Dems to Bail Out Buggy Whip Makers

Well only because you are not effected by the market collapse, the only thing that can increase or decrease your business is the amount of environmental regulation and we all know government does nothing but continually add more and more regulations, especially where the environment is concerned.

If people were really concerned more about the environment, hybrids sales should be doing better than regular cars, they are not concerned when they are given a free choice.

OK....well that made a lot of sense (not). You really don't know as much about this field as you think, do you?

Actually the environmental field is an index of manufacturing. Manufacturers still produce waste, much of it hazardous and contrary to your way of thinking, regulating the management of hazardous waste is a pretty good thing. With that being the case our business is increasing because there have been increases in manufacturing and contstruction in areas other than automobiles, housing which are the two market segments most greatly impacted by the financial crisis.

You're understanding of the environmental field is of some college kid chaining them self to a tree on order to save a spotted owl or in other words, you really don't know shit about the environmental field.
OK....well that made a lot of sense (not). You really don't know as much about this field as you think, do you?

Actually the environmental field is an index of manufacturing. Manufacturers still produce waste, much of it hazardous and contrary to your way of thinking, regulating the management of hazardous waste is a pretty good thing. With that being the case our business is increasing because there have been increases in manufacturing and contstruction in areas other than automobiles, housing which are the two market segments most greatly impacted by the financial crisis.

You're understanding of the environmental field is of some college kid chaining them self to a tree on order to save a spotted owl or in other words, you really don't know shit about the environmental field.
Increases that ultimately come from more business having to deal with government regulation, your explanation only implictly validates what I said. Just please don't try and sell this BS about consumers wanting more green products when the price of oil is low and in a poor economy people are looking to save money foremost.
We both know green products are more expensive and we both know government environmental regulations just keep increasing.
Increases that ultimately come from more business having to deal with government regulation, your explanation only implictly validates what I said. Just please don't try and sell this BS about consumers wanting more green products when the price of oil is low and in a poor economy people are looking to save money foremost.
We both know green products are more expensive and we both know government environmental regulations just keep increasing.

You're an idiot! most of the environmental business is based on services and not green products. I mean what the hell is a green product? One mans greein is anothers brown;

Besides, you automatically pose a false premis that any regulation is bad regultion. Can you honestly say you want to go back to the pre EPA non-regulated days when rivers caught on fire, fish kills were common place, bald eagles virged on extinction, big cities were covered in smog or stunk to high heaven and companies were allowed to dump hazardous waste in non-regulated landfills and developers were allowed to build housing developments on top of them?

You don't know shit about the environmental business or the people who work in them.
Newspapers aren't going to be bailed out. I'm a total believer that newspapers should die a painful death. I've dealt with so much of the management's stupidity in my time to make me want to hurt people. Newspapers are run by men stuck in the 70s who are old and grey and don't understand the internets and they refuse to listen to the young punks who have a good grasp of new media and know how to utilize it. So they're dying, and they deserve to.

Actually, in some cases, you are completely wrong. Gannett just paid for a massive survey, to get analysis on the market, and specifically for our products. What they found was, we connect with over 1 million per week in our region. It's like 80% who are in contact with our products at some point. The Gannett corporation is huge, it owns, as well as USA Today, but the survey was primarily focused on print media within our region and our products. It showed the 'online' trend for 18-24 and 25-39 demographics increasing over previous years, and the seniors still mostly reading the paper, but our readership was more than double the online, even in the 18-24 group. So, people still turn to the newspaper for a variety of things.

One of our 'bedroom community' satellite papers, nearly doubled readership over the past year, and that is almost unheard of in the newspaper business these days. Our main paper was down, but not nearly as bad as some others, and way above company average. Also, our consumer satisfaction rating is through the roof. We averaged like a 4.5 out of a possible 5, and for ANY survey, that's damn good.
Dixie, if you want to argue the newspaper industry isn't dying you're just plain wrong. I don't know anything about how circulation numbers are doing in Alabama, but everywhere in the country that matters papers are closing down and journalists are out of work.
Dixie, if you want to argue the newspaper industry isn't dying you're just plain wrong. I don't know anything about how circulation numbers are doing in Alabama, but everywhere in the country that matters papers are closing down and journalists are out of work.

Oh, I agree, the industry as a whole, is hurting. Much of it to do with the Internet, and changes in how people get their information.... but also, partly due to the recent trend with publications like NY Times, which have become mouthpieces for the liberal cause, and have lost all credibility with their readership.

I was merely pointing out, that isn't the case with ALL papers. Our company happens to be ahead of the curve in many areas, including online information. Our 'small town' markets are actually growing in readership of our papers, so the doom-and-gloom stories you may hear about the newspaper business, are not always true. But I admit, it is a business sector which is hurting, it was hurting before the economy tanked, and it's hurting even worse now. Even though Gannett is optimistic with the survey results I posted, we still had a second quarter of mandatory 1-week furloughs for every employee. It sucks less than getting laid off, but for myself, I just take vacation.
It has nothing to do with liberals in the media, Dixie.

Hyper-local content is one of the methods of turning revenue in print, but that doesn't make it particularly valuable journalism.