Democrat Party’s Brand Of Intolerance


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I posted numerous messages about involuntary servitude cases since Elane Photography first hit the news:

The New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment does not protect the owners of a photography studio who refused, because of their Christians beliefs, to serve a lesbian couple.

Judges order Christians to work for 'gays'
Court rules photographers must violate religious faith
Published: 08/22/2013 at 4:10 PM

Jack Phillips won his case in the Supreme Court, but that is not the end of it:


Once the left embraced behavior and sexuality as a civil right, and did so with the full backing of our corrupt media, it was the beginning of the end for the most vital element of American life, that unwritten social compact that so beautifully nutshells the Constitution — the idea of “Live and Let Live.”

For 200-plus years, the idea of live and let live helped to make America the freest nation on earth. Laws were not required to enforce this concept, because we were all raised right – taught that I may not agree with what you do or say, but as long as it doesn’t interfere with my right to do and say, I’ll defend your rights.

Nolte: Colorado’s Religious Persecution of Masterpiece Cakeshop Continues
by John Nolte
20 Dec 2018

NOTE: No plaintiff ‘s lawyer ever fought his client’s case on the grounds of involuntary servitude:
VIII Amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

XIII Amendment

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Involuntary servitude aside, it is “Live and Let Live” that caught my attention in John Nolte’s article. That is a topic that television’s media mouths dare not mention.

The conspicuous manner that every organized religion’s true believers have in common is that not a one of them ever practices “Do not bother me and I will not bother you.” Or to use the better-known phrase “Live and Let Live.” Their reason is obvious. Parasites cannot live on tax dollars and also practice live and let live.

I cannot count the number of Bible-thumpers that found my threads in 18 years. Live and let live is the only thing I ever wanted from Bible-thumpers, yet their talking points never included “let live.”

Hanging onto the Second Amendment is the best chance Americans have of holding tyranny at bay. When all of the legal and philosophical arguments have been made CONSTITUTIONALLY-PROTECTED UNREGISTERED GUNS is the muscle that enforces live and let live.

You might ask yourself why Americans are being asked to die fighting tyranny in foreign lands while marching quietly down the road to tyranny in their own country? If you are squeamish about the implications think of unregistered guns as a deterrent busybodies cannot accept.

There is a deeper question that should be asked: Why are Democrats doing it? The simple answer is because they cannot mind their own goddamned business. Eric Hoffer’s great observation applies to Socialists much more than it applies to the followers of Supreme Deity religions:

“To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance.”

Organized religions were never a threat to individual liberties in America. Before Socialists began their campaign to install their own religion as the state’s religion no one was forced to join a church, or support a religion not of their own choosing. Freedom of religion —— as it was practiced in America before Socialists infiltrated the highest levels of government —— basically said live and let live. Meddlers abhor the very concept of letting others live their lives as they see fit. Live and let live is their intolerance.

It is not only dirty little moralists exercising political power that is destroying America’s moral fiber. Preventative medicine is more about the healthcare industry’s morality than it is about health. A nation of pill freaks buying prescription drugs to prevent this or that is the highest morality of all. Diet and exercise gurus promising healthier lives are moralists contradicting the pill priesthood if you do not count vitamins as pills.

Preventative medicine is a pharmaceutical industry scam. Drug companies were not making enough money selling drugs to people who were actually sick; so they increased their sales a thousandfold with the preventative medicine con job. The whole thing is a perversion of an “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

It turns out that doctors are worse than drug companies. Doctors aligned themselves with dirty little moralists when they started telling EVERYONE not to smoke. Do not smoke soon became lose weight and exercise. That was not enough. Doctors in Florida told their patients to get rid of their guns.

Question: Doctors scream bloody murder when anybody interferes in the doctor-patient relationship; so
how come doctors do not mind the ACLU getting in-between doctor and patient?

Happily, doctors cannot hide the harm they are doing with their assault on the Second Amendment. So I fear this scenario:

A patient gets rid of his gun on his doctor’s orders. A murderer breaks into the patient’s home and kills the patient’s children because he could not defend himself. The patient sues the doctor. How would you vote if you were on the jury?

In the same vain, Americans must take a long, hard, look at tort reform before those bums in Washington include it in more “healthcare reform.” I do not have much use for lawyers, but lawyers, and they alone, are all that stands between the public and medical industry butchery protected by law.

In short: when I need moral guidance I will go see the Pope not a doctor.

There were propaganda moralists long before the others jumped on the morality bandwagon. Movies and TV shows have always been dirty little morality plays; the Twilight Zone was the worst of them but not by much.

It can be argued that live and let live is also dogma, except that those of us who believe it do not give a rat’s ass how others live, worship, or eat; so long as they leave us alone.

I still have not figured out how forcing others to pay for abortions equals live and let live.
The Democratic Party of the Jackass is uninterested in Democracy. They have become intolerant, anti-Constitution Fascists. ;)
I posted numerous messages about involuntary servitude cases since Elane Photography first hit the news:

The New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment does not protect the owners of a photography studio who refused, because of their Christians beliefs, to serve a lesbian couple.

Judges order Christians to work for 'gays'
Court rules photographers must violate religious faith
Published: 08/22/2013 at 4:10 PM

Jack Phillips won his case in the Supreme Court, but that is not the end of it:


Once the left embraced behavior and sexuality as a civil right, and did so with the full backing of our corrupt media, it was the beginning of the end for the most vital element of American life, that unwritten social compact that so beautifully nutshells the Constitution — the idea of “Live and Let Live.”

For 200-plus years, the idea of live and let live helped to make America the freest nation on earth. Laws were not required to enforce this concept, because we were all raised right – taught that I may not agree with what you do or say, but as long as it doesn’t interfere with my right to do and say, I’ll defend your rights.

Nolte: Colorado’s Religious Persecution of Masterpiece Cakeshop Continues
by John Nolte
20 Dec 2018

NOTE: No plaintiff ‘s lawyer ever fought his client’s case on the grounds of involuntary servitude:
VIII Amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

XIII Amendment

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Involuntary servitude aside, it is “Live and Let Live” that caught my attention in John Nolte’s article. That is a topic that television’s media mouths dare not mention.

The conspicuous manner that every organized religion’s true believers have in common is that not a one of them ever practices “Do not bother me and I will not bother you.” Or to use the better-known phrase “Live and Let Live.” Their reason is obvious. Parasites cannot live on tax dollars and also practice live and let live.

I cannot count the number of Bible-thumpers that found my threads in 18 years. Live and let live is the only thing I ever wanted from Bible-thumpers, yet their talking points never included “let live.”

Hanging onto the Second Amendment is the best chance Americans have of holding tyranny at bay. When all of the legal and philosophical arguments have been made CONSTITUTIONALLY-PROTECTED UNREGISTERED GUNS is the muscle that enforces live and let live.

You might ask yourself why Americans are being asked to die fighting tyranny in foreign lands while marching quietly down the road to tyranny in their own country? If you are squeamish about the implications think of unregistered guns as a deterrent busybodies cannot accept.

There is a deeper question that should be asked: Why are Democrats doing it? The simple answer is because they cannot mind their own goddamned business. Eric Hoffer’s great observation applies to Socialists much more than it applies to the followers of Supreme Deity religions:

“To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance.”

Organized religions were never a threat to individual liberties in America. Before Socialists began their campaign to install their own religion as the state’s religion no one was forced to join a church, or support a religion not of their own choosing. Freedom of religion —— as it was practiced in America before Socialists infiltrated the highest levels of government —— basically said live and let live. Meddlers abhor the very concept of letting others live their lives as they see fit. Live and let live is their intolerance.

It is not only dirty little moralists exercising political power that is destroying America’s moral fiber. Preventative medicine is more about the healthcare industry’s morality than it is about health. A nation of pill freaks buying prescription drugs to prevent this or that is the highest morality of all. Diet and exercise gurus promising healthier lives are moralists contradicting the pill priesthood if you do not count vitamins as pills.

Preventative medicine is a pharmaceutical industry scam. Drug companies were not making enough money selling drugs to people who were actually sick; so they increased their sales a thousandfold with the preventative medicine con job. The whole thing is a perversion of an “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

It turns out that doctors are worse than drug companies. Doctors aligned themselves with dirty little moralists when they started telling EVERYONE not to smoke. Do not smoke soon became lose weight and exercise. That was not enough. Doctors in Florida told their patients to get rid of their guns.

Question: Doctors scream bloody murder when anybody interferes in the doctor-patient relationship; so
how come doctors do not mind the ACLU getting in-between doctor and patient?

Happily, doctors cannot hide the harm they are doing with their assault on the Second Amendment. So I fear this scenario:

A patient gets rid of his gun on his doctor’s orders. A murderer breaks into the patient’s home and kills the patient’s children because he could not defend himself. The patient sues the doctor. How would you vote if you were on the jury?

In the same vain, Americans must take a long, hard, look at tort reform before those bums in Washington include it in more “healthcare reform.” I do not have much use for lawyers, but lawyers, and they alone, are all that stands between the public and medical industry butchery protected by law.

In short: when I need moral guidance I will go see the Pope not a doctor.

There were propaganda moralists long before the others jumped on the morality bandwagon. Movies and TV shows have always been dirty little morality plays; the Twilight Zone was the worst of them but not by much.

It can be argued that live and let live is also dogma, except that those of us who believe it do not give a rat’s ass how others live, worship, or eat; so long as they leave us alone.

I still have not figured out how forcing others to pay for abortions equals live and let live.

Here's the way it works, bitch.

When you run a business in the secular world, you play by secular rules. There are laws regarding discrimination against certain groups. To review for idiots like you, they include:

National Origin

In most locations these days, sexual orientation is another. Comprende, dumbfuck?

As for the remainder of your rambling piece of bullshit -> :rofl2:

I posted numerous messages about involuntary servitude cases since Elane Photography first hit the news:

Democrats will never stop trying to legitimate involuntary servitude despite the VIII and XIII Amendments:

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s contrary decision in a similar case, a unanimous Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday upheld its ruling that florist Barronelle Stutzman broke the state’s anti-discrimination law when she refused to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding.

Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court sent back Stutzman’s case to the state after ruling Colorado showed religious animus to Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips for refusing to make a cake for a same-sex couple.

In the Phillips case one year ago, the court ruled that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission was hostile to Phillips’ faith “and failed to act neutrally toward his religion.”

However, in the Stutzman case, the court found that neither the Washington Supreme Court nor the Benton County Superior Court acted with religious animus toward Stutzman and her business, Arlene’s Flowers, the Washington Examiner reported.

The Washington Supreme Court said Thursday it’s confident that Stutzman’s case was resolved “with tolerance, and we therefore find no reason to change our original judgment.”

Attorneys for Stutzman, whose case began with a lawsuit against her in 2013, said they will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Court rules against florist who refused same-sex couple
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/06/2019 @ 7:46 pm

Democrats will never stop trying to legitimate involuntary servitude despite the VIII and XIII Amendments:

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s contrary decision in a similar case, a unanimous Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday upheld its ruling that florist Barronelle Stutzman broke the state’s anti-discrimination law when she refused to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding.

Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court sent back Stutzman’s case to the state after ruling Colorado showed religious animus to Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips for refusing to make a cake for a same-sex couple.

In the Phillips case one year ago, the court ruled that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission was hostile to Phillips’ faith “and failed to act neutrally toward his religion.”

However, in the Stutzman case, the court found that neither the Washington Supreme Court nor the Benton County Superior Court acted with religious animus toward Stutzman and her business, Arlene’s Flowers, the Washington Examiner reported.

The Washington Supreme Court said Thursday it’s confident that Stutzman’s case was resolved “with tolerance, and we therefore find no reason to change our original judgment.”

Attorneys for Stutzman, whose case began with a lawsuit against her in 2013, said they will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Court rules against florist who refused same-sex couple
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/06/2019 @ 7:46 pm

Do you know why there are civil rights laws against discrimination, stupid fuck?
Do you know why there are civil rights laws against discrimination, stupid fuck?

To Domer76: Do you know why there are special privileges laws, asshole?

Incidentally, attaching every cause to a greater issue is hardly new. Attaching homosexuality to so-called abortion Rights is the same thing homosexuals did with the Civil Rights Movement —— homosexuals and black Americans require special privileges. Sad to say, the privileges both groups got under the banner of Civil Rights were taken away from everybody else. If you plan on replying be sure to include one Right EVERY AMERICAN gets. In short: It ain't a Right when somebody else pays for it.

PLEASE —— no moral horseshit to justify taken Rights away from everybody you disagree with.
I posted numerous messages about involuntary servitude cases since Elane Photography first hit the news:

The New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment does not protect the owners of a photography studio who refused, because of their Christians beliefs, to serve a lesbian couple.

Judges order Christians to work for 'gays'
Court rules photographers must violate religious faith
Published: 08/22/2013 at 4:10 PM

Jack Phillips won his case in the Supreme Court, but that is not the end of it:


Once the left embraced behavior and sexuality as a civil right, and did so with the full backing of our corrupt media, it was the beginning of the end for the most vital element of American life, that unwritten social compact that so beautifully nutshells the Constitution — the idea of “Live and Let Live.”

For 200-plus years, the idea of live and let live helped to make America the freest nation on earth. Laws were not required to enforce this concept, because we were all raised right – taught that I may not agree with what you do or say, but as long as it doesn’t interfere with my right to do and say, I’ll defend your rights.

Nolte: Colorado’s Religious Persecution of Masterpiece Cakeshop Continues
by John Nolte
20 Dec 2018

NOTE: No plaintiff ‘s lawyer ever fought his client’s case on the grounds of involuntary servitude:
VIII Amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

XIII Amendment

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Involuntary servitude aside, it is “Live and Let Live” that caught my attention in John Nolte’s article. That is a topic that television’s media mouths dare not mention.

The conspicuous manner that every organized religion’s true believers have in common is that not a one of them ever practices “Do not bother me and I will not bother you.” Or to use the better-known phrase “Live and Let Live.” Their reason is obvious. Parasites cannot live on tax dollars and also practice live and let live.

I cannot count the number of Bible-thumpers that found my threads in 18 years. Live and let live is the only thing I ever wanted from Bible-thumpers, yet their talking points never included “let live.”

Hanging onto the Second Amendment is the best chance Americans have of holding tyranny at bay. When all of the legal and philosophical arguments have been made CONSTITUTIONALLY-PROTECTED UNREGISTERED GUNS is the muscle that enforces live and let live.

You might ask yourself why Americans are being asked to die fighting tyranny in foreign lands while marching quietly down the road to tyranny in their own country? If you are squeamish about the implications think of unregistered guns as a deterrent busybodies cannot accept.

There is a deeper question that should be asked: Why are Democrats doing it? The simple answer is because they cannot mind their own goddamned business. Eric Hoffer’s great observation applies to Socialists much more than it applies to the followers of Supreme Deity religions:

“To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance.”

Organized religions were never a threat to individual liberties in America. Before Socialists began their campaign to install their own religion as the state’s religion no one was forced to join a church, or support a religion not of their own choosing. Freedom of religion —— as it was practiced in America before Socialists infiltrated the highest levels of government —— basically said live and let live. Meddlers abhor the very concept of letting others live their lives as they see fit. Live and let live is their intolerance.

It is not only dirty little moralists exercising political power that is destroying America’s moral fiber. Preventative medicine is more about the healthcare industry’s morality than it is about health. A nation of pill freaks buying prescription drugs to prevent this or that is the highest morality of all. Diet and exercise gurus promising healthier lives are moralists contradicting the pill priesthood if you do not count vitamins as pills.

Preventative medicine is a pharmaceutical industry scam. Drug companies were not making enough money selling drugs to people who were actually sick; so they increased their sales a thousandfold with the preventative medicine con job. The whole thing is a perversion of an “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

It turns out that doctors are worse than drug companies. Doctors aligned themselves with dirty little moralists when they started telling EVERYONE not to smoke. Do not smoke soon became lose weight and exercise. That was not enough. Doctors in Florida told their patients to get rid of their guns.

Question: Doctors scream bloody murder when anybody interferes in the doctor-patient relationship; so
how come doctors do not mind the ACLU getting in-between doctor and patient?

Happily, doctors cannot hide the harm they are doing with their assault on the Second Amendment. So I fear this scenario:

A patient gets rid of his gun on his doctor’s orders. A murderer breaks into the patient’s home and kills the patient’s children because he could not defend himself. The patient sues the doctor. How would you vote if you were on the jury?

In the same vain, Americans must take a long, hard, look at tort reform before those bums in Washington include it in more “healthcare reform.” I do not have much use for lawyers, but lawyers, and they alone, are all that stands between the public and medical industry butchery protected by law.

In short: when I need moral guidance I will go see the Pope not a doctor.

There were propaganda moralists long before the others jumped on the morality bandwagon. Movies and TV shows have always been dirty little morality plays; the Twilight Zone was the worst of them but not by much.

It can be argued that live and let live is also dogma, except that those of us who believe it do not give a rat’s ass how others live, worship, or eat; so long as they leave us alone.

I still have not figured out how forcing others to pay for abortions equals live and let live.

Just curious, would you be alright with a company refusing to do business with people for being a different race?
Just curious, would you be alright with a company refusing to do business with people for being a different race?

To StoneByStone: NO if you are talking about institutions enforcing involuntary servitude policies.

An emphatic YES if you are talking individuals.

A word of advice. Spend more time on formulating clever questions.
To StoneByStone: NO if you are talking about institutions enforcing involuntary servitude policies.

An emphatic YES if you are talking individuals.

A word of advice. Spend more time on formulating clever questions.

I'm not sure why you got triggered by that, it was a pretty fair question.