Democrats give up and are willing to make major concessions

The absolute DUMBEST post you have ever made.

Progressive and communist have the same meaning, thus redundant in American language???????????????

Are you one of those people showing up at town hall meetings shouting "communist?"
Far be it for me to put words in someone elses mouth but I think Damo meant "Co-opted" and not "redundant". For many years of its history there was a strong progressive wing of the Republican party. Lincoln, TR and Taft were, by the standards of their day, progressive. But Damo is right, the US communist/socialist movements of the 1920's and 30's did co-opt the phrase "progressive" in reference to their political movement.
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good, now will you all resign and go away..
Which is what ALL of this is really about. You all had the same reaction at first to Clinton winning the presidency after 12 years of a Republican Whitehouse. I remember Rush proclaiming the coming of double digit inflation, unemployment and welfare rolls growing. What you really want is for the clock to be turned back and Obama to have lost in November.
Which is what ALL of this is really about. You all had the same reaction at first to Clinton winning the presidency after 12 years of a Republican Whitehouse. I remember Rush proclaiming the coming of double digit inflation, unemployment and welfare rolls growing. What you really want is for the clock to be turned back and Obama to have lost in November.

Some of us are just opposed to the Eugenicist government getting it's hands on health care.
Which is what ALL of this is really about. You all had the same reaction at first to Clinton winning the presidency after 12 years of a Republican Whitehouse. I remember Rush proclaiming the coming of double digit inflation, unemployment and welfare rolls growing. What you really want is for the clock to be turned back and Obama to have lost in November.

LOL, I was joking with WM, but we see when it comes to criticizing the "Dear Leader, and his Progressive thuggish administration, you all have no sense of humor...
not a strawman at all. will your progressivism allow me my choice to carry a gun down the sidewalk?
No, you know it won't. No more than Conservatism will allow two men enter into a contractual relationship and call it whatever they want to call it, including marriage. No more than the lefties will let bar owners decide if their bar is going allow smokers. No more than Righties are willing to allow a woman to decide what to do with her pregnancy. The idea on both sides is to force everyone into a certain type of morality. One of them is a secular do gooder morality and the other is an evangelical, everyone should live according to the bible morality. Authoritarians all.
No, you know it won't. No more than Conservatism will allow two men enter into a contractual relationship and call it whatever they want to call it, including marriage. No more than the lefties will let bar owners decide if their bar is going allow smokers. No more than Righties are willing to allow a woman to decide what to do with her pregnancy. The idea on both sides is to force everyone into a certain type of morality. One of them is a secular do gooder morality and the other is an evangelical, everyone should live according to the bible morality. Authoritarians all.

Libertarianism would maybe work if your actions had no real effect on the outside world and you could do whatever you want and have everything still be fine and dandy.

But that's just not the real world.
The absolute DUMBEST post you have ever made.

Progressive and communist have the same meaning, thus redundant in American language???????????????

Are you one of those people showing up at town hall meetings shouting "communist?"

Communists once used the "progressive" label. That does not mean progressive=communist.
Except it wasn't solely in Russian History that Communists used that term to describe themselves. They made the term synonymous by taking it as their own.

I understand that current Liberals are trying to redefine the term, and they may be successful at it, but IMO they are using a term that is wholly what they are trying to avoid by changing from Liberal.

Your argument is retarded. "Progressive" has been used by many groups throughout history. It's one of those words that's vague enough so that just about anyone can use it. There have even been conservatives who have labeled themselves progressives, like the "Progressive Conservative" party in Canada.