Democrats Light Candles For Karl Marx

You'll have to tell me what that is. Not bone spurs is it???
Trump and Stern then returned to the discussion after speaking about single life and dating.

"Hey, so wait a second, get back to my question," Stern said. "Let's say you're with a hot chick, right? But you're so germ paranoid, and I'm germ paranoid, do you say to them, 'look you've got to go take a medical test before I do you.'"

"Well, you'd like to say that, and sometimes you do," added Trump. "The problem is that sometimes your own chemicals take over and you can't wait."

"So you'll just have straight intercourse with a rubber with them right?" Stern asked.

"Well, I don't know, you know there's lots of different ways of doing it. It's a very complicated subject. They say that more people were killed by women in this act than killed in Vietnam, OK," Trump said.

"Yes, that is true," replied Stern.

"You know, you get criticized for that statement, but that statement is very easily true," added Trump.

Stern responded, "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."[/I]
All you had to do was announce that you have never heard of "metaphors" and that you missed the English composition class in which you would have otherwise learned that you can compare and contrast anything.

But you did not and as a result, your post was stupid.
All you had to do was announce that you have never heard of "metaphors" and that you missed the English composition class in which you would have otherwise learned that you can compare and contrast anything.

But you did not and as a result, your post was stupid.

All you had to do was admit you are a flaming psycho with at least three socks on this forum from your fake forum, home of your manifesto.

Sure. Pictures are great.

What else is great is being able to compare and contrast things.
Agreed pictures are great and agreed on comparing and contrasting things like the overly huge size of a sock puppets signature and the very small size of their pee hose.

Agreed pictures are great and agreed on comparing and contrasting things like the overly huge size of a sock puppets signature and the very small size of their pee hose.
Clearly we have found something that brings you happiness. You enjoy talking about penis size. You should have spoken up long ago. Please continue. It will effectively shift the topic away from your inadequate grey matter and towards penis size which is what matters most on a message board.

You just couldn't stop thinking about Bubba, could you?

Clearly we have found something that brings you happiness. You enjoy talking about penis size. You should have spoken up long ago. Please continue. It will effectively shift the topic away from your inadequate grey matter and towards penis size which is what matters most on a message board.

You just couldn't stop thinking about Bubba, could you?


LOL. You're the one with the overcompensation issues, INT/IBDa/gfm/etc. People don't have to take my word for it, all they have to do is look at every post you make.

Your initial post is still stupid. You're right, it would be best for you to remain focused on my penis. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Thanks for your opinion. Your fake forum is laced with hundreds of examples of a mentally ill mind as anyone who views it can see for themselves:

You're intelligent, but mentally ill. Both Ted Bundy and Ted Kaczynski are examples of intelligent but severely mentally ill people.

Your anti-science arguments on this forum along with your overcompensation issues are further indicators of a mentally ill person. The penis-size joke is an example of over-compensation much like a middle-aged man divorcing (or being dumped by) his wife, dating women half his age and buying a large red sports car.
Compensation can manifest itself in a few different ways. Overcompensation occurs when people overachieve in one area to make up for shortcomings in another aspect of life.
In psychology, compensation is a strategy whereby one covers up, consciously or unconsciously, weaknesses, frustrations, desires, feelings of inadequacy or incompetence in one life area through the gratification or (drive towards) excellence in another area. Compensation can cover up either real or imagined deficiencies and personal or physical inferiority. The compensation strategy, however does not truly address the source of this inferiority.

as anyone who views it can see for themselves:
It is ever so important to remember your subject-verb agreement when you are attempting to insult someone because you risk taking the wind out of your sails if you forget.

Your anti-science arguments on this forum along with your overcompensation issues are further indicators of a mentally ill person.
To what anti-science arguments do you refer? ... and what happens when one gram of science argument collides with one gram of anti-science argument?

The penis-size joke is an example of over-compensation much like a middle-aged man divorcing (or being dumped by) his wife, dating women half his age and buying a large red sports car.
I'll give you a hint, all it takes is to be married for more than a couple of decades for insults about manhood to be completely meaningless. I know you think that I'm supposed to be insulted, offended and enraged to some extent ... but for me, those days are long gone. So if you derive any sort of happiness whatsoever by obsessing about my penis, by all means feel free to make yourself as happy as you can.
spawn of subhuman imbeciles

Excellent description of yourself, you worthless, cowardly piece of human excrement. Kill yourself. No one will notice. No one would care. The world would be a better place. ;)

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats
It is ever so important to remember your subject-verb agreement when you are attempting to insult someone because you risk taking the wind out of your sails if you forget.

To what anti-science arguments do you refer? ... and what happens when one gram of science argument collides with one gram of anti-science argument?

I'll give you a hint, all it takes is to be married for more than a couple of decades for insults about manhood to be completely meaningless. I know you think that I'm supposed to be insulted, offended and enraged to some extent ... but for me, those days are long gone. So if you derive any sort of happiness whatsoever by obsessing about my penis, by all means feel free to make yourself as happy as you can.

QED. Another terrific example of my point posted by you onto the Internet.

The fact remains we can each say whatever we like, but every time we do it's like adding a drop of color to a glass of water. Over time the water can change from clear to any coloration in the spectrum...and not always in a color that is easily seen. You can post your pseudoscience and bullshit manifestos along with oversized signatures and/or fonts, I can post my little memes. Over time what we post defines who we are to everyone person on the planet who cares to look. Hint: most people care as little about you and me as you do them.

IMO, if a person isn't happy, having fun and learning new things here then they are either doing it wrong, need a new hobby or are mentally ill. Mentally ill people can't change unless it's for the worse. Even though they vary in a range, they can't heal themselves and they won't be healed on message boards. They need to seek professional help for the sake of their families.
Excellent description of yourself, you worthless, cowardly piece of human excrement. Kill yourself. No one will notice. No one would care. The world would be a better place. ;)

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats

really honkey of the porch, maybe being low grade such as yourself explains why you are all alone. All you have done is changed your California porch for a Florida porch , but same old low grade porch honkey :)
The fact remains we can each say whatever we like, but every time we do it's like adding a drop of color to a glass of water.
That's deep ... like a glass of water.

Over time what we post defines who we are to everyone person on the planet who cares to look.
Nope. It might define some of my avatar but it will never define me. You might very well be a different story.

IMO, if a person isn't happy, having fun and learning new things here then they are either doing it wrong, need a new hobby or are mentally ill.
Your imagination seems limited.

btw, check your subject-verb agreement when you're defining yourself.


Mentally ill people can't change unless it's for the worse.
Is that like Climate? Even though they vary in geographical position and elevation, they can't undo the forcings or reverse the feedback loops, and it might already be too late!
That's deep ... like a glass of water.

Nope. It might define some of my avatar but it will never define me. You might very well be a different story.

Your imagination seems limited.

btw, check your subject-verb agreement when you're defining yourself.

Is that like Climate? Even though they vary in geographical position and elevation, they can't undo the forcings or reverse the feedback loops, and it might already be too late!
Disagreed. It's usual that someone like yourself cannot change or admit to error but that's fine.

Your posts define you because they are you; your thoughts, your writings, your concerns. You have thousands of posts on this forum as INT/IBDa/gfm/etc and another 100+ on your fake forum. The latter I find more revealing because it's pure you, uncensored and without worry about mods. You blabber on as long as you like unhindered. It's quite a record you are leaving on the Internet. Your manifesto. Awesome. :)

Clearly we have found something that brings you happiness. You enjoy talking about penis size. You should have spoken up long ago. Please continue. It will effectively shift the topic away from your inadequate grey matter and towards penis size which is what matters most on a message board.

You just couldn't stop thinking about Bubba, could you?

Too late. You already agreed.

Your posts define you because they are you;
My posts on this board have very little to do with me. I am defined by certain specific individuals in my life. This board is nothing more than a target-rich environment for me to ffukk with the likes of you.

You have thousands of posts on this forum as INT/IBDa/gfm/etc
... and you make it so easy to ffukk with you.

The latter I find more revealing because it's pure you, uncensored and without worry about mods.
Full disclosure: I created the board but it is not "pure me" by any stretch. I am providing a service by hosting information that anyone can quickly find and reference. I take requests. Send me a PM if there's something you'd like to see on there.

... but here on JPP, unfortunately I just have to ffukk with you.