Democratic abuse of powers?

Pelosi Erases Gingrich's Long-Standing Fairness Rules

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to re-write House rules today to ensure that the Republican minority is unable to have any influence on legislation. Pelosi’s proposals are so draconian, and will so polarize the Capitol, that any thought President-elect Obama has of bipartisan cooperation will be rendered impossible before he even takes office.

Pelosi’s rule changes -- which may be voted on today -- will reverse the fairness rules that were written around Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.”

In reaction, the House Republican leadership is sending a letter today to Pelosi to object to changes to House Rules this week that would bar Republicans from offering alternative bills, amendments to Democrat bills or even the guarantee of open debate accessible by motions to recommit for any piece of legislation during the entire 111th Congress. These procedural abuses, as outlined in the below letter obtained by HUMAN EVENTS, would also include the repeal of six-year limit for committee chairmen and other House Rules reform measures enacted in 1995 as part of the Contract with America.

After decades of Democrat control of the House of Representatives, gross abuses to the legislative process and several high-profile scandals contributed to an overwhelming Republican House Congressional landslide victory in 1994. Reforms to the House Rules as part of the Contract with America were designed to open up to public scrutiny what had become under this decades-long Democrat majority a dangerously secretive House legislative process. The Republican reform of the way the House did business included opening committee meetings to the public and media, making Congress actually subject to federal law, term limits for committee chairmen ending decades-long committee fiefdoms, truth in budgeting, elimination of the committee proxy vote, authorization of a House audit, specific requirements for blanket rules waivers, and guarantees to the then-Democrat minority party to offer amendments to pieces of legislation.

Pelosi’s proposed repeal of decades-long House accountability reforms exposes a tyrannical Democrat leadership poised to assemble legislation in secret, then goose-step it through Congress by the elimination of debate and amendment procedures as part of America’s governing legislative process.

I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, to see dem leadership do anything that isn't fair, open, and honest.
Basically, the Republicans used procedural rules to play partisan games and are now upset that they won't be able to play those games any more since they can't be trusted to act in good faith.

It's pretty funny stuff.

Oh, and elections have consequences. Or so I was told.
well, thats all fine and well, but remember just a little while ago about the calls to war and acts of violence? that's kind of what happens when the common citizen gets forced to do shit against their will and their elected representatives were stopped cold from protecting them from it.

I'd say we could look forward to a few more WACOs and murrah building type things in the future then.
well, thats all fine and well, but remember just a little while ago about the calls to war and acts of violence? that's kind of what happens when the common citizen gets forced to do shit against their will and their elected representatives were stopped cold from protecting them from it.

I'd say we could look forward to a few more WACOs and murrah building type things in the future then.

Any excuse to be a violent vigilantist asshole will do I guess.

I can see it now, you being arrested for unnamed "acts of violence" and blaming it all on that mean old Nancy Pelosi changing House standing rules that you didn't know existed until some knuckle-head at Human Events told you about it.

well, thats all fine and well, but remember just a little while ago about the calls to war and acts of violence? that's kind of what happens when the common citizen gets forced to do shit against their will and their elected representatives were stopped cold from protecting them from it.

I'd say we could look forward to a few more WACOs and murrah building type things in the future then.

I think that's a bit over the top, on the other hand, payback will be a bitch in the future and certainly this nonsense hurts all of us.
Any excuse to be a violent vigilantist asshole will do I guess.
wtf ever shit for brains. You and your liberal friends were saying much worse about the BS the 'repugs' were pulling over judicial nominees.

I can see it now, you being arrested for unnamed "acts of violence" and blaming it all on that mean old Nancy Pelosi changing House standing rules that you didn't know existed until some knuckle-head at Human Events told you about it.
If it came down to it, you'd never see me in cuffs. A body bag, maybe, but never cuffs. One fuckheads idea of freedom is another americans idea of tyranny.

moronic fucking retard. yes, you.
well, thats all fine and well, but remember just a little while ago about the calls to war and acts of violence? that's kind of what happens when the common citizen gets forced to do shit against their will and their elected representatives were stopped cold from protecting them from it.

I'd say we could look forward to a few more WACOs and murrah building type things in the future then.
So what you are saying is it wouldn't surprise you if Republicans and conservatives resort to acts of domestic terrorism?
You are either for us or against us!

see. this is how moronic and ignorant you are. You choose to label me a republican, even though I've said many times i'm not. There is nothing but left/right, black/white, right/wrong, and yes or no in your mindset. This is not only stupid, but it's also essential for you to believe so that you can be a controlled one by the government. This is why you'll never be nothing more than a partisan political game piece.

Believe it or not, there are those of us who are about nothing more than freedom, and we are combined of both minor liberals and minor conservatives. We have a strong distrust of government. We have a HUGE MONUMENTAL distrust of both major parties, and we have a gargantuan sized disgust of nanny state or oppressive totalitarian tactics.

Choose to be a tool if you want to, it only adds you to the target list in the end.
I think that's a bit over the top, on the other hand, payback will be a bitch in the future and certainly this nonsense hurts all of us.

The Republicans have no right to power. Their influence on legislation improves the US in no way. The majority has the right to rule our democratic branches.
see. this is how moronic and ignorant you are. You choose to label me a republican, even though I've said many times i'm not. There is nothing but left/right, black/white, right/wrong, and yes or no in your mindset. This is not only stupid, but it's also essential for you to believe so that you can be a controlled one by the government. This is why you'll never be nothing more than a partisan political game piece.

Believe it or not, there are those of us who are about nothing more than freedom, and we are combined of both minor liberals and minor conservatives. We have a strong distrust of government. We have a HUGE MONUMENTAL distrust of both major parties, and we have a gargantuan sized disgust of nanny state or oppressive totalitarian tactics.

Choose to be a tool if you want to, it only adds you to the target list in the end.

This is not a "totalitarian" tactic. The majority dominates the house of representatives - that's how it's always been. If you have a specific problem with any piece of legislation, you can try to block it in the senate, the president, and the courts. If it gets through all of those, simply accept the fact that your ideology doesn't necessarily deserve political dominance.
The Republicans have no right to power. Their influence on legislation improves the US in no way. The majority has the right to rule our democratic branches.

then i guess they should all stay home then...yes, i am sure you thought that when the repubs were in power...some interesting thoughts:

A democracy becomes a dictatorship whenever a majority holds the exact same position.

OK, if you held the balance of power, you'd be pretty powerful. But in a our system a party doesn't necessarily need a majority to govern effectively.

I'm just wondering if they'll take an even bigger hit than they did, even in the thirties. I'm really not sure having a dominant party system, with the Democrats taking the majority of seats in almost every election, would be the best for the nation.

It may seem good for a while, but give people power and they'll abuse it like hell.
The Republican hit isn't nearly as large as in the 30's. In the 30's they were nearly wiped off the map.

The modern Democratic win is comparable to what we had in the 70's. However, they had to deal with a large base of southern conservatives. These days about half the caucus is liberal and half moderate, and there aren't many conservatives. So it could, possibly, be considered the largest win for liberalism itself since the 30's.
The Republican hit isn't nearly as large as in the 30's. In the 30's they were nearly wiped off the map.

The modern Democratic win is comparable to what we had in the 70's. However, they had to deal with a large base of southern conservatives. These days about half the caucus is liberal and half moderate, and there aren't many conservatives. So it could, possibly, be considered the largest win for liberalism itself since the 30's.

The Republicans have no right to power. Their influence on legislation improves the US in no way. The majority has the right to rule our democratic branches.

why do the republicans have NO RIGHT TO POWER? if the MAJORITY had the RIGHT to rule our branches....

A democracy becomes a dictatorship whenever a majority holds the exact same position.

OK, if you held the balance of power, you'd be pretty powerful. But in a our system a party doesn't necessarily need a majority to govern effectively.

I'm just wondering if they'll take an even bigger hit than they did, even in the thirties. I'm really not sure having a dominant party system, with the Democrats taking the majority of seats in almost every election, would be the best for the nation.

It may seem good for a while, but give people power and they'll abuse it like hell.