Democrats tip their hand for 2014

Big Money

New member
The Obama White House and Democrats plan to make raising the minimum wage a key 2014 issue -- both in Congress and in state ballot initiatives.
The Obama White House and Democrats plan to make raising the minimum wage a key 2014 issue -- both in Congress and in state ballot initiatives.

No surprise here; they like to appeal to the nations dimwits. They'll need the extra money to pay for their higher insurance premiums under Obamascare.
should resonate well with the voters, I'd think. Helps paint the GOP as the party of Scrooge.

Christmas is over.

This month's NBC/WSJ poll found 63% of Americans backing an effort to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 -- including 59% of independents and even 47% of Republicans and 45% of Tea Party supporters.

So if the GOP backs legislation to raise the minimum wage, what will the 'Crats have to run on?

should resonate well with the voters, I'd think.

Helps paint the GOP as the party of Scrooge.

It can only resonate with dunces like you who think caring is making yourself feel good while doing absolutely nothing for those you claim you care about.

But alas, you're a dunce who can't possibly begin to comprehend what I am talking about; you're too selfish and busy emoting to comprehend. Yes, you really are THAT stupid. But Obama and the DNC need clueless dunces like you to stay elected. After all, it isn't really about helping people, but political power.

Dismissed Cammander Dimwit.
Christmas is over.

This month's NBC/WSJ poll found 63% of Americans backing an effort to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 -- including 59% of independents and even 47% of Republicans and 45% of Tea Party supporters.

So if the GOP backs legislation to raise the minimum wage, what will the 'Crats have to run on?


This is a sad statistic; 63% of Americans are THAT stupid.
Christmas is over.

This month's NBC/WSJ poll found 63% of Americans backing an effort to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 -- including 59% of independents and even 47% of Republicans and 45% of Tea Party supporters.

So if the GOP backs legislation to raise the minimum wage, what will the 'Crats have to run on?


huge fucking "if".
It can only resonate with dunces like you who think caring is making yourself feel good while doing absolutely nothing for those you claim you care about.

But alas, you're a dunce who can't possibly begin to comprehend what I am talking about; you're too selfish and busy emoting to comprehend. Yes, you really are THAT stupid. But Obama and the DNC need clueless dunces like you to stay elected. After all, it isn't really about helping people, but political power.

Dismissed Cammander Dimwit.

how can you accuse me, or any other liberal or doing nothing for those we claim to care about?
When the only jobs available are minimum wage jobs...the minimum wage has to be raised. If the GOP votes to increase the MW, they'll lose a big part of their base, so their numbers will suffer at the polls.
Wait until the masses find out Obamacare isn't free...
Many already have. Only 1/3 of the people they called their "worst case scenario" in projections have signed up at this time. They're celebrating it as if it is a "victory" though because 1,000,000 sounds like a big number.
I "admitted" nothing of the kind.

I have always cared and my charity and work in communities is a testament to that caring.
Christmas is over.

This month's NBC/WSJ poll found 63% of Americans backing an effort to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 -- including 59% of independents and even 47% of Republicans and 45% of Tea Party supporters.

So if the GOP backs legislation to raise the minimum wage, what will the 'Crats have to run on?


huge fucking "if".

doncha think?
Christmas is over.

This month's NBC/WSJ poll found 63% of Americans backing an effort to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 -- including 59% of independents and even 47% of Republicans and 45% of Tea Party supporters.

So if the GOP backs legislation to raise the minimum wage, what will the 'Crats have to run on?


As Don Meredith used to say, "If if's and buts were candy and nuts, what a merry christmas you would have"
how can you accuse me, or any other liberal or doing nothing for those we claim to care about?

The reasons are way beyond your limited intelligence level; it is based on the FACT that you think turning citizens into dependent wards of the State improves their lives.

It is impossible to explain to low intelligence individuals like yourself who support BIG Government programs so that you can pat yourselves on your backs thinking that it proves that you care more than anyone else on the planet.

The Conservative/Constitutional argument suggests that individuals free from overbearing Big Government intrusion are best equipped to know what they need and want and can best achieve this through free markets and personal interactions. The founders of this great nation recognized that reality and purposefully designed a dysfunctional style of Governance intended to marginalize politicians and empower the people. Leftists like you are desirous to break that down based on arrogance and, much like Obama, find the Constitution an inconvenient nuisance to accomplishing your grand objectives to improve humanity and elevate it beyond the thuggery of unbridled capitalism.

Collective Centralized thinking has never made life better for ANY society in the history of man. Of course, you are free to prove that it has. I will wait for your data and evidence.

It takes an incredible arrogance typical of Despots, Dictators, Fascists and Leftist Marxists to presume that only THEY know what is best for society and therefore, THEY should be the “deciders” and “arbiters” of what is fair.
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