Democrats Push Bill to Let Government Ignore Debt Limit

There is no limit right now. The sky is the limit

Once again, please learn something. The debt ceiling has NOTHING to do with spending. Zero. It has to do with paying the bills we've already approved. Spending is limited not by the debt ceiling, but by the budget. Neither one has ANY impact on the other. Your lack of even a basic understanding of how government works disqualifies you from posting, or it should. Why are you not completely embarrased by your lack of knowledge about even the basics of government. It's shameful.
a similar bill was pushed in the 2020-2021 congress, but that's not the point of my post. you apparently aren't smart enough to see past the fact that you're as biased as evince, concart, and dutch

that should tell you the bottom barrel shit stain level of company you keep

Call out someone here that you do not consider biased. Politics is about bias. Conservative and Liberal ideals do not have to always conflict. They are not really opposites necessarily. Many things are of common interest, and finding those things are always good places to start when trying to legislate.

Politics is also about negotiating with some give and take, knowing that no one side should never get their way on everything. That is called statesmanship. That is also called leadership.

But to intentionally disagree for disagreement's sake, as if one party deliberately and intentionally takes an opposite stance on everything the other side stands for is totally moronic and only results in chaos.

Is it all one political party doing all the pie throwing and causing problems?- NO!

But in my biased opinion, I see the Republicans now as a party that are beyond negotiating anything. I don't even see them acting in a civilized manor anymore. They tend to start things, by dishing stuff out, and when the shoe comes around on the other foot, they can't handle the very same thing happening to them. It's either their way, or they are going to tear the whole house down!
Once again, please learn something. The debt ceiling has NOTHING to do with spending. Zero. It has to do with paying the bills we've already approved. Spending is limited not by the debt ceiling, but by the budget. Neither one has ANY impact on the other. Your lack of even a basic understanding of how government works disqualifies you from posting, or it should. Why are you not completely embarrased by your lack of knowledge about even the basics of government. It's shameful.

It limits how much you can spend
So it limits how much you can spend

No. What word did you have trouble understanding? I'll try to find a smaller one. The debt ceiling limits borrowing. The BUDGET limits spending. Those are two entirely different things. If you cannot even grasp that simple concept, just stop posting on the topic.
No. What word did you have trouble understanding? I'll try to find a smaller one. The debt ceiling limits borrowing. The BUDGET limits spending. Those are two entirely different things. If you cannot even grasp that simple concept, just stop posting on the topic.

If it limits what you can borrow then it limits what you can spend. Right now the only limit is time
If it limits what you can borrow then it limits what you can spend. Right now the only limit is time

So your complaint is that the budget limits spending but nothing else does.

You’re so fucking stupid you are actually making me laugh.
What elese does?

Nothing else. Having a debt ceiling does impact that at all. Are you confused by this simple principle? Really?

There is a mechanism in place to limit spending. It’s called the budget process. We are paying now for Trumps spending. You didn’t know that? Wow.
Nothing else. Having a debt ceiling does impact that at all. Are you confused by this simple principle? Really?

There is a mechanism in place to limit spending. It’s called the budget process. We are paying now for Trumps spending. You didn’t know that? Wow.

We are paying for democrats spending. The omnibus bill the Democrats passed is not a budget bill it is the Democrats not doing their job
We are paying for democrats spending. The omnibus bill the Democrats passed is not a budget bill it is the Democrats not doing their job

Simple question for you. If someone bought a five year treasury and it is due today, whose borrowing are we paying for? What’s the answer?
Dude just stop posting. The bill JUST PASSED on a bipartisan basis suspended the debt limit for two years you fucking idiot.

so you believe the bills introduced simultaneously in the House and the Senate by the Demmycrat leaders is ill timed and dangerous?.....