Democrat Senator Levin and Democrat Congressman Dingell TOP recipients of Big 3 $$$


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Drowning in debt but no problem giving tens of millions in political donations to keep them afloat with your money.

Liberal Democrat senator Levin gets the most for the senate and Liberal Democrat congressman Dingell gets over a million with millions of his already at stake in investments of stock and options with GM, his wife being a lobbyist for GM.

Small wonder Dems in congress are pushing so hard for billions more to Detroit.

Blech, aren't Democrats supposed to be against corporate welfare? Repubs were bad with spending and now we get to see Dems being worse. Yes it was possible.
If these companies don't stay afloat, it's going to be bad news for most Americans. I don't really understand what people don't get about that.
Of course more contributions than to the cash strapped republicans. Kind of tells me that business has lost faith in the republican party.
If these companies don't stay afloat, it's going to be bad news for most Americans. I don't really understand what people don't get about that.

These companies have already lost a lot, while Japanese and German companies have increased market share, and they have jobs right in America too, even in manufacturing:

"In 13 locations across North America, more than 36,000 team members are producing* over 1.3 million vehicles, more than 1.5 million engines, and nearly 400,000 automatic transmissions per year. In fact, 11 Toyota and Lexus models are built in North America with parts purchased from hundreds of North American supplier locations. "

It is bullshit to pretend that jobs from rivals are not created here too. The only difference being they get their money from people buying what they want in a free market and not forcefully from the government tit.

Also I would add there is fearmongering going on, in all likelihood, one of the 3 would fail and the others would become healthier once the gobble the failure's market share and hopefully get back on their feet. There is shrinking market demand for their products.
Of course more contributions than to the cash strapped republicans. Kind of tells me that business has lost faith in the republican party.
No it means that they realize more chance of corporate welfare from Dems who have a philosophy of taxing what moves and subsidizing what doesn't.

The last time DC cut corporate welfare was in the 90' house Republicans under Gingrich, imagine that.
So the biggest recipients of money from employees at the Big Three are the senior members of Congress from Michigan. Who ever would have guessed that?

Scandal of all scandals!
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seriously, what are the dems going to care whether the auto 3 go under or not. If they succeed and become profitable again, the dems will try to claim credit. If they fail, the dems will still blame the reps and most everybody will be too stupid and angry to actually learn the truth.
seriously, what are the dems going to care whether the auto 3 go under or not. If they succeed and become profitable again, the dems will try to claim credit. If they fail, the dems will still blame the reps and most everybody will be too stupid and angry to actually learn the truth.

Blame will fall on pretty deaf ears once the market hits 5,000 and we're at 12% unemployment, as well...
Drowning in debt but no problem giving tens of millions in political donations to keep them afloat with your money.

Liberal Democrat senator Levin gets the most for the senate and Liberal Democrat congressman Dingell gets over a million with millions of his already at stake in investments of stock and options with GM, his wife being a lobbyist for GM.

Small wonder Dems in congress are pushing so hard for billions more to Detroit.

Blech, aren't Democrats supposed to be against corporate welfare? Repubs were bad with spending and now we get to see Dems being worse. Yes it was possible.

Imagine, the congressman from Detroit, supporting the Detroit automakers and getting contributions from him. It's a crime against humanity.
So the biggest recipients of money from employees at the Big Three are the senior members of Congress from Michigan. Who ever would have guessed that?

Scandal of all scandals!

I never said other Michigan lawmakers didn't, I said those were the top. There are senior Repubs from Michigan too in the house, yet Democrat Dingell is the highest.
The plain fact is they know Dems are better at delivering corporate welfare and their dollars show it.
I never said other Michigan lawmakers didn't, I said those were the top. There are senior Repubs from Michigan too in the house, yet Democrat Dingell is the highest.
The plain fact is they know Dems are better at delivering corporate welfare and their dollars show it.

Or maybe it's just that Detroit is represented mostly by Dems?


Liberals are the reason my grass isn't as green as I'd like it to be.
Or maybe it's just that Detroit is represented mostly by Dems?
Including the suburbs where most of the auto workers are?
What diff does that make anyway, it's the lefties who contend that Repubs are all about corp welfare and corp donations and here we see both being more to do with Dems.

Liberals are the reason my grass isn't as green as I'd like it to be.
Why, did they pass another law forcing water conservation?

Seriously, I didn't blame Liberals here, I showed the link between their donations received and their support for the bailout.
Anyone who does NOT support the bailout today needs a crash course in economics. They shouldn't even be serving in Congress if they vote against it.
Including the suburbs where most of the auto workers are?
What diff does that make anyway, it's the lefties who contend that Repubs are all about corp welfare and corp donations and here we see both being more to do with Dems.

Why, did they pass another law forcing water conservation?

Seriously, I didn't blame Liberals here, I showed the link between their donations received and their support for the bailout.

You have serious problems with understanding issues of causation.
You have serious problems with understanding issues of causation.

True or false. Leftists have a general philosophy of taxing that which is healthy and subsidizing that which is not.

The big 3 know where their best chance of return is going to come from. Yes it's tilted more to Michigan politicians but to DEMOCRAT Michigan politicians.

Schumer and Tester seemed to come out against it, so it's not all Dems that are like this but it would seem to be generally so.
Anyone who does NOT support the bailout today needs a crash course in economics. They shouldn't even be serving in Congress if they vote against it.
Many economists have come out against the bailout.
Do you believe businesses should be allowed to fail?

There is nothing wrong with that, it's happened throughout history and better comes out of it.
True or false. Leftists have a general philosophy of taxing that which is healthy and subsidizing that which is not.

The big 3 know where their best chance of return is going to come from. Yes it's tilted more to Michigan politicians but to DEMOCRAT Michigan politicians.

Schumer and Tester seemed to come out against it, so it's not all Dems that are like this but it would seem to be generally so.

Democratic Michigan politicians are more important than Republican Michigan politicians because Democratic Michigan politicians serve in the majority. Dingell is also more important than any other House member because, in addition to represented parts of Detroit and it southern suburbs, he serves as chairman of the House Energy and Commerce committee, a rather important posts, particularly to the auto manufacturers
Many economists have come out against the bailout.
Do you believe businesses should be allowed to fail?

There is nothing wrong with that, it's happened throughout history and better comes out of it.

Dude, we lost a half a million jobs last month. Are you ready to quadruple that figure? Are you ready for double-digit unemployment, a Dow around 6,000 (or lower) and a further erosion of our already dwindling manufacturing base?

It's a total no brainer. The bailout is cheap, cheap, cheap compared to the alternative.
Democratic Michigan politicians are more important than Republican Michigan politicians because Democratic Michigan politicians serve in the majority. Dingell is also more important than any other House member because, in addition to represented parts of Detroit and it southern suburbs, he serves as chairman of the House Energy and Commerce committee, a rather important posts, particularly to the auto manufacturers

This is false, Waxman is the chair.

And if you say it's because Democrat Dingell serves in the majority why is it that he was the top recipient in 2003-2004 when Repubs were the majority?

Again, true or false, Leftists have a general philosophy of taxing that which is healthy and subsidizing that which is not.
I would like to see your answer to that.

I'm not saying there aren't other factors, there almost always are, but other things being equal when corps come to DC rattling their tin cup (and especially unionized corps), they know Dems are their best shot.
Dude, we lost a half a million jobs last month. Are you ready to quadruple that figure? Are you ready for double-digit unemployment, a Dow around 6,000 (or lower) and a further erosion of our already dwindling manufacturing base?

It's a total no brainer. The bailout is cheap, cheap, cheap compared to the alternative.
Would you have argued in favor of a bailout in the recession of the early 70's, 80's or 90's?

You are only delaying the inevitable, trying to push off a recession will only make it that much more spectacular, especially when as we have seen, much of the bailout money is subsidizing failure that is not in demand. How can you expect return from that?
And you are piling on yet more debt for the next generation. Someday someone will have to deal with that.