people don't "stick to the topic?"
1) Colorado isn't "The South"

2) Though I am loathe to sound like Topper, I really must point out, that people with normal or above IQ's, do not eat fried Okra.

3) Who cares? Did you know that millions more Americans are slated to lose their homes in the coming months? And you're on here whining about the menu? What are you, a girl?

I never stated it was. I know it must pain you to have those minorities show up as equals, with their low IQ and all the other bad things they eat.

The only people losing their homes are idiots that don't know how to read, then want the government to bail them out. Fuck them, they are too stupid to own a home.

I just think it was a funny look at what the DNC is really worried about, what kind of food they will allow to be served at their convention. You can see where their priorities are.

2) Though I am loathe to sound like Topper, I really must point out, that people with normal or above IQ's, do not eat fried Okra.

Darla, I would love to know the source of this particular pearl of wisdom.

Perhaps in New York no one with a norm or above IQ eats fried okra.

But in the south there are plenty of very intelligent people who eat it. I have seen it on menus at plenty of University functions, UAB events, and served by professors at Emory.

My middle child loves fried okra, and last month he graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in aerospace engineering.
Of course Dems want to limit the culinary choices of anyone they can, starting with their own delegates.

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times, and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK."

Thus sayeth the Sainted One, who wants to control every aspect of your life.

For your own good, of course.
Of course Dems want to limit the culinary choices of anyone they can, starting with their own delegates.

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times, and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK."

Thus sayeth the Sainted One, who wants to control every aspect of your life.

For your own good, of course.

I was not making a politic reference with my correction. Darla has probably not had a lot of experience with southern society. I was just sharing what I know.
Something's wrong with being gay, homophobe?

Okay, so you're gay.

I've never heard a straight man go to this much trouble to complain about the dinner menu, at some function they aren't even going to attend.

as a gay man, are you upset there won't be ballroom dancing at the democratic convention?

sorry, I'm going to have to cut you loose now. If you have any other complaints about the cuisine, the flower arrangements, the dress code, or the fashion statements at the dem convention, tell it to somebody else.
2) Though I am loathe to sound like Topper, I really must point out, that people with normal or above IQ's, do not eat fried Okra.

Darla, I would love to know the source of this particular pearl of wisdom.


Any nutritionist.

No one who eats all of the fried foods listed in this post, is smart.

And, they'll be dead early.

It has nothing to do with new york. That's kind of like gravity - it's a universal rule.
Any nutritionist.

No one who eats all of the fried foods listed in this post, is smart.

And, they'll be dead early.

It has nothing to do with new york. That's kind of like gravity - it's a universal rule.

Something tells me you're a mite pickled. Am I right?
Any nutritionist.

No one who eats all of the fried foods listed in this post, is smart.

And, they'll be dead early.

It has nothing to do with new york. That's kind of like gravity - it's a universal rule.

Obviously fried foods are not the most healthful, but that isn't quite the same as saying no one with a normal or above IQ would eat fried okra.

There are plenty of things that are not good for you that many intelligent people eat and drink.

I don't eat many fried foods. But I would hate to think I would never eat them again.

I pity anyone who only eats for health and sustenance. They are missing a great pleasure in life. The same can be said for most alcohol, most red meat, cooked vegetables (except steamed), ice cream, processed white flour, and many other foods.

But occasional splurges aren't particularly harmful.

Its like the old man talking to his grandson. "I don't eat red meat, drink alcohol, chase women or do drugs and I just celebrated by 95th birthday" the old guy said. His grandson thought for a minute and asked "How?".
Something tells me you're a mite pickled. Am I right?

No I wasn't at all Beefy. I am so up-to-here with the elitist narrative.

Since when is it "elitist" to not want to commit suicide by food? Or to not want to waddle around, barely able to breath, certainly not able to enjoy life?

It's a stupid narrative.