Democrats concede on drilling ban


Abreast of the situations
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in a month-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer.

Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., told reporters Tuesday that a provision continuing the moratorium will be dropped this year from a stopgap spending bill to keep the government running after Congress recesses for the election.

Republicans have made lifting the ban a key campaign after gasoline prices spiked this summer and public opinion turned in favor of more drilling. President Bush lifted an executive ban on offshore drilling in July.

"If true, this capitulation by Democrats following months of Republican pressure is a big victory for Americans struggling with record gasoline prices," said House GOP leader John Boehner of Ohio.

Democrats had clung to the hope of only a partial repeal of the drilling moratorium, but the White House had promised a veto, Obey said.

Just last week, the House passed legislation to open waters off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to oil and gas drilling but only 50 or more miles out to sea and only if a state agrees to energy development off its shore.

Republicans called that effort a sham that would have left almost 90% of offshore reserves effectively off-limits.

The Interior Department estimates there are 18 billion barrels of recoverable oil beneath coastal waters now off-limits.

Lifting the drilling ban gives considerable momentum to the underlying bill, which includes the Pentagon budget, $24 million in aid for flood and hurricane victims and $25 billion in loans for Detroit automakers in addition to keeping the government open past the Oct. 1 start of the 2009 budget year.
Dems have always caved when it comes to votes vs. principles. They sell out their principles for votes. They sell out their own people. They supported military action, when that was the popular thing to do. They decried the injustice of the FISA bill - just before they voted for it. What principle WON'T they sell out when push comes to shove?

What is peddled by the republicans is pure crap, but gotta admit, they hold to it even when it's proven to be crap. There is something to be said about people who stick to their principles in thick and thin of it, even when one disagrees with most of them.

So which is worse? Peddling worthless crap, or selling out principles at every turn?
they are only doing it to get reelected.

When is it otherwise? The politicians are the most prolific whores the world has ever seen. They can all go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. They're a goddamned cancer on humanity.
Dems have always caved when it comes to votes vs. principles. They sell out their principles for votes. They sell out their own people. They supported military action, when that was the popular thing to do. They decried the injustice of the FISA bill - just before they voted for it. What principle WON'T they sell out when push comes to shove?

What is peddled by the republicans is pure crap, but gotta admit, they hold to it even when it's proven to be crap. There is something to be said about people who stick to their principles in thick and thin of it, even when one disagrees with most of them.

So which is worse? Peddling worthless crap, or selling out principles at every turn?

The second. I wouldn't vote for a Socialist either.
Where did you get the story from? I can't find it.

Not on major media. Be a truth seeker, and you would have known about it. Was it in the Washingtion Post? NY Times? the Blog circles? Nope. I knew about it 2 weeks ago though. I choose media that does not use as much manipulation and more full disclosure. After that--I know BS when I see it--most of your arguing points---because I am more informed and have more power as a citizen than any liberial.

Psssstt--wait a few weeks with your liberial meda, and you might find out what the FBI is doing now also.
Can't think of many socialist candidates you could not vote for .. and Socialism doesn't require you to vote for it. America will make its way to democratic socialism on its own.

If you noticed something citizen victim----socialism is only PUSHED on us during hard times. During good times, it is a thorn in our side. Times are not as hard as the liberial/social commies want right now. They want higher gas prices, more hardships, so they can push their aganda on you. Step back, and take a more clear look at your beloved commie movement. It is stealing your childrens dreams. Sorry if you never followed yours, or have not redalized your oppertunity here,--but your children might have ambition from somewhere (I am sure you teach them that they are victims though), and might want to be free to follow their dreams and ambitions.

dem socialism means the gov taking over the mortage industry with no vote, no discussion and forcing a sense of urgancy,--like global warming that is proving to be false. That is your demacratic socialism. It has nothing to do with truth or voting. It has to do with them and much of the world taking your childrens dreams. Wake up liberial.
When is it otherwise? The politicians are the most prolific whores the world has ever seen. They can all go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. They're a goddamned cancer on humanity.

word needs to get out that over 65% support HR5843:clink:
20% of the citizens have to know the non liberial facts, before CNN will report them.
Again--they are late breaking this story, pushed by citizen knowledge--not respectable journamism.