Democrats are evil

I hereby officially announce I am no longer an independent, for now.

I will vote and do whatever I can to destroy the traitorous, so called, Democrats.

They cant stand that bully blonde boy beat their nasty dishonest queen. So they (from day one) have sought non vote methods to remove the duly elected President.

Fackle democrats. Until you wackos wake up, I and many other independents, will vote against you.

I hope you lose hugely on the next elections. I want your party destroyed.
God's body count in the bible is about 2 million.
Satan's is like 12. Which one should we really worship?

Let me know how that works out for you.

Everything God did in the old testament was positioning and posturing to bring a savior into the world, to save all of humanity, so the killing was done to save many more lives later in human history. Of course, satan killed Jesus, the man with no sin. And throughout the centuries, Satan has claimed billions.

And all it takes is one look to make up your mind:

Quote Originally Posted by Iron-Merc View Post
Satan is a liberal. Need I say more?

You just said the most bogus thing this Christian has ever heard. Keep your hate-driven politics away from the faith, Trollboy.
Let me know how that works out for you.

Everything God did in the old testament was positioning and posturing to bring a savior into the world, to save all of humanity, so the killing was done to save many more lives later in human history. Of course, satan killed Jesus, the man with no sin. And throughout the centuries, Satan has claimed billions.

And all it takes is one look to make up your mind:


Lol, you're embarrassing, dude.
Lol, you're embarrassing, dude.

He kind of reeks of that wannabe Christian mentality. The kind of overbearing nonsense that's mostly posturing in condemnation and pointing fingers at everything but themselves. An antithesis to Christ and Christian doctrine. It makes my skin crawl. His posturing about Michelle Obama being a dude is Anti-Christian behavior. That kind of nonsense is only a few steps above racist behaviors like comparing blacks to monkeys. It is an exercise in hate and would keep anyone outside those golden gates.
I hereby officially announce I am no longer an independent, for now.

I will vote and do whatever I can to destroy the traitorous, so called, Democrats.

They cant stand that bully blonde boy beat their nasty dishonest queen. So they (from day one) have sought non vote methods to remove the duly elected President.

Fackle democrats. Until you wackos wake up, I and many other independents, will vote against you.

I hope you lose hugely on the next elections. I want your party destroyed.

They've been around since Tammany Hall, and an organized party since 1828. Good thing you finally noticed.
Yurt, this nonsense baby trolling is all you ever do anymore. It's embarrassing.

Believe you me, I did try to find an older satanic practitioner to match age with Billy Graham.

But I can only find pictures of young satan followers.

Is it perhaps because they don't last long on this earth?

Like Satan is almost calling his people home...
I hereby officially announce I am no longer an independent, for now.

I will vote and do whatever I can to destroy the traitorous, so called, Democrats.

They cant stand that bully blonde boy beat their nasty dishonest queen. So they (from day one) have sought non vote methods to remove the duly elected President.

Fackle democrats. Until you wackos wake up, I and many other independents, will vote against you.

I hope you lose hugely on the next elections. I want your party destroyed.

You were never an independent.
Let me know how that works out for you.

Everything God did in the old testament was positioning and posturing to bring a savior into the world, to save all of humanity, so the killing was done to save many more lives later in human history. Of course, satan killed Jesus, the man with no sin. And throughout the centuries, Satan has claimed billions.

And all it takes is one look to make up your mind:


You wouldn't know Satan if he pissed in your face
"The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart."
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, russo botthole
Lol, you're embarrassing, dude.

Yes, you understand I do embarrass members here from from time to time.

Especially when I post the truth. They really hate that. It's fun to watch them squirm, weasel and worm, their way out of the debate

new person - whats the deal, do you think quoting biblical scripture on a forum is a no no?
I hereby officially announce I am no longer an independent, for now.

I will vote and do whatever I can to destroy the traitorous, so called, Democrats.

They cant stand that bully blonde boy beat their nasty dishonest queen. So they (from day one) have sought non vote methods to remove the duly elected President.

Fackle democrats. Until you wackos wake up, I and many other independents, will vote against you.

I hope you lose hugely on the next elections. I want your party destroyed.

Oh take a chill pill Yurt. The worst thing that could happen to Democrats is that they get what they want and Trump is removed from office and Mike Pence becomes President.