Dems call Trump an Orangutan. Should repubs call Obama a Monkey?

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
You hear it on national tv all the time. Trump is referred to as the Orange Orangutan!

Well - If it's sauce for the goose, it's sauce for the gander.

From now on, the kenyan is a monkey and so is his tranny "wife" Big Mike.
You hear it on national tv all the time. Trump is referred to as the Orange Orangutan!

Well - If it's sauce for the goose, it's sauce for the gander.

From now on, the kenyan is a monkey and so is his tranny "wife" Big Mike.

What insulting names has Obama called other people?

As opposed to Trump who calls everyone insulting names?

IOW, Trump deserves whatever names he gets called.

Obama does not.

So your answer is no.

Anymore stupid questions?
I've never heard anyone ever call Trump an orangutan!

Are you sure they didn't say he had an orange tan?

Because he does have that! Just look at this idiot! :whoa:

Looks like he has been down in the wet sand bobbing for turtle eggs or something! :laugh:

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Text is digging in his trash barrel for something disgusting to thread about. Trump is guilty of name-calling at a level no adult ever wanted to reach before.He thinks calling people names is a great idea and he brags about the low-level names he comes up with.
Text is digging in his trash barrel for something disgusting to thread about. Trump is guilty of name-calling at a level no adult ever wanted to reach before.He thinks calling people names is a great idea and he brags about the low-level names he comes up with.

Changing the subject. Address the issue, you miserable tranny.
You hear it on national tv all the time. Trump is referred to as the Orange Orangutan!

Well - If it's sauce for the goose, it's sauce for the gander.

From now on, the kenyan is a monkey and so is his tranny "wife" Big Mike.

What a unique and imaginative new idea, TDAK--right wing trash insulting Obama!
I think you may have come up with something there.
I've never heard anyone ever call Trump an orangutan!

Are you sure they didn't say he had an orange tan?

Because he does have that! Just look at this idiot! :whoa:

Looks like he has been down in the wet sand bobbing for turtle eggs or something! :laugh:


Bill Maher got sued and lost by some statement about Trump and an Orangutan.Is the origin of this.
Very insulting!!! To orangutans!
In all honesty, I've been calling Trump an orangutan since he came down the escalator.

I like to choose words carefully and call things what they actually are, after all.

Trump is an orangutan.
His followers are trumpanzees.
Text called Obama many names and insulted him by race repeatedly. Text i sa disgusting bigot. he also said terrible things about Michelle. he is back at it. What a low-level creep.

A large portion of Twitter is deeply confused about civility, generosity of spirit, charity, benefit of the doubt and other antique ideas. They don’t understand how powerful they are when you need to make progress. They instead think that they are for the weak or some irrelevant anachronistic etiquette.

Not everyone deserves them…but most of us do.

But even if you LOVE FIGHTING things out, you get better fights if there are rules and referees. UFC would not exist if it were anything goes. Only lunatics would go for eye gouging and permanent disfigurement.

Civility means many things. Better fights among them. The trolls and harassment are cheating us of the conflicts we want most want to see. Think about it.
Obama is articulate for a black man, per Biden, but his wife-man certainly does resemble a fierce baboon.

Amazing that you can pack racism and misogyny in one sentence. Good job, 'Nora'.

Call Obama whatever you want. I doubt he gives a fuck about a scumbag like you.
Text called Obama many names and insulted him by race repeatedly. Text i sa disgusting bigot. he also said terrible things about Michelle. he is back at it. What a low-level creep.

Nothing wrong with me insulting the Kenyan and Big Mike. That's part of politics. You libs call trump every name in the book.
Actually, since obozo is so skinny, he looks more like one of those bonobo chimps. Big Mike is a gorilla. What a massive build that freak has. You'd have to be crazy to think that creature is a woman.