Dems need to start emphasizing SCOTUS


Verified User
This is such a huge part of this election. And SCOTUS impacts our lives more than any other institution.

We have a radical right-wing court right now. Giving a Republican President a chance to expand on that majority is something America needs to avoid at all costs.

The court doesn't even come close to representing the majority of Americans right now. It needs more balance, and voters will have a chance to address that in November.
not to worry......your left wing radical justices are young......they can hang on through Trump's 4 more years and Vance's two terms........maybe.....
This is such a huge part of this election. And SCOTUS impacts our lives more than any other institution.

We have a radical right-wing court right now. Giving a Republican President a chance to expand on that majority is something America needs to avoid at all costs.

The court doesn't even come close to representing the majority of Americans right now. It needs more balance, and voters will have a chance to address that in November.
Trump will be elected and when he does we will gain TWO MORE. Young too so they will be in a longggggggg time.

SCOTUS has been successfully threatened...I dont expect them to get in the way of the Revolution except for a little bit for show.
Trump will be elected and when he does we will gain TWO MORE. Young too so they will be in a longggggggg time.


Well, this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about, Stone. I truly hope Republicans start talking about this more, as well. I don't think most Americans think about it going into an election, but since the court is already way to the right of mainstream America, it could certainly tilt the election if they're aware of the ramifications.

The guillotine is about to drop on free speech. You don’t want to vote for Donald Trump because you have issues with his views on IVF? You’re not voting for him because he insulted your favorite candidate during the primary? Well, get over it. This fight is bigger than you and you won’t have a second chance. This is endgame.


Its already too late.....freedom lost.
Trump will be elected and when he does we will gain TWO MORE. Young too so they will be in a longggggggg time.

A Federal law enforcement agent has just told me that the New York State National Guard
has started staging guardsmen in hotels around the NYC courthouse where President Trump is going to be sentenced on September 18th, as they are expecting that Trump will be taken in to custody and sent directly to Rikers Island by Judge Juan Merchan. Source says the National Guard is being staged there because the Mayor of NYC
and the Governor of New York
both believe the police unions are preparing to stage a mass “out sick” day in support of President Trump on September 18th because none of the officers want to be involved in the persecution of Donald Trump.
A Federal law enforcement agent has just told me that the New York State National Guard
has started staging guardsmen in hotels around the NYC courthouse where President Trump is going to be sentenced on September 18th, as they are expecting that Trump will be taken in to custody and sent directly to Rikers Island by Judge Juan Merchan. Source says the National Guard is being staged there because the Mayor of NYC
and the Governor of New York
both believe the police unions are preparing to stage a mass “out sick” day in support of President Trump on September 18th because none of the officers want to be involved in the persecution of Donald Trump.
dude....the appeals process STARTS the day he gets sentenced........he doesn't get "sent directly" anywhere......
This is such a huge part of this election. And SCOTUS impacts our lives more than any other institution.

We have a radical right-wing court right now. Giving a Republican President a chance to expand on that majority is something America needs to avoid at all costs.

The court doesn't even come close to representing the majority of Americans right now. It needs more balance, and voters will have a chance to address that in November.
What do you suggest they tell the public their strategy is?

Court packing? Making the court say 15 justices would add 6 radical Leftists. That'd ensure they always decide in favor of the most radical Leftist insanity...
"Investigating" and then impeaching current justices?
How about term limits and making them ex post facto?

So, what do you suggest?
What do you suggest they tell the public their strategy is?

Court packing? Making the court say 15 justices would add 6 radical Leftists. That'd ensure they always decide in favor of the most radical Leftist insanity...
"Investigating" and then impeaching current justices?
How about term limits and making them ex post facto?

So, what do you suggest?

Pretty simple. Elect a Democrat, so that if there are vacancies, they can be filled by a Democrat.

Not sure why you made it so complicated.
This is such a huge part of this election. And SCOTUS impacts our lives more than any other institution.

We have a radical right-wing court right now. Giving a Republican President a chance to expand on that majority is something America needs to avoid at all costs.

The court doesn't even come close to representing the majority of Americans right now. It needs more balance, and voters will have a chance to address that in November.
The fuckwit pigfucking orangutan, Donald Trump, with the help of fellow fuckwit Mitch McConnell, already fucked up the
nation's judicial system in just one term. It's a fucking dumpster fire.

When the judicial system is fucked up, that means that there's no longer any legal way to fix it.
President Harris is going to have to do what President Biden didn't have the stones to do--make some people disappear.
Saving the nation absolutely depends on it.

Or we could give pigfucker Trump an opportunity to fuck up just about EVERY OTHER aspect of human life with a second term.

We have participants on this forum who really, really want that,
and they're out loose on their own, not in asylums or prisons.
We have a radical right-wing court right now.

The court doesn't even come close to representing the majority of Americans right now. It needs more balance, and voters will have a chance to address that in November.
1. No, it isn't.
2. the court isn't there to represent the majority of Americans. That is probably the most foolish and idiotic notion that leftists have regarding the judiciary. The courts are there to keep the legislative and executive branches from overreaching their constitutional limits and safeguard individual liberties. end of story.