Democrats convicted of election fraud


Well...the right is right
Republican campaigners had rented more than 100 vehicles for a get-out-the-vote campaign. Five men, all local Democratic campaign workers, punctured the tires so that the vehicles inside couldn't leave to bus people to the polls.

Attorneys for the five defendants, however, argued that the slashings were part of a broader national campaign by the Democrats to prevent a large Republican turnout in key states, and pointed to several "out-of-state political operatives" brought in by the Democrats as the culprits.

Ohio Democrats require court order to stop misleading calls to Republicans

An Ohio court order was issued stopping Democrat operatives from calling Republican voters with misleading telephone calls in Ohio with the wrong date for the election and faulty polling place information.

Arrests sought in election fraud

According to warrants filed by the Milwaukee County (Wisconsin) district attorney's office, paid democrat operatives admitted to authorities that they filled out multiple voter-registration cards using fictitious information to earning money from Project Vote,
Project Vote is a national group headed by the former head of the Ohio Democratic Party.
If convicted as charged, each could face a maximum possible sentence of 25 years in prison.

The sons of first-term congresswoman and of Milwaukee's (Wisconsin) former mayor were among five Democratic activists charged with slashing the tires of 25 vans rented by Republicans to bus seniors and handicapped voters to the polls.

Democratic campaigners testify against their comrades

Four out-of-state Democratic operatives testified that five of their fellow local campaign workers boasted about slashing the tires of 25 vans rented by the Republican Party in the early morning hours before the 2004 presidential election.

The four witnesses were all members of a "get out the vote" effort in the hotly contested state of Wisconsin, which John Kerry won by little more than 10,000 votes in the 2004 presidential election.

Wisconsin’s massive voter fraud may have influenced the outcome of a close race. Here are the popular vote totals in the 2004 Presidential election, hope it’s not close with all this cheating…

Vote Totals:
Kerry: 1,489,504
Bush: 1,478,120

Kerry wins the state, and thus the 10 electoral votes

More from Ohio...

Democrats Charged in Scheme to Buy Votes

It's the largest bust of vote fraud perhaps, ever.

Arrests sought for democrats in election fraud

Lilly and Lewis were charged with five felonies each: three counts of forgery, one count of election fraud and one count of misconduct in public office

Democrats busted buying homeless votes

Prosecutors charge 10 violations of a state election law
State law makes it a felony to induce someone to vote

Democrats fight to keep Military ballots uncounted in the close 2000 Florida election, whilst screaming that the felon vote for Gore was not being counted.

The Washington State Governor's race.

The Republican candidate, Dino Rossi, actually won the election, and then the recount, Desperate Democrats then paid for a third hand recount, miraculously the Democrat-controlled King County "found" 566 new votes just in time for a second recount, enough to overturn the results of Election Day and the first recount. Ever since Rossi lost the hand recount, Republicans have noted widespread irregularities, including votes cast by felons, and dead people, spoiled the election to the point where it is impossible to truly know who won. The judge who presided over the court case that followed, actually said "this election may not be set aside simply because the number of fraudulent votes exceeds the margin of victory" when he issued his ruling against the Republican challenge. Republicans also point to the admission of officials in King County, a Democratic stronghold and the state's largest county, that they cannot match more than a thousand votes to actual voter names.

The GOP challenge, however, went to the Democrat-controlled Legislature, which certified the election Jan. 11 despite a GOP request for a two-week delay.,2933,144154,00.html

The American Center For Voting Rights documents democrats cheating many more times…

Intimidating and deceiving mailings and telephone calls paid for by the DNC threatening Republican volunteers in Florida with legal action.
Union-coordinated intimidation and violence campaign targeting Republican campaign offices and volunteers resulting in a broken arm for a GOP volunteer in Florida.
Former ACORN workers said there was “a lot of fraud committed” by group in Florida, as ACORN workers submitted thousands of fraudulent registrations in a dozen states across the country, resulting in a statewide investigation of the group in Florida and multiple indictments and convictions of ACORN/Project Vote workers for voter registration fraud in several states.

More from Florida

When the Democrats saw how close the Florida vote was going to be, they pulled out all the stops and left nothing to chance. Even before the polls closed, the Democrats hired a telemarketing firm to start calling registered Democrats in Palm Beach County and claim they were confused by the ballot. These telemarketers told the voters to contact their Democratic Legislators and the media and say they wanted the opportunity to vote again. Lawyers were dispatched to Palm Beach County and Tallahassee to prepare the challenge even before the polls closed.
It's a good job the Republican Party and their activists are untainted by this kind of underhand dealing and petty vandalism.

Some crazy people may suggest the whole political system is mired in corruption, sleaze and filth; allowed to continue because of the relative blindness of political hacks who'd rather blame "them on the other side" rather than criticise their own. Like i said, those people must be crazy.
It all ties into the national democratic parties position to oppose the showing of a valid photo ID, basic measures, to prevent this basic fraud, opposed by the Democratic party.

And to counter Desh's link claiming Republicans where the big cheats...
Good, so we're all agreed that both Republican and Democratic Parties are broken-down vehicles of corruption.
Anyone that cant see or basically predict that this sort of shit happens on both sides is delusional and either needs meds or just needs to be ignored.
Anyone that cant see or basically predict that this sort of shit happens on both sides is delusional and either needs meds or just needs to be ignored.

Well that's one way of classifying the Democrats position on the blocking of requiring valid photo ID's to vote, blocking such basic fraud protections is insane, too me as well.
If democrats are cheating I'd say it's about fucking time.

The election system in America is broken and vulnerable to attacks and corruption on many levels and throughout various regions of the country.

This thread is the right-wing response to the increasingly unfolding knowledge that the presidential election in 2004 was a fraud concocted by the right. Now even those who were involved in the fraud are trying to wash their hands of it. Like Colin Powell, who tried to wash the blood of dead US soldiers killed in Iraq of his hands, so now is Kenneth Blackwell, the former Secretary of State in Ohio in 2004, trying to wash the stench of a stolen election off his.

But instead of being angered at this affront to voting, the very core of democracy, right-wing "patriots" respond with "gotchas", none of which rise to the level of the manipulation of national election results.

This thread is not about America and it ain't about democracy, it's about pure partisanship at the expense of democracy. It is democracy reduced to ideological warfare and nothing more.

Democrats were warned by people of virtually all political perspectives that the elections of 2004 were going to be stolen .. even by foreigners. Yet, the Democratic Party looked away and closed their eyes even when the proof was thrust in front of their faces. Many, including me, believed that the Democratic Party must be complicit in the fraud. How could they not see such vivid in your face evidence?

GQ Magazine even had a front cover story called "Get Ready to Have Your Vote Stolen" BEFORE the 2004 elections.

The REPUBLICAN Secretary of State in Nevada, who was formerly the head of Nevada Gaming Authority, a man who knows fraud when he sees it, said that the Diebold systems "Represent a legitimate threat to the integrity of our election process."

Two brothers, brothers Bob and Todd Urosevich, own and operate both Diebold and ES&S Elections Systems .. which counts about 80% of the vote in America. Bob at Diebold, Todd at ES&S.

The weakness of the Democratic Party has cost this nation dearly. Bush should have never taken office either time he was selected and the consequences of the miserable weakness by democrats are obvious, deadly, and serious. If fair elections of integrity are not going to be demanded, then "by any means necessary" seems fair. If you bring a knife to a fistfight, then it's fair for me to bring one too.

If republicans are going to cheat, then democrats had better master the art of cheating if they can't keep republicans from doing it. Are the republicans going to cheat in 2008?

Of course they are .. keyword: Caging.
Well that's one way of classifying the Democrats position on the blocking of requiring valid photo ID's to vote, blocking such basic fraud protections is insane, too me as well.

WRL - Please explain to me how any of the so-called "voter fraud" allegations (and they are merely allegations) would have been stopped by ID laws?

I mean, first you would have to show actual evidence of people not entitled to vote actually voting. Any you've got about zilch. You have Washington and Wisconsin. In Washington you have a US attorney that looked into the claims of the GOP and found no evidence of fraud. He was subsequently fired. In Wisconsin you have a US attorney that played ball and brought cases that the GOP wanted him to bring after being placed on the firing list, but who lost the vast majority of the cases he brought.

The bottom line is this: The Republican party officials and elected officials use bogus claims of vote fraud to do three things: 1) to stymie voter registration drives and get-out-the-vote efforts in poor and minority neighborhoods, 2) purge voter rolls of legitimate voters and 3) institute voter ID laws aimed at making it harder for low-income and minority voters to vote.
no offense but not having voter id cause its not fair to lower class citizens sound really rediculous. im willing to foot a portion of the tax bill to make sure every eligible voter who registers is provided with an id card.
no offense but not having voter id cause its not fair to lower class citizens sound really rediculous. im willing to foot a portion of the tax bill to make sure every eligible voter who registers is provided with an id card.
And they would all have to come into a city/county office to get the ID card ?
Or just their local polling place ?
no offense but not having voter id cause its not fair to lower class citizens sound really rediculous. im willing to foot a portion of the tax bill to make sure every eligible voter who registers is provided with an id card.

Voter Id is just more mindfuck for people who don't pay attention.

Proponents of Voter Id don't want to touch absentee voting .. why? .. because more republicans use absentee voting than anyone else. If integrity of elections was the point, why leave this door open?

If identification is the point, then driver's license, school Id, and a whole host of Id's that are acceptable and even required in society should suffice.

It's mindfuck for the lobotomized.
no offense but not having voter id cause its not fair to lower class citizens sound really rediculous. im willing to foot a portion of the tax bill to make sure every eligible voter who registers is provided with an id card.

Chappy - A study was done in Indiana, the state with the most stringent voter ID laws in the country, which found that the folks most likely to be adversely impacted by the voter ID law were 1) minorities, 2) low-income folks and 3) the elderly. Those three categories just happen to be the three most likely to vote Democratic. The folks most likely to have ID sufficient for use at the polls were 1) whites, 2) middle aged and 3) high-income folks. These three categories just so happen to be the three groups most likely to vote Republican.


See the study here (pdf warning):
And they would all have to come into a city/county office to get the ID card ?
Or just their local polling place ?

make it as simple as possible. I dont have the answers but we most definitely have the technology. for $5 in MA you can get a MA ID (not a license) .

So u figure all of the 2% of the people out there that dont have some sort of acceptable id we can foot the bill.
see insane justifications for not presenting basic requirements for a job, bank account, home, movie rental account, just people pointing you to and conspiracy theories, or you can take actual convictions in a court of law...
Chappy - A study was done in Indiana, the state with the most stringent voter ID laws in the country, which found that the folks most likely to be adversely impacted by the voter ID law were 1) minorities, 2) low-income folks and 3) the elderly. Those three categories just happen to be the three most likely to vote Democratic. The folks most likely to have ID sufficient for use at the polls were 1) whites, 2) middle aged and 3) high-income folks. These three categories just so happen to be the three groups most likely to vote Republican.


See the study here (pdf warning):

it wont be an issue if they all have id's..if anything the absentee (republican) votes will become more of a pain as u will have to pre-register with an id somehow.