Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing

red states rule

New member
Dems want to block the GOP from sending out a chart but have no problem at all with sending Americorps and other the other partisan groups door to door to stump for Obama's causes

Here is the chart that takes you thru the steps to get treatment under Obamacare

It is way to big to post BTW

Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing

Democrats are preventing Republican House Members from sending their constituents a mailing that is critical of the majority’s health care reform plan, blocking the mailing by alleging that it is inaccurate.
House Republicans are crying foul and claiming that the Democrats are using their majority to prevent GOP Members from communicating with their constituents.

The dispute centers on a chart (view PDF) created by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) and Republican staff of the Joint Economic Committee to illustrate the organization of the Democratic health care plan.

At first glance, Brady’s chart resembles a board game: a colorful collection of shapes and images with a web of lines connecting them.

But a closer look at the image reveals a complicated menagerie of government offices and programs that Republicans say will be created if the leading Democratic health care plan becomes law.

In a memo sent Monday to Republicans on the House franking commission, Democrats argue that sending the chart to constituents as official mail would violate House rules because the information is misleading.

In their eight-point memo, which was obtained by Roll Call, Democrats identify a litany of areas where they believe the chart is incorrect.

For example, Democrats argue that the chart depicts a “Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund” that is “simply a recipient of IRS funds, with no outflow. ... This is false.”

The chart’s illustration of low-income subsidies is also “misleading and false,” Democrats argue.

Congressional rules for franked mail bar Members from using taxpayer-funded mail for newsletters that use “partisan, politicized or personalized” comments to criticize legislation or policy.

The dispute over Brady’s chart is being reviewed by the franking commission, which must approve any mail before it can be sent. No decision had been made on the matter by press time.

Brady adamantly denied that the chart was misleading and said Democrats are simply threatened by the content of the graphic.

“I think their review was laughable,” Brady said. “It’s ... downright false in most of the cases. The chart depicts their health care plan as their committees developed it.”

“The chart reveals how their health care bureaucracy works, and people are frightened by it,” he added. “So this is their effort to try and discredit” the chart.
The GOP is irrelevant and impotent.

There are enough Democratic votes in the House and Senate to pass anything President Obama wants.

No matter how much money you take from the profits-before-people lobby, your scare tactics won't work.

The media is on board.

The American people want change. They voted for change. We will give them change.
The GOP is irrelevant and impotent.

There are enough Democratic votes in the House and Senate to pass anything President Obama wants.

No matter how much money you take from the profits-before-people lobby, your scare tactics won't work.

The media is on board.

The American people want change. They voted for change. We will give them change.

Good boy - ignore the chart on how Obamacare will work and attack

Hope and change has become NO HOPE AND POCKET CHANGE
The GOP is irrelevant and impotent.

There are enough Democratic votes in the House and Senate to pass anything President Obama wants.

No matter how much money you take from the profits-before-people lobby, your scare tactics won't work.

The media is on board.

The American people want change. They voted for change. We will give them change.

2 cents is not what they were thinking about though.
Unfortunately for the tiny minority party and their profit-centered health care and insurance industry paymasters, their opposition to reform is irrelevant.

The American people elected change when they gave President Barack Obama his historic mandate, and they will not be denied.

The GOP's agenda of obstructionism will hasten the further decline of the Party of Bush.
Dems want to block the GOP from sending out a chart but have no problem at all with sending Americorps and other the other partisan groups door to door to stump for Obama's causes

Here is the chart that takes you thru the steps to get treatment under Obamacare

It is way to big to post BTW

Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing

Democrats are preventing Republican House Members from sending their constituents a mailing that is critical of the majority’s health care reform plan, blocking the mailing by alleging that it is inaccurate.
House Republicans are crying foul and claiming that the Democrats are using their majority to prevent GOP Members from communicating with their constituents.

The dispute centers on a chart (view PDF) created by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) and Republican staff of the Joint Economic Committee to illustrate the organization of the Democratic health care plan.

At first glance, Brady’s chart resembles a board game: a colorful collection of shapes and images with a web of lines connecting them.

But a closer look at the image reveals a complicated menagerie of government offices and programs that Republicans say will be created if the leading Democratic health care plan becomes law.

In a memo sent Monday to Republicans on the House franking commission, Democrats argue that sending the chart to constituents as official mail would violate House rules because the information is misleading.

In their eight-point memo, which was obtained by Roll Call, Democrats identify a litany of areas where they believe the chart is incorrect.

For example, Democrats argue that the chart depicts a “Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund” that is “simply a recipient of IRS funds, with no outflow. ... This is false.”

The chart’s illustration of low-income subsidies is also “misleading and false,” Democrats argue.

Congressional rules for franked mail bar Members from using taxpayer-funded mail for newsletters that use “partisan, politicized or personalized” comments to criticize legislation or policy.

The dispute over Brady’s chart is being reviewed by the franking commission, which must approve any mail before it can be sent. No decision had been made on the matter by press time.

Brady adamantly denied that the chart was misleading and said Democrats are simply threatened by the content of the graphic.

“I think their review was laughable,” Brady said. “It’s ... downright false in most of the cases. The chart depicts their health care plan as their committees developed it.”

“The chart reveals how their health care bureaucracy works, and people are frightened by it,” he added. “So this is their effort to try and discredit” the chart.

Excellent post! Here's the thing; it will now get out to thousands if not millions via the internet. I just sent it to my political action mail group and they all have their own groups etc etc etc! :cof1:
The GOP is irrelevant and impotent.


keep in mind I am new here, so I haven't gotten to know everyone very well DNC actually a sock puppet of an arch-conservative who says stuff like this to mock the stereotype Democrat liberal.....I've been taking what he says at face value so far, but I am beginning to believe I've been had.....I mean, even a liberal can't be that consistently stupid can he?.......
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Excellent post! Here's the thing; it will now get out to thousands if not millions via the internet. I just sent it to my political action mail group and they all have their own groups etc etc etc! :cof1:

Which is fine. I just don't see why the taxpayers should spend money on misleading GOP campaign documents. Do you?
Which is fine. I just don't see why the taxpayers should spend money on misleading GOP campaign documents. Do you?

There is NO proof that the mailer is misleading, only the accusation that it is. After looking at the chart I suspect that the GOP will prevail in making their case. If they do, will you be on here saying how subversive the DEM's are being?
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There is NO proof that the mailer is misleading, only the accusation that it is. After looking at the chart I suspect that the GOP will prevail in making their case. If they do, will you be on here saying how subversive the DNC is being?

What does the DNC have to do with it?
The republicans should have been working on their own plan instead of trying to shoot down the dem one.

Where is their overdue promised plan? Just vaporware like SS reform?
The republicans should have been working on their own plan instead of trying to shoot down the dem one.

Where is their overdue promised plan? Just vaporware like SS reform?

It depends who you ask.

The leader of the House GOP Health Care Solutions Group said they aren't putting out any plan at all and will be offering alternative legislation. But the Minority Leader says they're putting the final touches on their bill but he declined to say when we could expect to see it.
What does the DNC have to do with it?

My bad.

It should have read:

There is NO proof that the mailer is misleading, only the accusation that it is. After looking at the chart I suspect that the GOP will prevail in making their case. If they do, will you be on here saying how subversive the Dem's are being?

So now you can feel free to
My bad.

It should have read:

There is NO proof that the mailer is misleading, only the accusation that it is. After looking at the chart I suspect that the GOP will prevail in making their case. If they do, will you be on here saying how subversive the Dem's are being?

So now you can feel free to

I don't think subversive is quite the right term.

In any event, misleading or not, I don't think it is an appropriate use of public money. If the GOPers want to send campaign documents they should do so through the RNC or the RCCC.