Democrat War on Women Christmas update

hey.... it's not up to ME to tell the GOP how to dig itself out of the hole its dug for itself. If you all can't figure out how to save yourselves, you probably aren't worth saving in the first place.

Are you under the impression somebody asked for your help?

Looks like we're doing OK for now, doesn't it?

Democrats woke up Thursday to some gloomy post-Christmas news: they have fallen behind Republicans in the battle to win House and Senate seats in the 2014 election.

A new CNN/ORC International poll released Thursday shows Republicans holding a 49 percent to 44 percent edge over Democrats in the “generic ballot,” which asks registered voters whether they would choose a Democrat or a Republican in the midterm elections without identifying specific candidates.

Just two months ago, after the government shutdown, Democrats were up 50 percent to 42 percent.

One number in particular suggests Democrats are being hurt by Obamas' low approval ratings: 55 percent of those surveyed said they are more likely to vote for a Congressional candidate who opposes the president, versus just four in 10 who would choose a candidate who supports him.
Are you under the impression somebody asked for your help?

Looks like we're doing OK for now, doesn't it?

Democrats woke up Thursday to some gloomy post-Christmas news: they have fallen behind Republicans in the battle to win House and Senate seats in the 2014 election.

A new CNN/ORC International poll released Thursday shows Republicans holding a 49 percent to 44 percent edge over Democrats in the “generic ballot,” which asks registered voters whether they would choose a Democrat or a Republican in the midterm elections without identifying specific candidates.

Just two months ago, after the government shutdown, Democrats were up 50 percent to 42 percent.

One number in particular suggests Democrats are being hurt by Obamas' low approval ratings: 55 percent of those surveyed said they are more likely to vote for a Congressional candidate who opposes the president, versus just four in 10 who would choose a candidate who supports him.

so... you point to polls that have fluctuated seven whole points in two months and somehow believe that is a harbinger of what the electorate will be thinking ten months from NOW?

and you were the one who put words in MY mouth... I merely responded.
so... you point to polls that have fluctuated seven whole points in two months and somehow believe that is a harbinger of what the electorate will be thinking ten months from NOW?

LOL, did I say that?

and you were the one who put words in MY mouth... I merely responded.

I altered your quote to reflect my interpretation of your true meaning. What you put in your mouth is your business. Please, don't share.
your interpretation of MY true meaning is really irrelevant here.... keep your own words in your own mouth and leave my words alone. and if the poll was not illustrative of your thoughts, why post it?

and right now... the slice of lime is in my mouth, so it's time to get out of the pool and go make another one.