Democrat Party’s Brand Of Intolerance

To Domer76: Do you know why there are special privileges laws, asshole?

Incidentally, attaching every cause to a greater issue is hardly new. Attaching homosexuality to so-called abortion Rights is the same thing homosexuals did with the Civil Rights Movement —— homosexuals and black Americans require special privileges. Sad to say, the privileges both groups got under the banner of Civil Rights were taken away from everybody else. If you plan on replying be sure to include one Right EVERY AMERICAN gets. In short: It ain't a Right when somebody else pays for it.

PLEASE —— no moral horseshit to justify taken Rights away from everybody you disagree with.

Wrong again, stupid fuck. Same asswipe mantra you shitstains use every time.

No “special rights”, you stupid fucking dumbfuck. Same rights.


To StoneByStone:
You lost me. If you thought your question triggered me, logically, you must have concluded my answer was unfair. If not, why bring it up at all?

Well the answer was fine. But then you said I should work harder at coming up with clever questions, which was kind of strange. :laugh:

Aaron and Melissa Klein were fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding.

U.S. Supreme Court justices on Monday sidestepped another opportunity to determine if LGBTQ rights trump the Constitution’s protection of the exercise of religion.

Nevertheless, they ruled in favor of the owners of an Oregon bakery, Sweetcakes by Melissa, who declined to make a cake for a same-sex wedding. The ruling vacated a state court decision against Aaron and Melissa Klein, eliminating a $135,000 fine. And it directed state appellate judges to reconsider the case in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of Colorado baker Jack Phillips.

Supremes make major ruling regarding Christian bakers
Posted By Bob Unruh On 06/17/2019 @ 1:42 pm
Wrong again, stupid fuck. Same asswipe mantra you shitstains use every time.

No “special rights”, you stupid fucking dumbfuck. Same rights.


You're slipping, dickhead. Only 3 profane (I used "you stupid fucking dumbfuck" as 1) insults in 2 short sentences...
Do you think it's ok to deny service to someone based on race?

To StoneByStone: Absolutely. Every self-employed individual has the Right to choose who they work for.

Even employees can quit if the boss orders them to perform involuntary servitude.

Just curious, would you be alright with a company refusing to do business with people for being a different race?

To StoneByStone: NO if you are talking about institutions enforcing involuntary servitude policies.

An emphatic YES if you are talking individuals.
I know they're not a race. I'm asking about race because I'm curious about consistency.
Do you think it's ok to deny service to someone based on race?

Since it has nothing to do with race, then why are you bringing it up; except to try and make them equal, for some reason.
Untrue; because you're just trying to equate homosexuality and race.

Not at all.
You said that it should be legal to refuse to do business with someone for their sexuality. So I'm curious if you also think it should also be legal to refuse to do business with someone for their race.
Not at all.
You said that it should be legal to refuse to do business with someone for their sexuality. So I'm curious if you also think it should also be legal to refuse to do business with someone for their race.

And you're still failing; because they are two separate issues, seeing as how a homosexual can be any race.

And you're still failing; because they are two separate issues, seeing as how a homosexual can be any race.

Yes, I know that. You already admitting you think discrimination based on sexuality should be legal. So I'm asking how you feel about other things, such as race. Should discrimination based on race be legal?
Yes, I know that. You already admitting you think discrimination based on sexuality should be legal. So I'm asking how you feel about other things, such as race. Should discrimination based on race be legal?

I've never said discrimination based on sexuality should be legal, unless you want to actually provide that supposed post; because you're known for just making up shit and then promoting it as facts.
Here's the way it works, bitch.

When you run a business in the secular world, you play by secular rules. There are laws regarding discrimination against certain groups. To review for idiots like you, they include:

National Origin

In most locations these days, sexual orientation is another. Comprende, dumbfuck?

As for the remainder of your rambling piece of bullshit -> :rofl2:

So...running his business according to his religion is not allowed??? WTF??
Not at all.
You said that it should be legal to refuse to do business with someone for their sexuality. So I'm curious if you also think it should also be legal to refuse to do business with someone for their race.


I have no problem, for instance, if a black restaurant owner refuses to serve me because I'm not black. It's his restaurant, he can run it the way he wants.