Democrats Push Bill to Let Government Ignore Debt Limit


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The democrats want a blank check so they can bankrupt the country

Democrats have introduced a bicameral proposal to overhaul the debt ceiling process, leaning heavily into the recent default scare to push a bill that would essentially let Treasury ignore the debt cap and continue writing cheques with no limit.

The Debt Ceiling Reform Act, introduced jointly on Friday by Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), authorizes the Treasury Department to keep paying the government’s bills regardless of the statutory debt limit, unless Congress expressly says no.

Under the proposal, Congress would only be able halt payments on government debt if lawmakers in both chambers were to pass a veto-proof resolution of disapproval within 30 days of blowing through the debt cap.

“After a near catastrophic default thanks to political games by our Republican colleagues, it’s time to put the debt ceiling in the hands of the Treasury Secretary,” Durbin said in a statement.

Amid the months-long partisan battle over raising the nation’s $31.4 trillion debt ceiling, Republicans demanded spending cuts in exchange for their support, while Democrats pushed for a clean bill and blamed Republicans for holding the nation’s financial health hostage.

“This legislation is a sensible response to Republicans’ repeated hostage-taking, manufactured default crises, and toxic brinkmanship,” Boyle said in a statement, adding that this legislative proposal would “permanently take default off the table and provide the economic stability the American people deserve from their government.”

The proposal is similar to one put forward during the 2011 debt ceiling standoff by then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who said at the time that it was “not my first choice” but a better option than a default.
The democrats want a blank check so they can bankrupt the country

The Epoch Times

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Deal with the article not the source
The Epoch Times

Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as numerous failed fact checks.

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like a typical leftist who disregards facts they don't like, we all see you couldn't even be bothered because you don't like a source..................

try this one. bias seems more to your liking

In the wake of President Joe Biden and Congress just barely averting an economically catastrophic U.S. default, a pair of Democratic leaders on Friday introduced a bill intended to stop Republican lawmakers from holding the economy hostage again.

Contending that the recent crisis proves the current process "is broken and unsustainable," House Budget Committee Ranking Member Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.) and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) introduced the Debt Ceiling Reform Act.

Boyle and Durbin's move comes after Biden on Saturday signed the so-called Fiscal Responsibility Act—the debt ceiling compromise he negotiated with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)—just two days before the default deadline. The deal suspends the borrowing limit until 2025, after the next election cycle, but includes devstating concessions to the GOP.
like a typical leftist who disregards facts they don't like, we all see you couldn't even be bothered because you don't like a source..................

try this one. bias seems more to your liking

In the wake of President Joe Biden and Congress just barely averting an economically catastrophic U.S. default, a pair of Democratic leaders on Friday introduced a bill intended to stop Republican lawmakers from holding the economy hostage again.

Contending that the recent crisis proves the current process "is broken and unsustainable," House Budget Committee Ranking Member Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.) and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) introduced the Debt Ceiling Reform Act.

Boyle and Durbin's move comes after Biden on Saturday signed the so-called Fiscal Responsibility Act—the debt ceiling compromise he negotiated with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)—just two days before the default deadline. The deal suspends the borrowing limit until 2025, after the next election cycle, but includes devstating concessions to the GOP.

The House extremist crazies almost tanked the economy, and this is not the first time that this has happened.
The House extremist crazies almost tanked the economy, and this is not the first time that this has happened.

a similar bill was pushed in the 2020-2021 congress, but that's not the point of my post. you apparently aren't smart enough to see past the fact that you're as biased as evince, concart, and dutch

that should tell you the bottom barrel shit stain level of company you keep
a similar bill was pushed in the 2020-2021 congress, but that's not the point of my post. you apparently aren't smart enough to see past the fact that you're as biased as evince, concart, and dutch

that should tell you the bottom barrel shit stain level of company you keep
You mean they have a blank check. That is not a good thing

You really don’t know how anything works do you? Suspending the debt ceiling allows exactly zero more dollars of spending. Would you just pick up a fucking book and learn something?
It was Biden that almost tanked it because he refused to negotiate

The debt limit should not be used as a negotiation tool. It could cause severe damage to the economy if the Repubs stopped it. The Repubs used it. That was the problem. If they did not, Biden would not have to be concerned about it. Can you understand the people at fault are the ones who used it, not the ones who reacted to it? If the Reds were not so crazy, we could just eliminate the debt ceiling entirely. It is dangerous and has nothing to do with future spending. It is just paying out bills for things we have already done.
Your post is really nuts. The Dems refused to negotiate was the problem? Of course not. The first cause was the Reds using the debt ceiling like that. Think about it. If the Reds did not use it, Biden would not have to negotiate.
In 2003, 2005, and 2006 the democrats refused to raise the debt ceiling including Joe Biden forcing the republicans to do it themselves
In 2003, 2005, and 2006 the democrats refused to raise the debt ceiling including Joe Biden forcing the republicans to do it themselves

The Repubs had the votes to raise it. So there was no threat of default. When the Dems fought it, they made it clear they knew it was going to be elevated.
You really don’t know how anything works do you? Suspending the debt ceiling allows exactly zero more dollars of spending. Would you just pick up a fucking book and learn something?

There is no limit right now. The sky is the limit
The debt limit should not be used as a negotiation tool. It could cause severe damage to the economy if the Repubs stopped it. The Repubs used it. That was the problem. If they did not, Biden would not have to be concerned about it. Can you understand the people at fault are the ones who used it, not the ones who reacted to it? If the Reds were not so crazy, we could just eliminate the debt ceiling entirely. It is dangerous and has nothing to do with future spending. It is just paying out bills for things we have already done.
Your post is really nuts. The Dems refused to negotiate was the problem? Of course not. The first cause was the Reds using the debt ceiling like that. Think about it. If the Reds did not use it, Biden would not have to negotiate.

Biden refused to negotiate he did not care if there was a default