Democrat Senator Levin and Democrat Congressman Dingell TOP recipients of Big 3 $$$

Relax. The link I posted IS from 2008 and it says Dingell got more.
Here you are, this time I'll bold the parts that you never bothered to read:

"The auto industry spent nearly $50 million lobbying Congress in the first nine months of this year.

And people tied to the auto industry gave another $15 million in campaign contributions, CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports.

It's not surprising that a lot of that money went to members of Congress from Michigan, where the auto industry is the biggest employer and politicians are passionate advocates for their constituents.

Take Sen. Carl Levin, who received $438,304 from the automotive industry. And in the House, Rep. Joe Knollenberg received $879,327. Rep. John Dingell got nearly a million from the industry. All have enjoyed generous support from the auto industry over their careers, with GM and Ford as their two top contributors. All support a bailout.

But nobody's been a bigger advocate for Motor City interests than Dingell."

Are you really this fucking stupid? Here you goddamned buffoon:

The article provides the lifetime contributions.
Drowning in debt but no problem giving tens of millions in political donations to keep them afloat with your money.

Liberal Democrat senator Levin gets the most for the senate and Liberal Democrat congressman Dingell gets over a million with millions of his already at stake in investments of stock and options with GM, his wife being a lobbyist for GM.

Small wonder Dems in congress are pushing so hard for billions more to Detroit.

Blech, aren't Democrats supposed to be against corporate welfare? Repubs were bad with spending and now we get to see Dems being worse. Yes it was possible.

They are Democratic Congresspersons.

You spelled it wrong.
That's pretty short-sighted of you. Again.
I can think of nothing more shortsighted than taking on yet more debt and calling it a solution.

Disagree all you want, strongly or otherwise. I usually find that the stronger you disagree with me the more correct I am.
You didn't expect me to read your link did you?
Because guess what? It mentions nothing about Ford specifically, nor does it mention anything explictly about the supply chain. It does however back up exactly what I said about the price of parts being driven by manufacturing parts. Again if Chrysler folds, GM is reliant on AC Delco and not Mopar.

I admit only that under current circumstances it is insane to allow GM to go through a Chapter 7 liquidation, nothing more. You see, I am capable of complex thought, not merely lizardbrain reactionary nonsense.
Are you really this fucking stupid? Here you goddamned buffoon:

The article provides the lifetime contributions.

Again, I don't give a shit about lifetime contribution, I already explained to you why that does not matter. They were not looking for a bailout in previous years, they are now, and in 2008, Dingell got more money according to that link. That Opensecrets link obviously does not show all the soft money as the one from cbs news was hundreds of thousands more in donations.
Again, I don't give a shit about lifetime contribution, I already explained to you why that does not matter. They were not looking for a bailout in previous years, they are now, and in 2008, Dingell got more money according to that link. That Opensecrets link obviously does not show all the soft money as the one from cbs news was hundreds of thousands more in donations.

You're a fucking idiot. Seriously. What I am telling you is that the sky is blue and that the sun rises in the east and you are telling me it isn't true. That is what's going on here, just so you understand.
You're a fucking idiot. Seriously. What I am telling you is that the sky is blue and that the sun rises in the east and you are telling me it isn't true. That is what's going on here, just so you understand.
Ok sure kid.
The link from CBS news shows far more donations as the numbers for both Dingell and Knollenberg are much higher. The reporter who put them together is obviously more up to date than opensecrets is and/or opensecrets is not showing all the soft money. Take your pick, but either way you are wrong.

You are done here.
Ok sure kid.
The link from CBS news shows far more donations as the numbers for both Dingell and Knollenberg are much higher. The reporter who put them together is obviously more up to date than opensecrets is and/or opensecrets is not showing all the soft money. Take your pick, but either way you are wrong.

You are done here.

Actually chief, the CBS report is reporting lifetime contributions to Dingell and Knollenberg whereas the report includes contributions for the 2008 election cycle. It's really not all that difficult a concept to grasp, but I'm not surprised that you don't get it. I'm not sure what would satisfy you. I would point to the disclaimer at the bottom of the page that says:

METHODOLOGY: The numbers on this page are based on contributions from PACs and individuals giving $200 or more. All donations took place during the 2007-2008 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission on Monday, November 17, 2008.

That should be enough, as it makes clear that based on all reported contributions Knollenberg received more money than Dingell. But then you'd just fire back with some horseshit about "soft money" contributions again.

And then I could actually show you where the reporter from CBS got her numbers by posting a link to showing the lifetime contributions of the "Automotive" industry (as opposed to Auto Manufacturers) to Dingell and the other top 20 recipients Automotive Industry money with the exact same numbers as the CBS report. You know like this:

But you'd probably respond with some more silly shit about how CBS said Dingell received almost a million while showed him receiving only $949,465 which is not quite almost a million or some such nonsense.

Why should I bother?
I'm opposed to corporate welfare on principal, but please; it's ridiculous to think that the economy can survive a huge hit to the big 3 right now. Everyone will be affected; it will end up costing us trillions.

Pennywise, pound foolish.

Not sure if trillions is accurate, but otherwise I have to agree with the above. That said, IF they are going to do this, the executives at the Big 3 should be replaced as part of the deal.... AND at least half the board of directors at each of the three. Leadership at the Big 3 has proven on thing in the past two decades..... they don't know what the hell they are doing.

They do not possess a single ounce of foresight. They do not know how to plan for the long run AND the short run at the same time.

As for the unions, they have given some pretty decent concessions. I would suggest they permanently eliminate that idiotic concept of a jobs pool though.
Not sure if trillions is accurate, but otherwise I have to agree with the above. That said, IF they are going to do this, the executives at the Big 3 should be replaced as part of the deal.... AND at least half the board of directors at each of the three. Leadership at the Big 3 has proven on thing in the past two decades..... they don't know what the hell they are doing.

They do not possess a single ounce of foresight. They do not know how to plan for the long run AND the short run at the same time.

As for the unions, they have given some pretty decent concessions. I would suggest they permanently eliminate that idiotic concept of a jobs pool though.

I don't know enough about their leadership to comment but I do know that their employees wages are on par with Toyota and Honda manufacturing in the US, the big difference being their large (unfunded) pension problem that the unions pushed for. I think that couldn't have helped but to squeeze their R & D somewhat and is certainly a big part of the trouble they are in.

And you're right about the trillions comment, it figures one of the few times Onceler says a number it ends up being nothing but a wild exxageration.
"And you're right about the trillions comment, it figures one of the few times Onceler says a number it ends up being nothing but a wild exxageration. "

Because Superfreak says so?

News flash: you're a very stupid, retarded person. You clearly, from your arguments here & elsewhere, have absolutely no clue whatsoever what the impact on the economy would be.
Here are some calculations you can ponder & research before you reply, dumbo:

Do you know how much a 1,000 point drop in the market equates to in terms of worth?

Can you calculate in real terms what is lost in tax revenue, productivity & commerce alone if the unemployment rate goes up 4%? How about another 6%?
