Democrats tip their hand for 2014

When the only jobs available are minimum wage jobs...the minimum wage has to be raised.

An incredible statement coming from what I presume to be an Obama voter; you must then ask yourself why is it that this economy is only churning out part time low wage jobs and not creating good paying meaningful jobs. The answer will lead you to the truth.

This sentence is the profound irony of electing an incompetent inexperienced partisan community organizer to the highest office in the world.

If the GOP votes to increase the MW, they'll lose a big part of their base, so their numbers will suffer at the polls.

Wrong; no one will really care because there are too many sheeple in America.

Everyone will once again pat themselves on each other’s backs declaring how much more they care than anyone else while accomplishing NOTHING that will improve the conditions of low wage earners. But heck, it makes you all feel good right? And after all, that's what's important here, not really solving anything.
Many Democrats seem to outsource their compassion to the government, which takes tax dollars from peoples' earnings by force of law, don't they?
An incredible statement coming from what I presume to be an Obama voter; you must then ask yourself why is it that this economy is only churning out part time low wage jobs and not creating good paying meaningful jobs. The answer will lead you to the truth.
Comparing Reagan/Bush/Bush 2.0 public sector hiring numbers, to the cuts to public sector due to massive funding cuts under Obama will lead you to the answer you seek. That, and the record high stock market, which grows every day that more jobs are cut. Why not question why there are no good paying jobs in this country, when corporations are holding record amounts of cash?

This sentence is the profound irony of electing an incompetent inexperienced partisan community organizer to the highest office in the world.
He wasn't a community organizer, but you're right about Bush.
it's that old figurative versus literal bugaboo again for big phony.... I've told him a thousand times how silly it makes him seem.
Comparing Reagan/Bush/Bush 2.0 public sector hiring numbers, to the cuts to public sector due to massive funding cuts under Obama will lead you to the answer you seek.

I am amused that you think that it is public sector hiring that increases high wage employment; but you would be dead wrong.
Federal employment is higher today than at any time during the Bush administration. What cuts?

Why are there only part time jobs and low wage jobs in this malaise of a recovery? Didn’t Obama pass a massive $850 billion spending plan guaranteed to create high paying jobs? Where are they?

That, and the record high stock market, which grows every day that more jobs are cut.

Thank Obama and QEIII for this increase. Obama’s policies have done more to create a vast chasm between the rich and poor than any previous President.

Why not question why there are no good paying jobs in this country, when corporations are holding record amounts of cash?

It’s not that you question why there are no good paying jobs, it is the lack of logic as to why. You don’t believe that Obama’s class envy policies and his signature Obamacare legislation have anything to do with this. I am suggesting that it has a LOT to do with it.

Corporations don’t make money by holding onto cash. They make it by investing; but because of the economic malaise that is part of Obama’s policies, there is no reason to invest it when no one is spending.

If the only jobs being created are low wage and part time, how do businesses invest in and anticipate more business when no one is spending?

He wasn't a community organizer, but you're right about Bush.

Yes, he was; even he admitted so himself.

Chicago – Barack Obama often cites his time as a community organizer here in Chicago as one of the experiences that qualify him to hold the nation’s highest office. “I can bring this country together,” he said in a debate last February. “I have a track record, starting from the days I moved to Chicago as a community organizer.

Once again you are illustrative of an uninformed clueless dishonest liberal wallowing in ignorance and denial.
Many Democrats seem to outsource their compassion to the government, which takes tax dollars from peoples' earnings by force of law, don't they?
No, we just realize that there is no way that private charity can take care of our national poverty and health care issues. Democrats live in the real world, which is astonishingly unpopular with those who do not.