Democrat War on Women Christmas update

Big Money

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The sexual harassment allegations against Democrat Dennis Gabryszak are starting to pile up.

A fourth female staffer has filed legal papers accusing the 62-year-old married Democrat of creating a “hostile and offensive work environment” with lurid and sexually charged come-ons.

Caitrin Kennedy, 24, charges that Gabryszaks' bad behavior began just days after she was hired in when he suggested they have a “couples massage” together.

She claims he frequently spoke of prostitutes and strip clubs, asked her to join him at jiggle joints and voiced concern that if “workers in the sex trade were to unionize, he would no longer be able to afford their services.”

During a Dec. 11 “office holiday dinner,” Gabryszak suggested Kennedy pose for pictures sitting on his lap and also that she kiss and “touch butts” with his female legislative director

And on Dec. 16, in a scene that sounds like the Steve Martin-Dan Aykroyd “Wild and Crazy Guys” skit from “Saturday Night Live,” a man looked at Kennedy in Gabryszaks' office and said, “Dennis, you told me you had an animal working here, but you didn’t tell me she was a fox”.

Gabryszak repeatedly asked Kennedy if she had a boyfriend and, when she said no, he suggested she should “become pregnant.” Kennedy also charged that on “several occasions” she discovered that the office-owned camera contained photos of “scantily clad women in hotel rooms.”

Kennedys' complaint mirrors one filed last week by three former Gabryszak staffers, who claimed, among other things, the lawmaker wanted them to get massages, go to strip clubs and stay overnight with him in hotel rooms.

They also said that Gabryszak sent videos of himself receiving or pretending to receive oral sex.

Gabryszaks/ attorney, Terrence Connors, said they were “only allegations”
Why do Democrat politicians hate women and their wives so much? It has to be a war on women going by the simple minded Democratic Party canard on this issue.
Wow; so many Democrats, so much hate. Perhaps the real war on women is being conducted by Democratic Party members? Why do women support them more?
It really isn't very hard to understand why women overwhelmingly support the democratic party. Just look at our platform as compared to the GOP's.
It really isn't very hard to understand why women overwhelmingly support the democratic party. Just look at our platform as compared to the GOP's.

You promise to protect the "right" to use abortion as birth control. Some women like that. Especially if they date married Democrat politicians.
reproductive rights are only a small part of the reason why women overwhelmingly support democrats.

women, youth, hispanics, gays, asians.... all those demographics are trending toward the left more and more.... it will be harder and harder for the GOP to retain a viable national presence as each election cycle passes.

Kinda like West Point kidding itself that the Army-Navy game is really a "rivalry" anymore.
Yes, the GOP is doomed because women, youth, Hispanics, gays, Asians, and Blacks are monolithic voting blocs that only respond to pandering, and are incapable of switching their votes.
there are very few monolithic voting blocs in the US... but trend analysis suggests that those blocs I mentioned are all democratic and becoming more so. The GOP is certainly not doomed, it merely has to change somewhat in order to avoid regional marginalization. Good luck with that.
hey.... it's not up to ME to tell the GOP how to dig itself out of the hole its dug for itself. If you all can't figure out how to save yourselves, you probably aren't worth saving in the first place.